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Today is Monday (Inauguration Day) January 20, 2025

Tank Here,

Wow, wasn't that "Incredible," "More than Special," "Event".  Me and Moose really wanted to attend but again neither of us drive.  Besides, I would have to pack all my "Stuffy's" and "Bones".  It's ok, Ron and Cara watched the "Inauguration" on TV.  We got to watch the entire show.  It was great, except Moose fell asleep, then began to snore.  I had to wake him up - he was loud.

I have to hand-it-to Moose, he is researching some good stuff.  He found an article in the "Grok," we thought we would share - It's about "Session" in the New Hampshire State House on January 17, 2025.

Author:  Carol McGuire

This week, my committee started with orientation, getting presentations from the JLCAR staff on the administrative rules process; from the retirement system on pensions; and the OPLC (Office of Professional Licensure and Certification) on licensing and board operations. This was good background information for the new members and reminders for the experienced ones.

We also started holding public hearings on our bills. HB 271, eliminating a test to qualify for a license as an social work associate, had looked very simple on just reading the bill, eliminating a barrier to licensure and so to employment. Not so; apparently this associate license was created in 2021, the rules adopted in 2024, and one person has qualified for the license to date. The community mental health centers employ people who work within the associate’s scope of practice, and regularly bill Medicaid for their services, with or without a license! These centers have a waiver from Medicaid to do so; the issue of the license is to allow them to bill private insurance, which in this case typically requires a license. Other employers (hospitals, for one) would also like to be able to bill specifically for these services, for both private insurance and Medicaid.

So the employers want the bill to pass, but the professional association is split: some in favor of getting more people into the profession, others with concerns about lowering standards. So I sent the bill to subcommittee to fight it out.

HB 267, on animal chiropractors, was a slightly revised version of a bill from last year, which had passed the House and Senate but was vetoed by the Governor. The revision was to clarify that only qualified veterinarians and chiropractors who had taken animal chiropractic training would be allowed the exemption from licensing. With support from the Humane Society and no opposition, I expect it to pass the committee. (I’d forgotten the new rule about posting executive sessions, so we couldn’t vote on it immediately.)

HB 85, my bill creating a temporary student license for respiratory therapists, had a few questions but no opposition.

HB 82, a collection of minor statutory corrections in the licensing statutes, was a collection of cleanup language that had been presented last year in bills that had been killed for other reasons (for example, we decided not to combine the landscape architects with the architects, but we lost the statutory cleanup when we killed the bill.) People from several professions mentioned in the bill testified their concern about changes, and I had an amendment with a minor fix that I’d forgotten when drafting the bill. It’s going to subcommittee for a thorough combing.

I plan to hold more public hearings over the next two weeks and expect a session day on February 6.

Well that's about it for today's blog -

Remember if you have a question about this Bill or that Bill or you want to know just what's happening at the New Hampshire State House - reach out and get in touch with Ron - as Ron always says

Let’s Get It “Dunn” Together,

Ron Dunn

Got questions:

Call 781-640-1006


Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-
lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the
latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Today is Wednesday January 15, 2025
Tank Here,

It's "Five Day's" before President Elect Donald J Trump well be the President of "The United States".  Moose and Me are so excited we stopped chewing on our bones.  The "Big Day" is January 20th.  Which is also the last day of Joe Biden..................................  We're so excited - how about you???  Let us know......

If one of your "New Year's Resolutions" was to "Exercise," Me and Moose want to know how you're doing???  Let us know..... We've been following our "Exercise" schedule - at least I've been following it - Moose has yet to complete his list - I know because one of my "Resolutions" is to keep an eye on him. 

I've changed the the name of my "Stuffy, Fly-By," to all encompassing "CAPTAIN Fly-By".  What do you think???  And of course he has a "Squad of Stuffy's" - "Major Runny Nose," Private Chew," "Squeak No More," and lastly, (but the year is young) - "Lefty, The Right Stuff".  Together they keep Moose and Me busy - saving "Damsels" in distress - going where no "Stuffy" has gone before.  Stay tuned for episodes of "Romance," "Adventure," and "Drama".

Moose went to the photographer the other day - what do you think???  Let us know - Personally, I think he looks like he's saying "What," you want to put that where?  Or "Wow," that was easy.  What do you think he's saying???

Well that's about it for today's blog -

Remember if you have a question about this Bill or that Bill or you want to know just what's happening at the New Hampshire State House - reach out and get in touch with Ron - as Ron always says

Let’s Get It “Dunn” Together,

Ron Dunn

Got questions:

Call 781-640-1006


Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-
lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the
latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.



Today is Sunday January 12, 2025

Tank Here,

Is anyone going to Donald Trump's "Inauguration," this January 20th???  Me and Moose would go but neither of us drive - besides we would miss out on "Dinner". 

And yes, I'm still in Ron's "Favorite Chair".  It really helps when one is "Contemplating the Future".  

Moose and me found an article with Ron talking about Londonderry Taxes and thought we would share -

Source: Union Leader

Budget talks begin in Londonderry; Leach Library ask tops a million


Londonderry officials are starting to discuss the town’s budget for Fiscal Year 2026.

A first budget hearing was held Dec. 16, with numbers presented for what the town might spend along with a long list of potential warrant articles that could come before voters at the polls in March.

The total proposed general fund town operating budget at the Dec. 16 public hearing was $44.4 million, but that will change as more tweaks are made. In March 2024, voters approved $45.8 million for the town’s operating budget.

Councilor Ron Dunn said he has heard concerns from the community, including tax bills and what the budget could mean for their wallets.

The Leach Library requested a budget over the million-dollar mark and had discussion aimed its way in past weeks when it comes to the spending plan.

Library Trustee Nancy Hendricks spoke at the recent hearing, saying library officials were satisfied with the number they brought forward.

“It’s a very challenging budget season,” Hendricks said, adding the number had to reflect the needs of the library and make sure services the community expected were maintained.

“The budget presented to you is as lean as a budget can get,” Hendricks added. “No fluff, nothing lofty.”

Town Finance Director Justin Campo reminded everyone that the budget document and warrant article list presented at the Dec. 16 hearing was a draft and things could change.

“But we wanted to get something out there to show what it would look like,” Campo said.

Making tax rate calculations based on whether certain articles or budget numbers are approved are also still in the early stages.

In addition to the operating budget, warrant articles on the list include some of the annual requests — asking voters to support adding money to existing capital reserve funds for fire equipment, cable and recreation.

Other proposed articles not officially approved yet ask voters to approve additional staff for the Leach Library’s children’s room, an additional police officer to handle traffic duty, money for police body worn cameras and several collective bargaining agreements.

Expansion plans for Pillsbury Cemetery also makes the list again this year, asking residents to approve $75,000 for its reserve fund.

A second budget hearing is set for Jan. 20, with the annual town deliberative session set for Saturday, Feb. 8 at 9 a.m. at the Londonderry High School cafe.

Voters will head to the polls on Tuesday, March 11 to approve budgets and warrant articles and choose elected officials.

Some residents spoke out at the recent hearing, saying there was money to be saved.

That led to town councilors saying they wanted to find savings in the operating budget. It would be up to department heads to find savings.

“It says something to the community that we are willing to do something,” said Town Councilor Shawn Faber at the recent hearing.


Well that's about it for today's blog -

Remember if you have a question about this Bill or that Bill or you want to know just what's happening at the New Hampshire State House - reach out and get in touch with Ron - as Ron always says

Let’s Get It “Dunn” Together,

Ron Dunn

Got questions:

Call 781-640-1006


Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-
lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the
latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.



Today is Saturday January 11, 2025

Tank Here,

I really like "Ron's Chair".  It just fits my body size - too bad I have to share-it.  Not true - I "Love Ron" - I would share my dog bones and my favorite "Stuffy, Fly-By" with him. 

So, Me and Moose went for a walk the other day in the backyard, just to check things out - you know, like being "Manly Dogs" and we found some areas near the fence where "Wild Critters" have been trying to get at the "Chickens".  We were wondering what "Old Mister Rooster" was crowing about the other night.  He has a distinct crow - it starts out like an old "Lawn Mower," -  then  he get's into a couple of loud "Base Notes," - and ends with the all to familiar "Rooster Crow".  It doesn't scare Moose or Me - besides what the heck is he saying???  When he crows it's "Three O'clock" in the morning - I'm trying to sleep............."Chickens".............................go figure

Yesterday's blog we were talking about New Hampshire State House and what happened on January 8th, the first day of "Session".  Below is the ending of the article - If you have not read the first half - just scroll down to yesterday's blog


So, Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (1/8/25)? (Part 2 of 2)

We learned that Rule 20 was changed with a vote of 211Y-170N to allow for easier special ordering of bills.  That way we only need a simple majority instead of 3/5 of the House to change when bills on the House agenda could be voted on.  This was the way it used to be done. Sometimes we want to have a bill scheduled for later in the day to be voted on earlier or vice versa.  Remember this jingle? “Hold the pickles hold the lettuce, special orders don’t upset us…” well special orders won’t upset the NH House!

We also learned that change to House rule 39 (e) was passed on a voice vote and that will allow bill sponsors to withdraw their bill from a committee so long as a time and date of a hearing for it has not been published. The request for withdrawal would also appear on the consent calendar.  Sometimes a bill sponsor might want to not waste a committee’s time with a bill that they feel isn’t complete or was duplicated somewhere else.  This will save some time in committees.

There was also a change to Rule 36(e) that we learned was very unpopular.  It died 83Y-295N and was meant to limit House members to filing only 1 bill in the second year of the legislative session. They could file more bills if they could find more than 6 people to co-sponsor each bill. Looks like restraint from filing bills will still be left self-imposed. 

We additionally learned that change to House Rule 33 died via voice vote and would have vacated all committee chairs and vice chairs and put the committees in charge of electing a chair and vice chair.  I can’t even imagine the pandemonium that one would have caused!

We learned that change to House rule 47(f) died 186Y-193N.  This change would have removed the ability for the Committee Chairman to waive a bill’s referral to their committee without a vote of the full committee.  This is usually for bills going to a second committee.  Sometimes a committee chair needs to be able to move a bill along without an unnecessary stop in the second committee.  I think our Finance Chair appreciated the demise of this rule change.

Finally, we learned that Rep. Read (D-Newmarket) presented the House with 6 Rule changes and all of them failed. Amending House rule 100, which would have had committee chairs who impose testimony time limits in hearings must do so uniformly, died 177Y-205N.  She also tried to amend House rule 44(a) changing notice of House hearings from 3 days to 10 days and that died 73Y-308N (even her own caucus hated that one!).  Rep. Read also tried to change House rule 52 which would lower the number of members required to remove a bill from the consent calendar from 10 to 3, and that died 182Y-202N.  Her attempt to change House rule 100 (q) to make it so that Committee Chairs could not edit a committee report except for spelling and grammar, failed 173Y-208N.  Then she tried to change a General House rule to effectively dictate that a leading member of a committee would be referred to as “Chair” be they male or female.  That genderless proposal died 175Y-208N.  Why are these people so pre-occupied with sex?  Finally, Rep. Read, our resident Satanist, who during the holiday season assisted in placing the Satanic idol on the House Common alongside the creche and Christmas tree, and subsequent menorah, tried to pass a House rule change to 58(a) 1 removing the standard prayer/invocation at the beginning of House session with a “reflection”.  That proposal which didn’t have a prayer, died 160Y-222N.

So kids… that’s it for today.  With the rules that passed today, our upcoming House sessions and committee work should be productive!  We’ve got some great bills in the pipeline that we intend to pass, and some other not so great (and at times boneheaded) ones that we will dispose of. Stay Tuned!

Well that's about it for today's blog -

Remember if you have a question about this Bill or that Bill or you want to know just what's happening at the New Hampshire State House - reach out and get in touch with Ron - as Ron always says

Let’s Get It “Dunn” Together,

Ron Dunn

Got questions:

Call 781-640-1006


Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-
lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the
latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


Today is Friday January 10, 2025

Tank Here,

I'm still in my "Thinking Mode".  Can you tell??? In the picture to the left, I'm on Ron's "Favorite Chair," and "Thinking" about "Session" - and wondering what would anyone do if Ron brought me into the New Hampshire State House???  I bet they would love it.  What do you think??? Let us know, mark the message Tank & Moose - 

So, talking about the State House - let's see what went on:

Source: Grok New Hampshire

So, Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (1/8/25)? (Part 1 of 2)

Today we learned that the first year of the 169th General Court is up and running.  Committee assignments have been made, members have been seated, bills have been submitted, and the House today adopted a bunch of new House Rules and voted down a bunch of others.   Oh, and new license plates were issued to House members too!

We also learned that today was Convening Day in the NH House. We had a short joint session to start things off.  Secretary of State David Scanlan came to read the certified election results for Governor and Executive Council as well as our Federal delegation seats, and our Sergeant-at-Arms, JB Cullen was sworn in.  After that, we tackled 22 rule changes.

We learned that after passing mundane things like the House deadline schedule (Rule 66) and how the clerk will distribute bill copies (Rule 43) via voice vote, we got down to more serious business.  

We learned that the House killed 2 attempts at making rules regarding a Committee’s subpoena power (Rule 28).  One died 150Y-229N and another died with a vote of 83Y-299N.  Both sought different measures to create a subpoena process that would compel requested individuals to come testify before a committee.  Apparently, this issue has come up because of the failure of some State Agency heads to show up and/or answer questions asked of them by committees when committees are trying to solve problems via legislation. The Majority felt that Mason’s Rules, which we live by in the House, already provides the mechanisms for subpoena power.  Others felt that more is needed.  One of the problems too, is that even if someone is hauled into a committee and questioned, would they provide the answers being sought or simply say, “I don’t know”.   In any case, both rule change attempts seemed to have fallen short of a complete remedy to this problem  and the House fell back on what is offered in Mason’s Rules.

We learned that despite efforts to bring dress decorum to the House, changes to Rule 2 did not happen.  The first attempt at new wording which sought proper business attire be worn in the House Chambers AND in committee meetings was Tabled via Voice Vote.  A second attempt which was just seeking proper business attire in the House Chambers was killed 183Y-196N.  Now, no one was calling for the fashion police to show up… but let’s face it, we’ve seen enough  horribly unprofessional clothes being worn in the House to make it truly embarrassing.   OK… we can deal with clean looking jeans and a suit jacket with shirt and tie and we’ll even forgive the sneakers… but do we really need to see tee shirts with questionable sayings on them and sweat pants being worn by people who are supposed to be representing YOU the public?  So, now we do not have a dress code for the House… which is a real shame. People just couldn’t bring themselves to define or accept “proper business attire”.  Maybe I ought to feature “worst dressed of the week” in subsequent columns to show you what I mean.

We also learned that the most controversial rule change was House Rule 44, 45 and 52.  This rule was all about tabling bills in committee and not allowing them a hearing.  State Reps got tons of emails from both sides of the aisle saying that this was not how NH should do legislative business.  People said that every bill deserves a hearing… even the hair-brained ones…. At least we’d learn how hair-brained they are!  Perhaps this was meant as a way to clear out some “time-wasting” bills from committee work, but at the end of the day the rule change was Tabled via voice vote.   How ironic that the Tabling Rule was Tabled.

Additionally, we learned that Rule 44(b) was changed to remove the requirement for a committee chair to provide notice in the House calendar for Executive sessions.  The old rule required at least 2 days notice and also required a specific date and time for exec’ing a bill.  That rule change passed 199Y-181N. Opponents claimed that the public would not know when a bill would be voted on in committee, but supporters said this will make committee work go a little bit faster by not having to schedule date and time specific votes and that this was traditionally how things were done in the past. 

We learned that a voice vote passed the change to House Rule 46 (c)  which said that if a bill comes to the House without a committee recommendation, that the committee chair could offer the motion of OTP or ITL on the bill when it comes up for a House vote, instead of it just starting out automatically with an OTP motion.  

We learned that a change to Rule 64 passed with a roll called vote 216Y-164N.  This change  allowed an exception to the rule so that if a deadly weapon was displayed accidentally that no rule would be considered broken.  Of course, our resident hoplophobe, Rep. David Meuse (D-Portsmouth), had his own version of a rule change for Rule 64, which would have banned firearms from the House chamber, anterooms, gallery and cloakrooms.  That was shot down via roll call vote of 154Y-227N. 


Well that's about it for today's blog -

Remember if you have a question about this Bill or that Bill or you want to know just what's happening at the New Hampshire State House - reach out and get in touch with Ron - as Ron always says

Let’s Get It “Dunn” Together,

Ron Dunn

Got questions:

Call 781-640-1006


Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-
lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the
latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.




Today is Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Tank Here,

I've been thinking, since January 1st, Me and Moose have been holding meetings in "Headquarters," planning for the next "Big Move" by Ron - whatever that may be - we need to be ready for it.  Like this, today is the "Big Day" for all Representatives in New Hampshire to be at the State House.  Why, you might ask, well, it's the first day of "Session" for them.   

"Session," by the "Apple Dictionary," say's "Session" is a noun - "1) a meeting of a deliberative or judicial body to conduct its business: the governor called this week's special session to reconsider the decision". 

So today is - what Me and Moose call, a "Big Day". Did you know, sometimes these meetings go many hours - I've heard rumors they can last "Ten" or more hours - no problem here, "Ron Loves 'em".

Well that's about it for today's blog -

Remember if you have a question about this Bill or that Bill or you want to know just what's happening at the New Hampshire State House - reach out and get in touch with Ron - as Ron always says

Let’s Get It “Dunn” Together,

Ron Dunn

Got questions:

Call 781-640-1006


Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-
lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the
latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.



Today is Tuesday, January 7,2025

Tank Here,

You can see I'm still holding onto "My Rebounder" - still doing my bouncing.  Moose tried it (it would be better to say he walked over it). It's too early to tell if I lost any weight, but I'm firming-up.  

Well today is the Seventh of January, the "Day after the Twelfth Day of Christmas".  Which means Christmas is over.  Have you taken down your "Christmas Tree" and the "Decorations Outside"???  It's so difficult to do this - Moose and Me want "Christmas All Year Long".  Not so much the snow - don't get me wrong, we like the snow, it's just, we don't have boots and the winter gear - except I have my winter "Car Coat" - which really works to keep me warm.  Let Moose and Me know how you feel about the snow??? "Like it or Don't like it" - by sending us an email.  We know we really need the snow to come before Spring so the water table is up.

Well that's about it for today's blog -

Remember if you have a question about this Bill or that Bill or you want to know just what's happening at the New Hampshire State House - reach out and get in touch with Ron - as Ron always says

Let’s Get It “Dunn” Together,

Ron Dunn

Got questions:

Call 781-640-1006


Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-

lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the
latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.



Today is Monday, January 6, 2025

Tank Here,

Can you believe it?  "It's 2025!!!!!!!!!" - "I don't believe it" - "Moose doesn't believe it" either (It's rare when Moose and Me agree on something - I better keep an eye on him). 

New Years Eve Moose and Me were "Hob-Nob-N-It," it was great - "Headquarters," was all decked out in "Christmas" decorations and the smell of Pizza and Bones was in the air - it was just great. 

Question???  Did you make a "New Years Resolution"???  Or did you make more than one???  How many did you make???  Moose and Me made out our list - this year we tried something new, we sat down and wrote them out together (it was interesting to see how  the "Mind of Moose" works - I got-to-tell-ya - I'm glad we don't do that often, "Wow").  So, there we were - "Together Thinking," (Scary) - the idea was to have at least "3 Resolutions" before the end of the day (Moose is slow).  I had mine finished within minutes - 1) Lose Weight - 2) Exercise - 3) Keep an eye on Moose.  You can see I already started on mine - in the picture above I'm on "MY...........MY," Rebounder.   One might say a "Rebounder" is for people, and Cara would agree - but as you can see by my look "It's Mine," unless I'm offered a piece of "Pizza" or she attempts to take away my "Stuffy, Major-Fly-By".  So if you have a "Resolution" or a "Resolution List" and want to share, send a copy to Moose and Me and will compare notes.

Well that's about it for today's blog -

Remember if you have a question about this Bill or that Bill or you want to know just what's happening at the New Hampshire State House - reach out and get in touch with Ron - as Ron always says

Let’s Get It “Dunn” Together,

Ron Dunn

Got questions:

Call 781-640-1006


Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-

lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the
latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.



Today is Tuesday, "New Year's Eve" December 31, 2024

Tank Here,

The "Big Day" is tomorrow - "Happy New Year," we hope 2025 is  a "Prosperous and Healthy" year for everyone.

Me and Moose have been moping (sad), we ate all our "Christmas Treats".  No, we didn't hide any.  I'll check Moose's hiding places tonight while he's sleeping (or maybe check them during the day, Moose sleeps all the time).  So Moose thought he was "Captain Cool," after taking my "Stuffy, Major Fly-By" and hiding it..................I barked at him.............he just looked at me.  No problem, Lt Colonel Tanker who Puts-Up with Moose" finds all of Moose's hiding places...........

Our December 27th blog below says "New Year's Day" we'll have more on this............  Well Moose and me put our heads together and found, what we think is a special article on the "History and Development," of "New Year's Eve" - Enjoy


source: Britannica
New Year festival, any of the social, cultural, and religious observances worldwide that celebrate the beginning of the new year. Such festivals are among the oldest and the most universally observed.

History and development)

The earliest known record of a New Year festival dates from about 2000 BCE in Mesopotamia, where in Babylonia the new year (Akitu) began with the new moon after the vernal equinox and in Assyria with the new moon nearest the autumn equinox (mid-September). For the Egyptians and Phoenicians, the year began with the autumn equinox (September 21), for ancient Persians it began on the vernal equinox (March 21), and for the early Greeks it began with the winter solstice (December 21). On the Roman republican calendar the year began on March 1, but after 153 BCE the official date was January 1, which was continued in the Julian calendar of 46 BCE.
In early medieval times most of Christian Europe regarded March 25, the Feast of the Annunciation, as the beginning of the new year, although New Year’s Day was observed on December 25 in Anglo-Saxon England. William the Conqueror decreed that the year begin on January 1, but England later joined the rest of Christendom and adopted March 25. The Gregorian calendar, adopted in 1582 by the Roman Catholic Church, restored January 1 as New Year’s Day, and most European countries gradually followed suit: Scotland, in 1660; Germany and Denmark, about 1700; England, in 1752; and Russia, in 1918.


Well that's about it for today's blog -

Remember if you have a question about this Bill or that Bill or you want to know just what's happening at the New Hampshire State House - reach out and get in touch with Ron - as Ron always says

Let’s Get It “Dunn” Together,

Ron Dunn

Got questions:

Call 781-640-1006


Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-

lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the
latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


Ron and Cara, Moose and Me (Tank), and last but not least from the Rooster and all his Hen's

Have a Happy New Year 



Today is Friday December 27, 2024

Tank Here,

Are you ready for the "Big-Day"?  We're four Days Away and You know which day I'm talking about - "New Years Day".  More on this...............

Moose and Me are playing "Tug-A-War," with my favorite "Stuffy's".  Of course, I'm winning the "Tug-A-War, but not with-out some struggle.  All is OK, between Me and Moose - it's just "Dog Stuff".   

Yesterday, in our blog we mentioned we would complete the "Twelve Day's of the Twelve Day's of Christmas".   So in this blog we'll be sharing "Seven through Twelve" of the "Twelve Day's of Christmas".

7. Seven Swans a-Swimming

It would take someone quite familiar with the Bible to identify this gift. Hidden in the code are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit:

  1. Prophecy
  2. Ministry
  3. Teaching
  4. Exhortation
  5. Giving
  6. Leading
  7. Compassion

As swans are one of the most beautiful and graceful creatures on earth, they would seem to be a perfect symbol for spiritual gifts.

8. Eight Maids-a-Milking

As Christ came to save even the lowest of the low, this gift represents the ones who would receive his word and accept his grace. Being a milkmaid was about the worst job one could have in England during this period; this code conveyed that Jesus cared as much about servants as he did those of royal blood. The Eight Maids represent the 8 Beatitudes, from Matthew 5:3-10:

Blessed are…

  1. the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
  2. Those who mourn:  for they shall be comforted.
  3. The meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
  4. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness:  for they shall be filled.
  5. The merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
  6. The pure in heart: for they shall see God.
  7. The peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God.
  8. They which are persecuted for righteousness sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

9. Nine Ladies Dancing

These nine dancers were really the gifts known as the fruit of the Spirit. The Fruits of the Spirit include:

  1. Love
  2. Joy
  3. Peace
  4. Patience
  5. Kindness
  6. Goodness
  7. Faithfulness
  8. Gentleness
  9. Self-control

10. Ten Lords a-leaping

This is probably the easiest gift to understand. As lords were judges and in charge of the law, this code for the Ten Commandments was fairly straightforward to Christians.

  1. Thou shall have no other gods before me
  2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image
  3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
  4. Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy
  5. Honor thy father and mother
  6. Thou shalt not kill
  7. Thou shalt not commit adultery
  8. Thou shalt not steal
  9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor
  10. Thou shalt not covet

11. Eleven Pipers Piping

This is almost a trick question, as most think of the disciples in terms of the dozen. But when Judas betrayed Jesus and committed suicide, only eleven men carried out the gospel message. Therefore, the Eleven Pipers Piping signify the 11 Faithful Disciples:

  1. Simon (whom He named Peter)
  2. Andrew
  3. James
  4. John
  5. Philip
  6. Bartholomew
  7. Matthew
  8. Thomas
  9. James, son of Alphaeus
  10. Simon, who was called the Zealot
  11. Judas, son of James
  12. Judas Iscariot was later replaced with faithful Matthias.

12. Twelve Drummers Drumming


The final gift is tied directly to the Catholic Church. The drummers are the 12 points of doctrine in the Apostles’ Creed. 

1. I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.

2. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.

3. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.

4. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.

5. He descended into hell. On the third day, He rose again.

6. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.

7. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

8. I believe in the Holy Spirit,

9. the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints,

10. the forgiveness of sins,

11. the resurrection of the body,

12. and the life everlasting.


Well that's about it for today's blog -

Remember if you have a question about this Bill or that Bill or you want to know just what's happening at the New Hampshire State House - reach out and get in touch with Ron - as Ron always says

Let’s Get It “Dunn” Together,

Ron Dunn

Got questions:

Call 781-640-1006


Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-

lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the
latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


Ron and Cara, Moose and Me (Tank), and last but not least from the Rooster and all his Hen's

Have a Happy New Year 



Today is December 26, 2024

Tank Here,

We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.  Here in "Headquarters" we were all very busy.  From watching Ron and Cara make Christmas Dinner to cleaning up "Headquarters".  For Christmas Me and Moose got several large bones (you know the kind - with just a little meat on them) and my favorite of all - "Stuffy's With Squeakers" in them - Now I'll know when Moose takes one of mine.  I might be small in size - but my bark is louder than Moose's.............go figure. 

Our last blog has the "Twelve Day's of Christmas" and it's meaning.  In this blog we thought we would share the meaning of the gifts in the first "Six Day's" of the "Twelve Day's Christmas".  Then in tomorrows blog share "Seven through Twelve Day's of the Twelve Day's of Christmas".  

Meaning of Each Gift in the '12 Days of Christmas'

Discover the meaning of the gift for each of the 12 days of Christmas that relate to the fundamentals of the Christian faith.

1. A Partridge in a Pear Tree

The partridge in a pear tree represents Jesus, the Son of God, whose birthday we celebrate on the first day of Christmas. Christ is symbolically presented as a mother partridge, the only bird that will die to protect its young.

2. Two Turtledoves

These twin birds represent the Old and New Testaments. So, in this gift, the singer finds the complete story of the Christian faith and God’s plan for the world. The doves are the biblical roadmap that is available to everyone.

3. Three French Hens

These birds represent faith, hope, and love. This gift hearkens back to 1 Corinthians 13, the love chapter written by the Apostle Paul. It also represents the Holy Trinity: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

4. Four Calling Birds

One of the easiest facets of the song’s code to figure out these fowl are the four Gospels — Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

5. Five Gold Rings

The gift of the rings represents the first five books of the Old Testament, known as the Torah or the Pentateuch.

  1. Genesis
  2. Exodus
  3. Leviticus
  4. Numbers
  5. Deuteronomy

6. Six Geese a-Laying

These lyrics can be traced back to the first story found in the Bible. Each egg is a day in creation when God “hatched” or formed the world.

  1. God created the heavens and the earth
  2. God created the sky and seas
  3. God created the land and plants
  4. God created the sun, moon, and stars
  5. God created fish and birds
  6. God created land animals and man


Well that's about it for today's blog -

Remember if you have a question about this Bill or that Bill or you want to know just what's happening at the New Hampshire State House - reach out and get in touch with Ron - as Ron always says

Let’s Get It “Dunn” Together,

Ron Dunn

Got questions:

Call 781-640-1006


Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-

lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the
latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


Ron and Cara, Moose and Me (Tank), and last but not least from the Rooster and all his Hen's

Have a Happy New Year 



Today is Tuesday December 17, 2024

Tank Here,

We've been receiving many emails asking, what is the "Ribbon" around my neck?  Well, you see, I went to school when I was a puppy and the ribbon I received was for "Graduating" from "Puppy Class," and for "Good Citizenship"- I like it because it's "Red" which goes along with the "Christmas" season. 

Have you finished your "Christmas" shopping?  (Eight Day's Left) - Me and Moose shop but we don't have any money to buy anything.  Ron and Cara, do our shopping.  If we did have any money and were able to buy something, Moose and Me agree we would give it all to Ron to reimburse him for the "Lost"/"Stolen" Campaign Signs.  But, for "Christmas," Moose gets a special bone (the kind with just a little meat on it) and I'm hoping this year to get a slice of "P I Z Z A,"  - maybe with "Ham," or "Sausage," or a bit of "Hamburger" on it.  Makes me hungry just writing this.  

We found the pictures of Ron being sworn in on December the 4th - (he's easy to spot - he's the tallest, and in the center-top of the picture).  Thank you to the many of you that sent in pictures.  We may use them in the future.

With "Christmas" so close, "Eight Day's Away," Moose and Me are having a difficult time focusing on what's happening in this State, the Nation, or around the World.  It's ok though, we know Ron is working so in this State there is no "Sales Tax," no "State Tax", and is working on PFAS issues, and much more see:

Well that's about it for today's blog -

Remember if you have a question about this Bill or that Bill or you want to know just what's happening at the New Hampshire State House - reach out and get in touch with Ron - as Ron always says

Let’s Get It “Dunn” Together,

Ron Dunn

Got questions:

Call 781-640-1006


Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-

lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the
latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


Ron and Cara, Moose and Me (Tank), and last but not least from the Rooster and all his Hen's

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year



Today is December 14, 2024

Tank Here,

Boy, did we blow it in yesterday's blog - after a little research, looking for a story about the twelve day's of "Christmas" - we quickly realized the "First" day of "Christmas," in the "Twelve Day's of Christmas" carol, is "Christmas".  Go Figure!  Why didn't we think of that?  Moose and Me apologize for the error - I didn't know if the twelve day's were before or after "Christmas," so I asked Moose............................."Wrong".  "Or was it to much EggNog"?  In our way of making up for for the error, we would like to share from a Web-Site we found that explains the whole story- below is the copy from "".

The Twelve Day's of Christmas

The 12 days of Christmas in Christian tradition signifies the time between the birth of Christ and the arrival of the three wise men, also known as the Magi. It starts on December 25, which is celebrated as Christmas Day, and lasts until January 6, which is the Epiphany, also referred to as Three Kings' Day.

The 12 Days of Christmas in 2024

The 12 days of Christmas traditionally begin on Christmas Day and last twelve consecutive days into the next calendar year.

The Twelve Days of Christmas 2024 will begin on Wednesday, December 25, and end on Sunday, January 5, 2025.

What Is the Meaning of  'The 12 Days of Christmas'?

The Twelve Days of Christmas, also known as Twelvetide, is a festive Christian season celebrating the Birth of Jesus. In 567, the Council of Tours "proclaimed the twelve days from Christmas to Epiphany as a sacred and festive season, and established the duty of Advent fasting in preparation for the feast." Christopher Hill and William J. Federer state that this was done to solve the "administrative problem for the Roman Empire as it tried to coordinate the solar Julian calendar with the lunar calendars of its provinces in the east."

Why were these 12 days important?

These dozen days were tied to more than just the teaching of the Catholic Church. A host of other denominations also celebrated the 12 days of Christmas. Some denominations celebrated Christmas in January and began to count the 12 days then. But when they began, counting the days became an important facet of each holiday season. Even in the Dark Ages, in some Eastern European churches, the 12 days of Christmas meant attending daily church services. For Christians who lived during this extremely difficult age, the 12 days were a time of rededication and renewal. It was also a period when children were given small, simple, and usually symbolic gifts of faith. Thus, the twelve days were considered a holy period in both coded poems and public worship.

'12 Days of Christmas' - Carol History and Origin

"The Twelve Days of Christmas" is an English Christmas carol that lists a group of increasingly superb gifts given on each of the 12 days of Christmas (the 12 days that make up the Christmas season, starting with Christmas Day). The song, published in England in 1780 without music as a chant or rhyme, is thought to be French in origin. The melodies of collected versions of the carol vary throughout history. The standard tune now associated with it is derived from a 1909 arrangement of a traditional folk melody by English composer Frederic Austin, who introduced the familiar prolongation of the verse "five gold rings" (now usually called "five golden rings").

Though a host of modern internet sites and some magazine articles have tried to reduce “The Twelve Days of Christmas” to a little more than a silly Christmas carol, most scholars of the Catholic Church deem it a very important surviving example of a time when that denomination used codes to disguise their teachings. Originally a poem written by Catholic clerics, this song was transformed into a carol at a time when celebrating the 12 days of Christmas was one of the most important holiday customs. By understanding the meaning of why the clerics chose the 12 days as wrapping for their poem, the full impact of the tradition of the 12 days of Christmas can be understood.

Well that's about it for today's blog - again, we're sorry for any confusion we may have caused about this wonderful event

Remember if you have a question about this Bill or that Bill or you want to know just what's happening at the New Hampshire State House - reach out and get in touch with Ron - as Ron always says

Let’s Get It “Dunn” Together,

Ron Dunn

Got questions:

Call 781-640-1006


Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-
lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Ron and Cara, Moose and Me (Tank), and last but not least from the Rooster and all his Hen's

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year



Today is December 13, 2024

Tank Here,

I'm still thinking about that "Pizza" - "Christmas can't come soon enough for me.  So, have you looked into purchasing a "Pizzana" for "Christmas"?  I got-to-tell you, it makes great pizza............(this is not an advertisement)

We're at an important  "December Date" - "It's Twelve Day's before Christmas".  I think there is a Christmas Carol called the "The Twelve Day's Christmas".  Moose and Me are working on a short story about the "Twelve Day's of Christmas".  I've got to change the subject - Moose and Me have been cleaning "Headquarters" and found some stale cookies under the couch - to bad they weren't pizza slices - they last for days without going stale.  I, got to get off the subject of pizza - it's making me hungry.  

I was helping Cara do the "Laundry" the other day - my-self proclaimed job was to sort the clothes while Cara put them in the washer - but for some reason she kept trying to get me out of the laundry room...........I don't know, but maybe it was my sorting technique - we had a great time playing tug-a-war.  Moose is not into doing laundry, from what I can tell he's really not interested in doing much................go figure, "That's Moose".

We're getting emails from people asking us if we have any pictures of Ron being sworn-in on the 4th of December.  We have them, but for some reason we can't find them.  As soon as we find them we'll post them here and on the "News" page.  Update: Moose and Me overheard Ron talking with Cara about "Christmas" and and which "Events" they are able to attend.  We'll let you know what they decided when we hear.  If you attended the swearing in of Ron on December 4th and have pictures  -  would it be possible to send us copies???  

Well that's about it for today's blog - 

Remember if you have a question about this Bill or that Bill or you want to know just what's happening at the New Hampshire State House - reach out and get in touch with Ron - as Ron always says

Let’s Get It “Dunn” Together,

Ron Dunn

Got questions:

Call 781-640-1006


Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-
lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Ron and Cara, Moose and Me (Tank), and last but not least from the Rooster and all his Hen's

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year



Today is December 9, 2024

Tank Here,

It's "Fifteen Day's" till "Christmas Eve" and "Sixteen Day's" till "Christmas".  Everyone here in "Headquarters" is excited and ready for these two special occasions.  "Christmas Eve" Moose and Me get to open one present.  We don't tell Ron and Cara, but we know which present we want to open first - "We use our keen sense of "Smell", (I knew a Coon-Hound that could smell 64 different smells at one time........go figure) to find out which present to open - and typically - it's the one with the with the best smell.  Of course Moose doesn't always seem to pick the right one - which is because he has a small nose and can't smell much.  This year I'm hoping for "P i z z a," - a slice with "Cheese," a slice with "Sausage," and a slice with "Ham and "Pineapple".  All made by the "Pizzana Oven" - "Wow" it cooks gooooood........
You know having "P i z z a,"  instead of a bone (you know the kind of bone I'm talking about - the one's with just a little meat on them) is like the "Best".  Not sure if Moose likes "P i z z a" as much as me - but interesting enough he eats it - although he makes face's while eating it.  Who knows what it means only Moose.............

We received many emails asking about Ron and Cara - we want everyone to know they are doing "Great".  Cara is making sure we all get fed, and fed on-time, Ron is preparing for "Session" starting on the 8th of January 2025.  And from what Me and Moose learned, they have already purchased most of the "Christmas" presents. But don't worry, Me and Moose are covered, we found the presents hiding place and found some of our gift's (although I didn't smell any "P i z z a," my hope is, it will be purchased on "Christmas Eve").  

Remember if you have a question about this Bill or that Bill or you want to know just what's happening at the New Hampshire State House - reach out and get in touch with Ron - as Ron always says

Let’s Get It “Dunn” Together,

Ron Dunn

Got questions:

Call 781-640-1006


Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-
lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.



Today is December 3, 2024

Tank Here,

So with everything said and done, "Thanksgiving" was "Great".  We had lots of "Family" and "Friends," come over for Turkey, Stuffing, Gravy, and topped it all off with Mashed Potatoes and assorted other dishes.  Moose and Me were held at bay in "Headquarters".  But we didn't care Cara took care of us - so we sang a tune for everyone.  Moose really can't sing, he barks one note, where I, on the other hand sing in "Bulldog," "Ruffles," and "Snarls".   I kind-a-sound like the Christmas song, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth".  And talking about "Christmas," have you "Written," you're "List"?  Moose and Me don't worry about our "List," we wrote it over the Summer.  We don't copy the list from year to year we make a "Fresh List" out each year.  That way if some new "Treat" hit's the market, Moose and Me are right on top of it and have room to add it.  And Ron and Cara know just want we want - you know - those bones with just a little meat on them.  And speaking of Ron and Cara, they have  been especially busy hosting "Thanksgiving," and preparing for Christmas.  Ron has also been very active preparing for the beginning of Session in January. 

Remember if you have a question about this Bill or that Bill or you want to know just what's happening at the New Hampshire State House - reach out and get in touch with Ron - as Ron always says

Let’s Get It “Dunn” Together,

Ron Dunn

Got questions:

Call 781-640-1006



Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-
lot more to come....."see ya soon," 


PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.





Ron and Cara, Moose and Me (Tank), and last but not least from the Rooster and all his Hen's

Happy Thanksgiving



Today is November 27, 2024

Tank Here,

You're probably getting ready for Thanksgiving and wondering what Moose and Me are doing, now that the Campaign is over "For Now" - Well, Moose and Me have been hanging about in "Headquarters," ready to "Campaign," attend "Town Hall Meetings," and the one we both like, "Dinner Meetings".   We miss going out with Ron and Cara, and doing "Maintenance" on "Campaign" signs.   You know, replacing the stolen/taken signs, picking up and re-installing signs that have been run-over. Then coming back to the blog to report on how many signs were taken - I wonder, and feel sorry for, the people who steal a piece of  "Corrugated Plastic"  and Wire" - what for, we ask???  Moose and Me have to ask, "What do you do them???  Once we catch-up on all our paperwork we plan to figure out where we are with missing signs.

Thanksgiving question; when everyone has finished "Thanksgiving Dinner" and are relaxing - do you bring out the "Board Games," e.g. "Sorry," "Clue," "Checkers," and the big one "Monopoly" etc. etc.???  Or, does everyone converse???  Being a purpose driven Bulldog, I would play a board game if I could.  Anyhow................

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-
lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.




Ron and Cara, Moose and Me (Tank), and last but not least from the Rooster and all his Hen's

Happy Thanksgiving


Today is November 24, 2024

Tank Here,

After reading both of these articles, (if you have not read the two articles they are still up and in the 23rd and 24th blogs - just scroll down) Moose and Me agree, it was the Pilgrims who had the Turkey cooked and on the table.  We believe this because, in the "Reader Digest" version of "Did you learn the real history of Thanksgiving?" the Pilgrims made loud noises and shot off guns - having heard the noise the Wampanoag Indians - went to help the Pilgrims - in our "opinion" they went with their weaponry of war and not of "Food".   Tell us what you think.............

The following was mentioned in one of my previous blogs, but having this come from the Speaker of the House we thought it best we repeat-it.  Ron will be attending the December 4, 2024 Session

MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE: As a reminder, pursuant to Part II, Article 3 of the New Hampshire Constitution, the 169th Session of the General Court will Organize on the first Wednesday in December (December 4, 2024) at 10 a.m. In accordance with Part II, Article 3, the opening day of the 2025 Session, Convening Day, will be on the first Wednesday following the first Tuesday in January (January 8, 2025). For Representatives-Elect, I’m hoping to see you at the New Legislator Orientation Program scheduled for November 19th, 20th, and 21st. As a reminder, all state offices will also be closed on Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th for the Thanksgiving break. Please note that there will not be a Calendar printed on November 22nd. Instead, due to the holiday, it will be published on Tuesday the 26th and mailed on Wednesday the 27th. That Calendar will have a listing of temporary seating assignments for Organization Day. Sherman A. Packard, Speaker of the House.


Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-
lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.




Ron and Cara, Moose and Me (Tank), and last but not least from the Rooster and all his Hen's

Happy Thanksgiving


Today is November 23, 2024

Tank Here, 

While I was reading about the history of Thanksgiving from "The Britannic," Moose found the following in the "Readers Digest".  It's a little different than what we learned from "The Britannic".  So which do we believe??? 

Did you learn the real history of Thanksgiving?

Chances are your grade-school understanding of the Thanksgiving story involved Pilgrims and Indians sitting down to a happy meal together and becoming fast friends. The lesson likely involved cartoons depicting settlers and Native Americans smiling in celebration, along with a possible mention of Pocahontas.

So what’s wrong with that? Nearly everything, it turns out. For starters, Pocahontas, a member of the Powhatan tribe, died in 1617, four years before the first Thanksgiving. And according to the real history of Thanksgiving in America, settlers were hardly the kindly, giving Pilgrims we learned about in our youth.

How did Thanksgiving start?

Most of what we know about early American settlers comes from the journal of William Bradford, the first governor of Plymouth, Massachusetts. He notes that in 1620, the Mayflower brought the Pilgrims to Plymouth Rock, where they established a colony and began farming. The following year, they had a bountiful harvest and decided to give thanks for the food with a three-day celebration. Historical records show that there was indeed a meeting between the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony and the Wampanoag tribe at this time.

The Real History Of Thanksgiving In AmericaBut the Native Americans weren’t honored guests. They likely weren’t even invited.

Many historians now think that Wampanoag soldiers heard celebratory gunshots and screams from Pilgrim settlements. The Wampanoag assumed they were under attack, and because they had a diplomatic treaty of mutual defense with the Pilgrims, they sent 90 soldiers to the settlers’ aid, explains Jakober.

When was the first Thanksgiving?

The Pilgrims may have celebrated in 1620, but that wasn’t actually Thanksgiving. So when was the first Thanksgiving? That occurred in the fall of 1621, in what is now Massachusetts. But here’s a piece of Thanksgiving trivia: It didn’t become well known until Bradford’s journal was discovered and published by Sarah Josepha Hale, a magazine editor, in the early 1800s.

Hale was so taken with the story of that first Thanksgiving that she lobbied five U.S. presidents to make it a federal holiday. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln finally declared Thanksgiving an official U.S. holiday, an act he saw as a step toward reuniting the fractured country after the Civil War. He put it on the calendar for the last Thursday of November.

In December 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt changed Thanksgiving to the fourth Thursday in November to avoid confusion in years where there is a fifth Thursday in November. He also reasoned that this change slightly lengthened the holiday season, which was good for the economy. Considering Black Friday is nearly a holiday in and of itself, it’s safe to say he was right.

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-
lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.




Ron and Cara, Moose and Me (Tank), and last but not least from the Rooster and all his Hen's

Happy Thanksgiving



Today is November 22, 2024

Tank Here,

Moose and Me find it very interesting reading about the "History" of America.  After reading the article on "Thanksgiving Day," we thought about it and said to ourselves who are the "Wampanoag" people - - and did they bring "Turkey to the table when meeting the Pilgrims or did the Pilgrims?
Wampanoag, Algonquian-speaking North American Indians who formerly occupied parts of what are now the states of Rhode Island and Massachusetts, including Martha’s Vineyard and adjacent islands. They were traditionally semisedentary, moving seasonally between fixed sites. Corn (maize) was the staple of their diet, supplemented by fish and game. The tribe comprised several villages, each with its own local chief, or sachem.

In 1620 the Wampanoag high chief, Massasoit, made a peace treaty with the Pilgrims, who had landed in the tribe’s territory; the treaty was observed until Massasoit’s death. Bad treatment by settlers who encroached on tribal lands, however, led his son, Metacom, or Metacomet, known to the English as King Philip, to organize a confederacy of tribes to drive out the colonists (see also King Philip’s War). The colonists eventually defeated and killed King Philip and other leading chiefs, and the Wampanoag and Narragansett were almost exterminated. Some survivors fled to the interior, while others moved to the islands of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard to join kin who had remained neutral during the conflict. Disease and epidemics destroyed most of the indigenous people who lived on Nantucket, but Wampanoag people survive to the present, particularly on Martha’s Vineyard.

Early 21st-century population estimates indicated some 4,500 Wampanoag descendants.


Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-
lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


Ron and Cara, Moose and Me (Tank), and last but not least from the Rooster and all his Hen's

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is November 21, 2024

Tank Here,

Still chewing on my favorite bones - you know the one's, they have just a little bit of meat left on them. 
Moose and me have been wondering, "Has Cara already purchased the Thanksgiving Turkey?" "Or did she already bring one home? - and if she did, how did Me and Moose miss the delivery?"  Yes, Me and Moose get pretty excited about "Thanksgiving". 
We found a write-up about "Thanksgiving Day", it's from "The Britannic"  Enjoy

Thanksgiving Day, annual national holiday in the United States and Canada celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year. Americans generally believe that their Thanksgiving is modeled on a 1621 harvest feast shared by the English colonists (Pilgrims) of Plymouth and the Wampanoag people. The American holiday is particularly rich in legend and symbolism, and the traditional fare of the Thanksgiving meal typically includes turkey, bread stuffing, potatoescranberries, and pumpkin pie. With respect to vehicular travel, the holiday is often the busiest of the year, as family members gather with one another.  Plymouth’s Thanksgiving began with a few colonists going out “fowling,” possibly for turkeys but more probably for the easier prey of geese and ducks, since they “in one day killed as much as…served the company almost a week.” Next, 90 or so Wampanoag made a surprise appearance at the settlement’s gate, doubtlessly unnerving the 50 or so colonists. Nevertheless, over the next few days the two groups socialized without incident. The Wampanoag contributed venison to the feast, which included the fowl and probably fisheelsshellfish, stews, vegetables, and beer. Since Plymouth had few buildings and manufactured goods, most people ate outside while sitting on the ground or on barrels with plates on their laps. The men fired guns, ran races, and drank liquor, struggling to speak in broken English and Wampanoag. This was a rather disorderly affair, but it sealed a treaty between the two groups that lasted until King Philip’s War (1675–76), in which hundreds of colonists and thousands of Native Americans lost their lives.

The New England colonists were accustomed to regularly celebrating “Thanksgivings,” days of prayer thanking God for blessings such as military victory or the end of a drought. The U.S. Continental Congress proclaimed a national Thanksgiving upon the enactment of the Constitution, for example. Yet, after 1798, the new U.S. Congress left Thanksgiving declarations to the states; some objected to the national government’s involvement in a religious observance, Southerners were slow to adopt a New England custom, and others took offense over the day’s being used to hold partisan speeches and parades. A national Thanksgiving Day seemed more like a lightning rod for controversy than a unifying force.

Thanksgiving Day did not become an official holiday until Northerners dominated the federal government. While sectional tensions prevailed in the mid-19th century, the editor of the popular magazine Godey’s Lady’s BookSarah Josepha Hale, campaigned for a national Thanksgiving Day to promote unity. She finally won the support of President Abraham Lincoln. On October 3, 1863, during the Civil War, Lincoln proclaimed a national day of thanksgiving to be celebrated on Thursday, November 26.

The holiday was annually proclaimed by every president thereafter, and the date chosen, with few exceptions, was the last Thursday in November. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, however, attempted to extend the Christmas shopping season, which generally begins with the Thanksgiving holiday, and to boost the economy by moving the date back a week, to the third week in November. But not all states complied, and, after a joint resolution of Congress in 1941, Roosevelt issued a proclamation in 1942 designating the fourth Thursday in November (which is not always the last Thursday) as Thanksgiving Day.

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


Ron and Cara, Moose and Me (Tank), and last but not least from the Rooster and all his Hen's

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is November 18, 2024

Tank Here

Just chewing on one of my favorite bones, thinking about the up coming "Organization Day," Wednesday December 4th.  You guessed it, December 4th is the day Governor Chris Sununu swears in the the new New Hampshire State Representatives and the incumbents.  Ron will be there to be sworn in as a New Hampshire State Representative (incumbent). 

Once again Ron, Cara, Moose and Me, "Humbly Thank You" for supporting Ron's run for New Hampshire State Representative.  He won having received 7,393 votes.  He knows he could not have done it without your support.  Thank You

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


Today is November 17, 2024

Tank Here

Here is a little more information Me and Moose found it's about the "New Hampshire General Court".   Enjoy

New Hampshire General Court

The General Court of New Hampshire is the bicameral state legislature of New Hampshire. The lower house is the New Hampshire House of Representatives with 400 members. The upper house is the New Hampshire State Senate with 24 members. The General Court is the fourth-largest English-speaking legislative body in the world, behind the Parliament of the United Kingdom, the United States Congress, and the Parliament of India, and has one of the greatest disparities in size between chambers of a bicameral legislature.[1] The General Court meets in the New Hampshire State House in Concord.

New Hampshire has a Republican trifecta. The Republican Party controls the office of governor and both chambers of the state legislature.

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


Ron, Cara, Moose and Me (Tank), and last but not least from the Rooster and all his Hen's

Happy Thanksgiving





Today is November 15, 2024

Tank Here,

With the "General Election" still ringing in our ears let's take a look at what happened: (The following is from Ballotpedia)

New Hampshire House of Representatives elections, 2024

The General Election for the New Hampshire House of Representative took place on November 5, 2024.

All 400 seats in 203 districts were up for election. At the time of the election, Republicans held a 197-191 majority in the chamber, with one independent and 11 vacancies. Republicans controlled the House since 2021.

The New Hampshire House of Representatives has a combination of single-member legislative districts, where a district elects one representative, and multi-member legislative districts, where a district elects multiple representatives. The number of seats per district is determined by population.  Multi-member districts in New Hampshire use a bloc with partial abstention voting method, where voters receive as many votes as there are seats, can only vote for a candidate once, and can choose to not use all of their votes.

According to Politico, the New Hampshire Legislature was one of the most likely to change partisan control in 2024. Since 2010, the House had changed partisan control six times. According to NBC News, House Democrats campaigned on passing legislation to guarantee abortion access in the state, while House Republicans campaigned on addressing crime and drug use.

Ballotpedia identified 57 battleground districts heading into the election. Twenty-seven of the battleground races were in single-member districts, with Democrats representing 13 and Republicans representing 14. Thirty of the battleground races were in multi-member districts, with Democrats representing two, Republicans representing 11, and 17 split between parties. Incumbents ran in 48 of these races, while the other nine were in open districts, meaning no incumbents ran. To read more about the battleground elections.

Eight incumbents lost in primaries. Ninety-one incumbents did not seek re-election. To read more about incumbents who did not advance to the general election.

New Hampshire was one of 23 states that had a Republican trifecta, since Republicans controlled the governorship and both legislative chambers. Ballotpedia identified New Hampshire's Republican trifecta as highly vulnerable. 

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Ron and Cara, Moose and Me (Tank), and last but not least from the Rooster and all his Hen's

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is November 15, 2024

Tank Here,

I'm lying here thinking about my girlfriend, "Babydog, when I found myself in the backyard walking around, checking to see where Moose has been burying his "Bones".  I found two good sized ones - (I'm sorry to say, but Moose hasn't a clue how to bury a bone) - (more on that later) then the thought came to me, wouldn't it be nice to have "Babydog" here right now?  But, I had to be realistic she lives in another state and our meeting is far into the future. I found another of Moose's "Bones." I had to take this one, there is still a little meat on it.  When I reached down to pick it up - - "That's," when it happened - there right before me was "Babydog".  We had such a great meeting.  That was until Cara came home and closed the "Front Door" - the sound woke me - up - and I realized I was only dreaming.  I better check in to see what is Moose doing. 

Many people don't believe animals dream - but they do.  The next time you see one of my "Brother's, or "Sister's" "Asleep," and they're moving their "Feet," or "Barking," or their "Tail" is waging -  they're actually dreaming - (Note: it's best not to disturb a sleeping "Dog").  Now with Moose you never know if he is sleeping or awake - he tells me he can be sleep with his eye's open...............go figure that's Moose.

Moose and Me were researching Thanksgiving "Turkey" recipes today, in hope of finding one recipe that we could copy and paste here.  But most of them are pages long.  So we thought we would share the Web-Site address, that way you will have all the information you need for a "Tasty," Thanksgiving Turkey.  

Note: this Web-Site is only a suggestion, because there are many good sites with Turkey recipe's on the internet.

I just heard the sound of Me and Moose's dinner dishes - Cara's is coming with our "Dinner" - Tonight might be "Pizza Night" (More on that later)

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Ron and Cara, Moose and Me (Tank), and last but not least from the Rooster and all his Hen's

Happy Thanksgiving


Today is November 12, 2024
Tank Here,
The "Shows" not over!  Moose and Me have been out,  collecting Campaign signs the past several days.  What a mess, besides dodging cars, signs were everywhere, but the place they were put.  Not all the signs were trampled, run over, walked-on, or thrown in the bushes there were a few that managed to stay put.  Many signs were stolen, or taken. From the signs we collected thus far, it appears Ron has lost more Campaign signs than was originally thought -  we'll have a full count soon.  As we went along collecting signs we were able to help our fellow NH State Representative by picking up many of their signs as well.  Between you, Moose and Me, the town looks "More Better" with-out them.  The Plan now is to clean them, and fix and replace broken stands.  If your recall from my previous blog on "New Hampshire State Representative" job description - where it was said this is an "Out-Of-Pocket" is........once we get the total number of signs missing we'll post the loss.  We figure it will be in the thousands of dollars.  That's why Ron needs your finical support.  To "Support Ron," go the "Home" page of this Web-Site and click on "Donate" or "Contribute" either will work, then just follow the prompts.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner - have you purchased your Turkey?  They say a 12 pound "Bird" will feed nine to ten people.  Moose and Me don't believe it.  We say if you plan to feed nine to ten people - we suggest cooking two 8 pound turkey's (cooking two smaller birds will cook faster) or one large 16 pound Bird.  That would provide enough for each guest to receive 8oz's - with enough left over for seconds. Moose and Me have put in our request - not sure how far it went - but I'm sure Cara has a plan.

With that being said and the sound of "Dinner Dishes" clanging - means our Dinner is "On-The-Way".  We're hoping it "Beef Stew" from a can.

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Ron and Cara, Moose and Me (Tank), and last but not least from the Rooster and all his Hen's

Happy Thanksgiving



Today is November 8th, 2024

Tank Here,

Moose and Me are still calming down from all the excitement this election has brought.   Moose is on the couch - I don't think he's moved since election day.   When he does wake-up we plan to clean-up and stack all the "Campaign" signs -  clean-up, clean-out, and organize "Headquarters," in the happen-stance Ron decides to run in 2026.  (Between You, Me, and Moose, we believe he will run in 2026.  Because he really loves meeting everyone, being a New Hampsire State Representative and performing the many duties of the job.)  

 Oh look, Moose opened his eye's - that's a good sign - it means, he's able to help with the clean-up.  There's really not much to it - Moose and Me keep it clean - And don't believe it when I said we don't talk human - we do communicate by using our many changing facial expressions.  In my picture above I have my respectable humble hello smile - I also use this look for being serious.  Moose in his picture to the right, you can see he's thinking or dreaming (he's actually asleep) - he tells me he gets his best ideas when he's in this dream state............go figure "That's Moose"

Update:  My girlfriend Babydog, has served as an unofficial mascot for the state of Virginia over the past few years, appearing at Governor and now Senator Jim Justice’s side during press conferences, public appearances, and even during the State of the State address when he showed off Babydog’s axxhole in a message to Bette Midler.

Got-to-go, I hear the clanging of dishes - it must be dinner time.

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


Today is the "Day After" the big event the "General Election" held on November 5th, 2024 - 

Tank and Moose Here, 

We think this election was more exciting than the November 8th, 2022 "General Election".  But, before we say any more we want to humbly say "Thank You," for supporting Ron Dunn for New Hampshire State Representative.   > Please See Ron's Message of November 4th, 2024 below  <

Me and Moose also "Thank You" for reading our blog these past several months.  I'm sure you know we don't talk in human words - but, we do talk dog to each other -  If we did talk human words - I'm sure Disney would have been knocking on Ron and Cara's Door.  

Moose and Me do ask you to continue to support Ron and if you have a question for Ron you can reach him at:

Call 781-640-1006


Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon," 


Today is the Day - the Big Day - It's General Election Time - Go VOTE


Hello, this is Ron Dunn, Tank said it was ok for me to go first today.  With the General Election tomorrow, I want to pause for a moment, and say "Thank You," for your support.  I am humbled and honored you are considering me worthy of your vote.  If elected, I promise to represent you and will not forget who I work for, "You". 

These past few months have flown by, win, lose, or draw they have meant a great deal to me and my family.  They've been filled with meeting thousands of you, attending Budget and Public Service meetings, as well as Town Hall gatherings that I'll never forget.  

 We hope you've enjoyed our dogs Tank and Moose blogs?  Cara, and I know if they actually could talk, write, strategize, or do any number of the things Tank and Moose said they do, we would be grateful.  And, yes, they do like their bones.   

Tomorrow November 5th, I'll be in the candidates "Pen".  It's the area to the right of the Gym entrance and will probably be filled with many people.  If you see me please stop-by.  Lastly, I want to encourage you to vote.  This election is about our freedom, the freedom our forefather's fought for.   

I look forward in seeing you tomorrow. 

Best Wishes, 

Ron, Cara, Tank & Moose 




Today is:  Sunday, November 3, 2024
Day's, "Till The General Election" - "It's "Woof-en Time" -

"Vote," Tuesday November 5th 

                                             at Londonderry High School, Gym
Tank Here, 
Tonight's blog will be short, because, Moose and Me have been saying to "Vote," for months - - saying when to vote, "November the 5th", and lastly providing the location, being "Londonderry High School, Gym".  So, we know you're all ready to vote, because you've read our blog's, researched the candidates, met Ron Dunn, and found that "Ron Dunn," is the man for the job of "New Hampshire State Representative".  So, don't be nervous - bring your sample ballot with you - and go vote on November 5th. 
I hear the sound of dishes - dinner is on the way - Moose and Me are hoping it's "Beef Stew" From -A-Can - yup it's dinner.  See you Tomorrow..........

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Today is:  Saturday, November 2, 2024
Day's, "Till The General Election" - "It's "Woof-en Time" -

"Vote," Tuesday November 5th 

                                             at Londonderry High School, Gym
Tank Here, 
If you're still on the fence about who to vote for, take a look at the "Home" page, "Meet Ron" page, and the "Issue" page of this Web-Site.  Each page is filled with "Great Information" about Ron.  But, if you need further information or you have questions about Ron's stand on a Bill, you can reach Ron by either:
Calling:  781-640-1006, or
E-mailing him at: 

Campaign Up-Date - With it being 3 day's 'till the "General Election," when most people relax - Ron
and Cara are out "Knocking on Doors," attending "Meeting's," and Participating in "Sign-Waves".  They are also, "Repairing and Replacing" "Campaign Signs".

 Moose and Me went through the archive and found one of our blogs from 3 day's away from the General Election of 2022.  We thought we would share it, being we're 3 day's away from the 2024 "General Election" - enjoy

2022 "Ron on the Campaign Trail"

Ron is still knocking on doors, attending "Town Hall" meetings and doing sign-waving.  He plans on doing this through Monday November 7th.  Moose and me told you about him - he does what he says, and says what he does.  He works until the job is "Dunn" and "Dunn right. And he really does stand with the Issues he's posted on the "Issues" page and much more.  Moose and me humbly ask you to support Ron by voting for him this Tuesday November 8th.  

Cara, Moose, and Me, humbly ask you to support Ron, by voting for him this Tuesday November 5th, 2024.

I hear the sound of dishes - it must mean dinner - Moose and Me are hoping it's "Beef Stew" In-A-Can - yup it's dinner.  See you Tomorrow..........

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon," 

And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Today is:  Friday, November 1, 2024
Day's, "Till The General Election" - "It's Almost Wow,"Woof-en Time" -
"Vote," Tuesday November 5th 
                                             at Londonderry High School, Gym
Tank Here, 
OK - Four Day's - Me and Moose Are Ready - Here in "Headquarters" we've "Sent Out," "Delivered", and "Handed Out," reminders, reminding everyone this Tuesday November 5th is the "General Election".  "Where," you might ask? - At the Londonderry High School, Gym - The Polls open at 6:00 AM and close at 8:00 PM. 
When you're walking into the Gym, on election day, look to your right of the entrance door to the Gym and you'll see Ron and many of the other candidates.  And if you have the time or have a last minute question - say hello - and/or a "Hand-Shake" would go along way.   Remember all candidates are people too............... 

For Voter registration information, copy and paste the following link to your browser

You'll be sent to the Town of Londonderry, NH where the Town answers registration questions.


This November 5th, Vote: Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon," 
And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.



Today is:  Thursday, October 31, 2024
Day's, "Till The General Election" - "It's Almost Wow,"Woof-en Time" -
"Vote," Tuesday November 5th at Londonderry High School, Gym
Tank Here, 

The excitement is so high here in "Headquarters,  Moose is now taking 3 (long) naps per day, he's so excited.  I'm jumping around the room like I just saw a "Cotton Tail".  It's ok though, Moose and Me are ready - Remember - this "Election" it's "Vital" You "Vote" - Our (Your and My) "Liberty" is at stake

Remember we're giving away a "I Voted" sticker - just email us, telling us you voted  - and we'll send a copy of this sticker.

For those still on the fence about voting, and/or who to vote for, we're repeating this email we received from a friend the other day, it moved us so much, we thought we would share it with you.  Our Friend said it came from a Marine who served in Vietnam................There's no title it simply starts with >

That moment when someone says,

"I can't believe you're voting for Trump". I simply reply, “I'm NOT voting for Trump.”

I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech. I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored.

I’m voting for secure borders and LEGAL immigration. I am voting for election integrity to include mandatory voter ID. (Why would anyone vote against this?)

I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.

I'm voting for the police to be respected once again.

I am voting for law & order and an end to allowing protesters to trespass and burn our cities, destroying innocent small business. (Tim Walz)

I am voting for personal responsibility and the end of the revolving door where criminals are being put back on the street. (Kamala Harris)

I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.

I'm voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.

I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for keeping our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over the world - to China, Mexico and other foreign countries.

I am voting for doing away with all of the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens and homeless veterans. 

I'm voting for the military & the veterans who fought for this country

I'm voting to keep men out of women's sports.

I’m voting for peace progress in the Middle East.

I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.

I'm voting for Freedom of Religion.

I am voting for the return of teaching math, history, and science instead of the indoctrination of our children.

I'm not just voting for one person.

I'm voting for the future of my Country.

I'm voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms

America is the greatest country in the world, hence why everyone wants to immigrate here. So why do you want to change it?

Why do politicians want to enact policies that have failed in other countries throughout history?

I'm not voting for Trump.

I'm voting for America.


This General Election, coming November 5th, Vote: Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon," 
And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."

Special Note From Tank,

We have been receiving text messages from people who want to support, "Ron's Run for NH State Representative".  We ask, all who want to see Ron in Office, to go to the Home-Page" of this Site and press-on "Support or Contribution," then simply follow the prompts". 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.
Today is:  Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Day's, "Till The General Election" - "It's Woof-en, Woof-Time"

Tank Here,

Look into my "Eye's," what do you see???  I'm in my serious mode.  Now do you see it???  I get this way when "Attending Events" is crucial.  Me and Moose have been running around in "Circles like "Dog's" (Moose does this quite often........only Moose) to keep up with what's happening.  But, if we're this excited seven day's out from "Voting," I can't imagine what's it going to be like on "Election" day.  Wow, "Seven Day's".  Maybe Moose will get off the couch???

Do you know who the Republican Leader is???  You're right it's Jason Osborne.

The Majority Leader and Republican caucus work together to construct winning strategies that promote the party’s legislative priorities and agenda. The Majority Leader’s primary functions include assisting the Speaker with development, policy formation, and policy decisions, explaining/defending key legislation, and promoting party cohesion within the House. The Majority staff provides support and services to all members of the Republican caucus and Leadership that include press release statements, legislative research, weekly caucus newsletter and general staff support.

Campaign Update

Ron and Cara continue to "Knock on Doors," "Attend Meetings," and do "Sign-Waves".  While Me and Moose are in "Headquarters" - Moose is doing his usual, "Napping," while I'm doing inventory of my "Dog Bones".  Tonight's dinner we're hoping will be "Canned Chile".  That would "Fire-Up" the Fans.

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon," 
And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."

Special Note From Tank,

We have been receiving text messages from people who want to support, "Ron's Run for NH State Representative".  We ask, all who want to see Ron in Office, to go to the Home-Page" of this Site and press-on "Support or Contribution," then simply follow the prompts". 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


Today is:  Sunday, October 27, 2024
Day's, "Till The General Election" - "It's Woof-en, Woof-Time"

Tank Here,

"Nine Day's," "Can You Dig It" (Dog Term for: Do you like it???) ???  "Nine Day's." It seems like yesterday when Ron said "Let's Get It Dunn." But it was July 10th, 108 day's ago when we re-opened "Headquarters."  What a ride it's been too.  Ron has traveled all over Londonderry talking with people, getting the message out that the "General Election" is right around the corner - November 5th - and, I don't mean to repeat myself but, "Nine Day's" away - Moose and me are excited (For the Dogs reading my blog - the word "excited," in Dog, is: Woof-en).  

So Moose did it again - he was doing some research and found some fun facts about the New Hampshire State House

New Hampshire was the first!

On Jan. 5, 1776, six months before the people of the United States claimed self-government, the people of New Hampshire gave this country its first state constitution. The next day, the House of Representatives was created.

Although threatened with reprisals from the British Crown and a bitterly divided constituency, New Hampshire’s leaders set the course for self-government in January 1776. Determined to keep the government close to the people, our forefathers fixed the size of the House of Representatives as a direct ratio to the state’s population. The first House consisted of 87 members, each one representing 100 families. As time passed and the population increased, the number of Representatives grew, until there were 443. In 1942, a constitutional amendment limited the size of the House to 400 but not less than 375 members. As a result, the New Hampshire House is the largest state legislative body in the United States. The first women legislators were elected to the House in 1921.

Although the salary of $200 per biennium puts some practical limits on service in the House, New Hampshire has been fortunate over the years to have a representative cross-section of the state’s men and women: businesspeople, homemakers, educators, engineers, doctors, lawyers, students and retirees.

New Hampshire State HouseThe General Court, consisting of the House and 24-member Senate, convenes annually. Biennial elections are held on even-numbered years. Legislative days are not the only ones in which a Representative is expected to work. A House member must be ready to invest many hours in committee work. During a regular session there may be as many as 1,000 bills to consider. Rules governing the lawmaking process mandate that every bill go through a public hearing before there’s a House vote.

In 1819, the legislature moved into a newly constructed State House. The House continues to meet in these quarters, making Representatives Hall the oldest chamber in the United States still in continuous legislative use. At the time, the State House cost $82,000 to build.

Many interesting incidents enhance the long history of the House. The ghosts in Representatives Hall remember the lottery of the 1900’s when choice front seats were bartered. They recall the band that, in the Depression, entertained lawmakers between committee meetings. In the 1930’s and 1940’s "mock sessions" were held in Representatives Hall on the night before adjournment - a fun-filled evening so popular that Concord citizens packed the gallery, the floors and windowsills to watch. There are superstitions as well: of the 400 seats in Representatives Hall, there is no #13 

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon," 
And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."

Special Note From Tank,

We have been receiving text messages from people who want to support, "Ron's Run for NH State Representative".  We ask, all who want to see Ron in Office, to go to the Home-Page" of this Site and press-on "Support or Contribution," then simply follow the prompts". 

PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Dinner Tonight is: "Beef Stew Chunks," Our Favorite.   



Today is:  Thursday, October 24, 2024
12 Day's, "Till The General Election" - "It's Woof-en, Woof-Time"
Tank and Me here,

Well Tank did it again, he found my best bone (you know the kind, with just a little meat on 'em) I had it buried in the backyard in a new place.  It was buried 4 inches down and 10 feet from the house.  The spot was chosen because Tank doesn't go further than 7 feet from "Headquarters".  But Tank has a very large "Nose".   I'm sure he could sniff out a "Mosquito" if he wanted to.  So, no issue with me.  Next time, I will bury my favorite bone further out, maybe in the "WOODS".  

Did you notice, it's Me, Moose, doing the blog tonight.  For this special moment I thought I would put on my "Business Suite".   It puts me in the mood for tonight's blog.........Which is about "The Campaign".    So let's get right to it:  Ron and Cara, have been out "Knocking on Door's.  If you see them give 'em a "Honk".  They have also been attending "Town Hall" meetings, and "Sign Waves".  All to get the message out, that this election is very important for us, this State and the Nation.  We all need to "Vote" - every vote counts - many Campaigns have been lost by one vote.  Remember to vote this November 5th at the Londonderry High School Gym.  And remember to vote for Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative.

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."



Today is:  Wednesday, October 23, 2024
13 Day's, "Till The General Election" - "It's Woof-en, Woof-Time"

"Special Announcement"

Early Voting Options and Schedules in New Hampshire

Go to:


There is so much information Moose and Me thought it best to give out the Web Address - simply copy and paste in your service.  Tank & Moose

VOTE.............VOTE............YOUR Vote Does Count - Many Campaigns Have Been Lost By One Vote


Today is:  Tuesday, October 22, 2024
14 Day's, "Till The General Election" - "It's Woof-en, Woof-Time"
Tank and Moose Here,

Moose, has been giving me pointers - all to help me with my girlfriend "BabyDog".  Isn't she, just the "Greatest"?  One day maybe well meet, face to  face..........

So, today Moose and Me have been going over the information Moose found yesterday - there is quite-a-bit of information there.  We're hoping we're able to share all of it.  So, without further "A-Dew" here is 

"Legal Constraints on Poll Workers, and Eligibility" 


All poll workers must go through the appointment process and satisfy bipartisan representation requirements. In New Hampshire, several types of town election officers oversee elections: moderators (the election officer in charge of the polls and voting), supervisors of the checklist (a board of registrars or similar body that registers voters), selectmen (the governing body), and clerks (who oversee a variety of election administration processes). In cities, city clerks establish uniform practices for polling places and are supported by ward moderators, ward selectmen, ward clerks, and supervisors of the checklist. Two types of poll workers support these town and city officers: inspectors of elections and ballot clerks. Ballot clerks process voters in the check-in line and distribute ballots. Most inspectors of elections serve as ballot clerks (the terms “inspector of elections” and “ballot clerk” are sometimes used interchangeably), but inspectors also may perform different, additional duties at the polling place.

Inspectors of elections are appointed for two-year terms from August 1 of the year they are appointed until a successor is appointed. Under New Hampshire law, inspectors may be appointed in one of two ways: (1) between May 15 and July 15 of a general election year, each state political committee of the two political parties that received the largest number of votes for governor at the previous general election may appoint two or more inspectors to serve at each polling place; or (2) if no appointments are made by the parties by July 15, town or ward selectmen make appointments in equal numbers (when possible) from the two political parties. In practice, moderators recruit poll workers with the assistance of clerks.

At the opening of the polls, the moderator designates at least two inspectors — one from each party — to serve as ballot clerks for that election. Moderators may assign other election officers to serve as ballot clerks, including assistant moderators (appointed by the moderator as needed).

Poll workers must meet certain eligibility requirements under New Hampshire law. New Hampshire law provides that election inspectors — including inspectors who serve as ballot clerks — must be registered to vote at the polling place where they serve. Assistant election officials, whom the moderator may assign to ballot clerk duties, must be at least 17 years old on the date they begin performing their duties. If an election inspector is on the ballot for an elected position other than that of an election official, state law prohibits them from handling marked ballots, counting votes, and standing within the area designated for ballot counting. If assistants serving as ballot clerks are on the ballot for an elected position other than that of an election official, they are disqualified from serving in any capacity.


Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."



Today is:  Monday, October 21, 2024
15 Day's, "Till The General Election" - "It's Woof-en, Woof-en Time"
Tank and Moose Here,

The day's are flying by, 15 day's "Till the General Election," I don't believe it.  It feels like it was yesterday when Ron said, "Let's-Do-It".  Me and Moose were "Woof-en" then, but now, with it "TWO WEEKS and a Day" away "Dog-Gone" that's quick.  

Well, Moose is up to something, I see movement, (that's always a good-thing) he's not on the couch, he must be researching.  In our last meeting we were "Woof-en" about "Ballot Watchers and Poll Challengers.  I wonder if he's looking at the qualifications for Volunteers for those positions???  He was looking at information on Poll Workers - Cool - I like it when a plan comes together.  Here's what Moose found:

Guardrails to ensure that New Hampshire poll workers cannot disrupt election processes.

In New Hampshire, poll workers play a vital role in administering elections. Their duties include greeting and checking in voters, directing lines, and handing out ballots. For elections to run smoothly, it is critical that local officials appoint enough qualified individuals to serve as poll workers. It is equally critical, however, that these poll workers serve in an impartial and nondisruptive manner.

In recent years, media reports have identified efforts around the country to recruit individuals who subscribe to falsehoods about elections as poll workers. To be sure, government officials should not prevent poll workers from participating in the electoral process based solely on their political beliefs. State and local officials can, however, take reasonable steps to ensure that poll workers are willing to set aside any personal or partisan beliefs, follow the law, and faithfully carry out their duties.

New Hampshire, like other states, already has many guardrails in place to stop poll workers from disrupting election processes. In advance of the 2024 election cycle, this guide details those guardrails along with further actions that local officials can take to prevent disruptions.

Tomorrow we'll look at:  "Legal Constraints on Poll Workers, and Eligibility" 

Question??? Where will you be this November 5th??? You got-it at the Londonderry High School Gym, "Voting".  And Remember to VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative"

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."
PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.
Today is:  Sunday, October 20, 2024
18 Day's, "Till The General Election" - "It's Woof-en Time"

We have been receiving text messages from people who want to support, "Ron's Run for NH State Representative".  We ask, all who want to see Ron in Office, to go to the Home-Page" of this Site and press-on "Support or Contribution," then simply follow the prompts".   Tank


Tank & Moose Here,

"This is a Special Notice":  The "Sample Ballots" are out and can be viewed at the following address:

Question??? Where will you be this November 5th??? You got-it at the Londonderry High School Gym, "Voting".  Yahoo - And Remember to VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative"

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."
PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.
Today is:  Saturday, October 19, 2024
19 Day's, "Till The General Election" - "It's Woof-en Time"

We have been receiving text messages from people who want to support, "Ron's Run for NH State Representative".  We ask, all who want to see Ron in Office, to go to the Home-Page" of this Site and press-on "Support or Contribution," then simply follow the prompts".   Tank


Tank & Moose Here,

"Wow", did I have a fun-time today, I went to a sign wave with Ron.  And I "Actually Participated".  "Can you believe it?" What a "Thrill" - no it was more of an, "Adrenaline Rush".  It felt like, how I vision it would be like, being on the "Front-Lines," or what people call the "Voting Poles," this November 5th in the Londonderry High School, Gym.  We're talking "Total Action,"  Wow.   "What a Woof-en Good Time".  If you would like to participate in the next "Flag Wave,"  simply contact Ron Dunn at either or: 


When I got back to "Headquarters," Moose, filled me in on where we were at with the "Campaign: 'Ron Dunn for New Hampshire State Representative 2024".  I had to call a meeting right away -  I needed to download what happened today and besides, I was still feeling the "Rush of Energy" from the "Sign Wave".  

Moose had been doing research today while I was gone, and he found some information on "The Duties of the Speaker" and we thought we would share.


1. Calling the body to order. The Speaker shall take the chair at precisely the hour to which the House has adjourned and shall immediately call the members to order. 2. Decorum, order and appeal. The Speaker shall preserve decorum and order, may speak on points of order in preference to other members, and shall decide questions of order. The decision of the Speaker on a question of order shall be conclusive unless the decision is immediately appealed to the House. The House shall decide the appeal by a majority vote of those members present and voting. 3. Appointing committees. The Speaker shall appoint all committees unless otherwise directed by the House, subject to the provisions of Rule 29. The Speaker may substitute members of committees. 4. Referral of bills, etc., to committees. The Speaker shall refer all bills, resolutions, memorials, accounts and other matters coming before the House to the appropriate committees, unless otherwise ordered by the House. The Speaker may refer the same jointly to two committees or to a special committee. 5. Voting: conditions of. The Speaker shall not be called on to vote unless the vote would be decisive. If the vote is tied after the Speaker has voted, the question shall be lost as provided in Rule 23. 6. Signing of bills, warrants,, subpoenas, etc. The Speaker shall sign all bills, resolutions, and addresses after passage or enrollment. All warrants, subpoenas and other processes issued by order of the House shall be signed by the Speaker and attested to by the Clerk. 7. Authority to clear gallery. The Speaker or chairman of the committee of the whole House shall have the power to order the gallery cleared in cases of any disturbance or disorderly conduct.

Question??? Where will you be this November 5th??? You got-it at the Londonderry High School Gym, "Voting".  Yahoo - And Remember to VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative"

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."
PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


Today is:  Wednesday, October 16, 2024
20 Day's, "Till The General Election" - "It's Woof-en Time"

Tank & Moose Here,

Well it was another week where the opposition had the chance to show "Their True Feelings".  What I mean by that is, Ron lost another 9 signs - "That Makes 49 signs Missing In Action".  I thought stealing/taking Campaign signs ended at the "Primary," But Nope.  Someone or Somebodies, think that taking Ron's signs from along side the road will hinder his chances being elected.  Me and Moose are here to tell you - "You Can't Keep A Good Man Down". 


Me and Moose checked out "Campaign Signs" and found we were way-off on the cost of one sign plus the wire stand.  We just checked out one-site (I won't name them) that advertises "Cheap Signs".   Without going into detail - the "Bottom Line," is: One sign very similar to Rons costs $32.41.  That means what I said below is wrong - (Disregard the $10.00 Campaign Signs, that was 2015 or so prices).  With the new cost of $32.41 per "Campaign Sign," it's now $1,588.90 for 49 signs - "BUT" remember, Ron replaced all 49 "Campaign Signs" - so now the cost is twice that or $3,176.18 - Moose just fell on the floor after reading that.


Remember when we mentioned, "Out Of Pocket Expenses".  It was way back when we were going over the NH State Representative "Job Description".  This is some of that "Out Of Pocket Expenses".......... with each sign costing $10.00, the 49 signs that were stolen/taken, cost $490.00.  But in this case, Ron replaced each sign - so now the replaced sign is costing Ron $20.00.  Instead of $490.00 spent on "Campaign" signs Ron is spending $980.00, and remember, that is "Out Of Pocket Expenses". 

This makes me so.............For the person stealing/taking Ron's Campaign signs - there are many things that Me and Moose would like to say - but when we think about your motives, and the "Lack of Integrity" etc, etc.........we need to say nothing more, because you're already bashing yourself.  We actually have a sense of sorrow for you.

If your reading this and see the injustice, you can help Ron "Recover" his loses - - To show your "Support" - go to the "Home" page of this Web-Site and click on "Support" or "Contribute".  We greatly appreciate any amount - "From Everyone here at Headquarters - Thank You"

Question??? Where will you be this November 5th??? You got-it at the Londonderry High School Gym, "Voting".  Yahoo - And Remember to VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative"

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."
PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


Today is:  Tuesday, October 15, 2024
21 Days, "Till The General Election" - "It's Exciting Now"

Tank & Moose Here,

Twenty One Day's - do you believe it?  Moose and Me are so "Woof-en" and "Drooling," about this coming "Election" it's getting hard to hold Moose and Me back.  Moose right now is on the Couch, he tells me that's where he get's his best "Ideas".  There is something about that, that rings true e.g. when you have something that is bothering you, taking a rest/nap helps............Go Figure...........That's Moose

Remember when I mentioned I would "Expand" on "Dog Bones" - Moose and Me found the man who started "Dog Treats" - "James Spratt" - 

(Note: he made Dog Biscuits, not the famous "Biscuit shaped like a Bone" - still tastes good - no big issue here - Moose and Me pay no attention to the shape anyway. Our Motto is: "Ya See Em, Ya Eat Em")

Who Made That Dog Biscuit?

For most of their history as human companions, dogs have scavenged scraps from the supper table. But that all changed in 1860, when an Ohio electrician named James Spratt journeyed to London to sell lightning rods. After watching quayside mongrels feasting on hardtack, the dry biscuit that fed sailors on long voyages, Spratt set about making a biscuit for dogs that could serve as their primary food.

Spratt’s Patent Meat Fibrine Dog Cakes were a mix of grains, beetroot, vegetables and “the dried unsalted gelatinous parts of Prairie Beef,” as the company explained in an early advertisement. (A full-color London billboard depicted the fictional origin of this meat — Indians slaughtering bison.) The biscuits were expensive — a 50-pound bag cost the equivalent of a day’s wages for a skilled craftsman — but Spratt’s target market was England’s country gentlemen. Their testimonials figured prominently in the advertisements. “My greyhound, Royal Mary, winner at Altcar of last year’s Waterloo Plate, was almost entirely trained for all her last year’s engagements upon them,” wrote one.

By 1895, Spratt’s was established in the United States and dog biscuits were soon being described in The New York Times as “the principal food” of show dogs. (In 1902, the dog show at Madison Square Garden was rocked by the murder of the prizewinning bulldog, Lady Ellen, a crime suspected to have been committed via a strychnine-laced dog biscuit.) But it wasn’t until 1907 that the American inventor Carleton Ellis came up with the idea of making dog biscuits in the now-iconic shape of a bone.

Question??? Where will you be this November 5th??? You got-it at the Londonderry High School Gym, "Voting".  Yahoo - And Remember to VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative"

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."
PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.
Today is:  Sunday, October 13, 2024
23 Days, "Till The General Election" 

Tank & Moose Here,

We have been working very hard at "Headquarters," trying to stay ahead of the next "Big Event".  But trying to keep up with Ron, really tires both Me and Moose out.  Ron, is on the go most day's, from very early in the morning to late at night.  In fact, Moose and Me guess he's working 18 hour day's - the other day I was missing Ron and Cara so much I went to sleep on Ron's Chair.  Yup, the "Big Kahuna's" chair.   But, no issue Ron didn't mind.  

Moose and Me found "the House Record" for October 11,2024 at the State House and thought you might find it interesting read -


Second Year of the 168th General Court

Calendar and Journal of the 2024 Session Web Site Address: Vol. 46 Concord, N.H. Friday, October 11, 2024 No. 36X Contains: House Deadlines; Meetings and Notices; and Revised Fiscal Notes.

HOUSE CALENDAR State of New Hampshire MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE: With our last Session day now behind us, I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your dedicated service to our state this week and this term. We completed our business during another unique and historic term - while proving we can come together, despite our differences, and do the job our constituents elected us to do. Thank you also to our dedicated General Court staff for all of their support over the course of the term. We could not have gotten the People’s business done without their hard work and ingenuity. As a reminder, and for planning purposes, pursuant to Part II, Article 3 of the New Hampshire Constitution, the 169th Session of the General Court will organize on the first Wednesday in December (December 4, 2024). In accordance with Part II, Article 3, the opening day of the 2025 Session will be on the first Wednesday following the first Tuesday in January (January 8, 2025). Also, for your planning purposes, please note that state offices will be closed on Monday, November 11th for Veterans’ Day. To those of you who will not be returning, I would like to thank you again for your contributions as Members of the House. Those who will not be returning for the 2025-2026 term can return your locker keys/ locks to Tracy Blanchard in the Clerk’s Office, and return your building Access Cards and EZ Pass Devices to the Admin Office on the first floor of the State House. Since the newly elected legislators will be sworn in on December 4th, please remember to remove your legislative license plates by that date. I hope you have found the privilege of serving to be as rewarding as I have. Notice that all Interim Study Reports are due in the House Clerk’s Office by Friday, October 25th. I send my very best wishes to all legislators and staff for a wonderful Fall season in New Hampshire.

Sherman A. Packard, Speaker of the House

Question??? Where will you be this November 5th??? You got-it at the Londonderry High School Gym, "Voting".  Yahoo - And Remember to VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative"

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."
PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.
Today is:  Saturday, October 12, 2024
24 Days, "Till The General Election"

Tank & Moose Here,

The other day Moose asked me, "How do Butterflies Fly".  I stood there looking at him - "thinking, look Moose, I'm like you, a Dog, how do I know." But he's my brother and I'm in charge of a blog - so I "Maned-Up," and "Guessed".  I said, butterflies use there wings to fly, and the wind to help them get around and float.  Then I paused and asked:  "Why do you ask?"  You could cut the silence with a butter-knife - we sat there for the longest time just looking into the woods, when Moose finally said: "One landed on my nose"..............for a moment I thought he was going to say something profound......go figure........only Moose.

We have been receiving a-lot of emails as of-late, from people concerned about the "Traffic Growth" in Londonderry, and about "Planning" and "Land" use in Londonderry?  Ron heard your concerns and not to take away his "Thunder," Moose and Me, ask you to read the "Londonderry Times" October 10, 2024, Volume 26 - Issue 41.  On the "Front-Page," is an article Ron explains his thoughts and how to best address your concerns.  So, we ask you to take a few minutes, grab a copy of the "Londonderry Times," or go on-line to "," and read the article titled:  "DUNN, Hopes to Form a Committee For Rockingham County Area".  The article is under the large pumpkin.  Then come-back here and, using the "Contact" page let Ron what you think. 

Question??? Where will you be this November 5th??? You got-it at the Londonderry High School Gym, "Voting".  Yahoo - And Remember to VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative"

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."
PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


Today is:  Tuesday, October 8, 2024
28 Days, "Till The General Election"

Tank & Moose Here,

My bones tell me "Winter" is on it's way.  Although, Moose and Me have our coats on all the time, when it's really cold out - I need my fitted "Winter Jacket".  Moose doesn't feel the cold so much.  He runs around in the snow.  "Go Figure".......That's Moose.  Me on the other hand prefer being inside, where it's warm.

With "Hurricane's," being the subject in the news as of late.  Moose found a brief article on "What is a Hurricane".   And we thought you might be interested in it, so here it is:

What is a Hurricane?

Hurricanes are tropical cyclones. When a tropical cyclone's sustained winds reach 39 to 73 mph (63 to 118 km/h), it is considered a tropical storm and it gets a name from a list put out by the World Meteorological Organization. Once those sustained winds reach 74 to 95 mph (119 to 153 km/h), that storm becomes a Category 1 hurricane. According to the Saffir-Simpson scale, here are the sustained winds linked to categories 2 through 5 hurricanes:

  • Category 2: 96 to 110 mph (154 to 177 km/h)
  • Category 3: 111 to 129 mph (178 to 208 km/h)
  • Category 4: 130 to 156 mph (209 to 251 km/h)
  • Category 5: 157 mph or higher (252 km/h or higher)*

*Information from "Live Science"

Question??? Where will you be this November 5th??? You got-it at the Londonderry High School Gym, "Voting".  Yahoo - And Remember to VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative"

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."
PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


Today is:  Monday, October 7, 2024
29 Days, "Till The General Election"

Tank & Moose Here,

Moose and Me are in "Headquarters," doing what we do best - "Waiting," for Ron and Cara to come home to tell us the latest information from the "Campaign Trail".  The other day I went with them when they went to the store.  It was great, my head was out the window enjoying the ride.  Until "it," happened - we parked the car, and before you could blink your eye's, a loud "Barking" came from the car, next to us.  I realized right then and there I needed to protect Ron and Cara, so I "Barked," and gave a loud "Growl".  The "Barking" from the other car continued - when I looked over to see who or what is making all that noise, that's when I slipped, I fell to the floor of the car.  When I recovered from the fall, it was all over - the "Barking" from the other car had stopped.  l was ready but, could not get back on the seat until Ron and Cara came back to the car.  It was a close one. 

Moose, was checking out the "New Hampshire State House" the other day, and he found, "Clerk of the House".  We could use a "Clerk" like this in "Headquarters" - here is what he does:

The Clerk of the House is a House officer elected by the members at the beginning of each biennium. The Clerk serves as Parliamentarian of the House, providing guidance on established rules, parliamentary and legislative procedures. The Clerk is the Chief Legislative Officer and is responsible for the proper handling of all legislation in the House, as well as maintaining the records of the House. The office is non-partisan and is responsible for and provides all public information regarding scheduling, bill status, legislative history and voting records. House Calendars and Journals, as well as other publications used by members, are prepared and printed by this office. The Clerk's staff coordinates the flow of work during House floor sessions.

Something to think about???

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - 
This November 5, 2024 Vote: "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."
Today is:  Sunday, October 6, 2024
30 Days, "Till The General Election"

Tank & Moose Here,

Beside the "General Election," coming-up November the 5th in the Londonderry High School Gym, have you noticed a few leaves on your lawn???  Moose and Me, love to run through the leaves when they get this high.  Makes us feel like we're "Super-Dog," that, we can really "G-r-o-w-l".  
You know, "Voting" is right around the corner, and maybe you're one of those people that have not met Ron.  So, Me and Moose thought we would share a little about Ron, 


I’m a Retail Store Manager and a Certified Pharmacy Technician.  I have a BS in Business Administration from the University of New Hampshire. I am a member of the National PFAS Coalition and part of the Londonderry, NH Concerned Citizens for Clean Water.  My loving wife is Cara and we have 2 wonderful dogs, a Great Dane named Moose and a Bulldog named Tank. I am fiscally conservative and will always look out for the taxpayers of Londonderry.

That's a snap-shot of who Ron is - if you're one of those who want to learn more about Ron - before you vote for him - we recommend starting at the "Home" page, and the "Meet Ron" page of this site.  You can also browse the the other pages e.g. "Photos," "Events,""Endorsements" is a good one to learn more about your "Candidate":  Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative.

We have not forgotten the "Campaign Trail".  The last item was "Over All Plan"

"Over All Plan" by Moose and Me

You've established your "Support Group" (Family and Friends), your "Budget" is on paper, and your "Schedule" is also on paper (with all the conflicts resolved).  Now it's time to Plan-Out how you're going to make it all happen.  But, before we begin, we need to add a couple of items to the schedule.  The items are "Family," and "Brain Storming," meetings.  You'll need to decide how often and find a convenient time for all parties.  Now: The "Over-All-Plan," the overall plan is simple,  that's why Moose and Me think most people don't write one.   The "Over All Plan" is to keep: "In Budget," and "Stay on Schedule".  "It's Simple," but "Hard".  Try-it!  Me and Moose have found it works, the only exception is trying to budget "Dog Cookies," just doesn't work.   The rule on "Dog Cookies," is: "See 'em," "Eat 'em".  But, if you want a brief "Nuts and Bolts,""Over-All-Plan," - We found the best start is to have a  binder with a "Calendar," "Schedule," the "Budget," and a list of "Contacts," for each decision maker - being the Schedule changes often it's best to have several lined blank pages behind it.  From here, it's simply a matter of following what you said you would do, and sticking to it (the toughest part is sticking to it). 

Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 Vote: "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."
Today is:  Saturday, October 5, 2024
31 Days, "Till The General Election"

Tank & Moose Here,

Did you know they're "15 Types of Bulldogs"?  I'm a Bulldog, and I didn't know that, not until I checked out Bulldog's on the internet -  Cool - "15" - "Got-to-think about that for a moment".  I wonder what type of canine Moose is?  (Moose and Me prefer, Canine, over Dog).  

Did you also know there are 31 - "Yup-you-got-it" - 31 Day's before the "General Election".  This is the big one, "Everybody".  It's critical you "VOTE".  If you need a ride to the Londonderry High School on November 5th - just let Moose or Me know, and we can work something out.   And remember to Vote for: Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative. 

Have you ever had one of those itches, you know the one, the one on your back, that you can't reach, and found that, even rubbing up against the wall, or laying-upside-down and twisting, doesn't satisfy the itch???  And the only remedy is to ask someone (Not Moose) to scratch it, or run around to find a back-scratcher.  Now put yourself in the body of a Bulldog - "You know the one" - and ask yourself, how do I scratch that one itch, when your legs are 6/7 inches long, and you stand 18 inches tall (And your 16 inches around - Fact-finding by Moose)???  The only thing I've found that works, is to wait for Cara or Ron to come home and present my back for scratching.  That's the latest news here in "Headquarters".............Tank 

Did you know???

The New Hampshire House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the New Hampshire General Court. Alongside the New Hampshire State Senate, it forms the legislative branch of the New Hampshire state government and works alongside the governor of New Hampshire to create laws and establish a state budget. Legislative authority and responsibilities of the New Hampshire House of Representatives include passing bills on public policy matters, setting levels for state spending, raising and lowering taxes, and voting to uphold or override gubernatorial vetoes.

The New Hampshire House of Representatives meets in the State House in Concord, New Hampshire.

  • All 400 seats in the New Hampshire House of Representatives are up for election in2024.
  • All 400 seats in the New Hampshire House of Representatives were up for election in2022. The chamber's Republican majority decreased from 202-177 (with one independent and 20 vacancies) to 201-198 (with one vacancy).
  • New Hampshire has a Republicantrifecta. The Republican Party controls the office of governor and both chambers of the state legislature.

  • Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 Vote: "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.

    Today is: Thursday, October 3, 2024
    33 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank & Moose Here,

    Moose and Me are so "Woof-en" (excited) about the "General Election" coming up, on the 5th of November, we can hardly contain ourselves.  There will be many "Town Hall," "Luncheon," and/or "Dinner" meetings, Ron will be attending over the next few weeks, that the bones should be piling-up for Moose and Me. 
    Awhile back we mentioned "The Campaign Trail," and the three parts to look at when considering running for "Office".  They are: "The Budget," "The Schedule," and the "Over-All-Plan".  The other-day we briefly went over "The Budget".  Today, we'll dive briefly into "The Schedule".  

    "The Schedule" by Moose and Me,

    The "Schedule" begins the minute you agree to run for an Office, and ends at either the "Primary" or
    "General Election".  So, say you agree to run for an Office, you file the necessary paper work with the Town - "What's next?" - it's to make out a list of "Events, e.g."Family," " Town Hall," "Luncheon" and/or "Dinner," "Meetings".  The list will be the "Schedule," you follow, over the time frame, you-set.  Now, Moose and Me, use Excel for making out a schedule - you can use whatever program you have that has rows and columns.   Across the top would be the day's for a calendar month, and down the left side, first column, would be your list of "Events," which includes a time stamp for each Event.  After completing this, go back and put each event under the day of the event, include the time plus AM or PM.  If you find a date and/or time in conflict, look for for a resolve.  Consider travel times between events.  Also, keep in mind the schedule changes quickly and often.  By writing a schedule this way you can quickly see any conflicts of time, gaps in time, and the "Can not geographically make it there in time to attend both Events".  This also helps with budgeting expenses e.g. gas, grab-a-bite to eat, or whatever.  Me and Moose find schedules pretty straight forward.  Although finding a conflict resolve can be a bit tricky.  If you have any questions about any of this, contact Me or Moose we would be happy to help.

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 Vote: "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


    So, I showed this picture to Moose the other day - he asked, what is it?  I told him a Moose, in which, Moose replied:  "So, that's what I look like.  I thought my nose was smaller".......only Moose.










    Today is: Wednesday, October 2, 2024
    34 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank & Moose Here,

    "WOW," are you "Woof-en"? (Excited)  There are 34 days till the "General Election".  Me and Moose are "Woof-en about it.   Everywhere we go, we find people who are aware of what's happening to this "Great Nation" of ours called "America".  If I said it once, I've said a 1,000 times (Have you heard that before?)   < It's critical,> this time, for you to let them hear, your "Voice".  Remember the day we vote is November 5, 2024, in the Londonderry High School Gym.  You're voting for Your/Our, "Life," "Liberty," and the "Pursuit to Happiness".  From Me and Moose here in "Headquarters" to You ''''''Vote'''''' and remember when you come to the section in your ballet that say's:  New Hampshire State Representative - VOTE:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative".

    After you "Vote," remember to contact us to us let know you voted, and we will send you a "FREE", "I Voted" button. 

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 Vote: "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.
    Today is:  Monday, September 30, 2024
    36 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank & Moose Here,

    Today, Moose and Me were actually walking side-by-side in the backyard.  It's not like we don't get along - "we-do" - but  sometimes, like in most relationships, there is that odd moment when you say to yourself:  "Who is this?" 
    We wandered over to look at the "Chickens".  They're fun to watch, because you see, whenever Moose is around them, the "Chickens" do what Moose and Me call, the "Chicken Dance," they always "Dance" around, when they see Moose - we can't tell if "They're Happy, or Not-Happy," to see him.  It's funny because they don't dance when it's just me watching - I guess it's because I'm at they're level.  You could say, we see "Eye to Eye" - "Go-Figure".


    Part 3 - End: Nominee for president is announced at national party conventions.

    The electoral college casts its votes.

    Some of the founding fathers wanted Congress to elect the president. Others wanted the president

    to be elected by popular vote. The electoral college represents a compromise between these ideas.

    Every state has a number of electors equal to its number of congresspersons. In addition, there are three electors for the District of Columbia. At the last presidential election there were 538 electors. Although laws vary by state, electors are usually chosen by popular vote. An elector may not be a senator, representative, or other person holding a U.S. office.

    All the electoral votes from a particular state go to the candidate who leads the popular vote in that state. A candidate can therefore win millions of popular votes but no electoral votes. This “winner takes all” system can produce seemingly uneven results; in the elections of 1876, 1888, and 2000, for instance, the candidate who had the greatest popular vote did not win the greatest electoral college vote, and so lost the presidency.

    On the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December, the electors cast their ballots. Nothing in the Constitution or federal law requires that the electors vote along with their state's popular vote, though an elector who did not would likely not be reelected. At least 270 electoral votes are required to elect a president. If this majority is not reached, the House of Representatives will elect the president.

    The president is inaugurated.

    On January 20, the president enters office in a formal ceremony know as the inauguration. He takes the presidential oath: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

    In accordance with the Constitution, the inauguration used to take place on March 4, because transportation and communication were so slow that it took time to collect election results and allow winning candidates to travel to Washington, D.C. With the 20th Amendment in 1933, however, the inauguration date was changed to January 20.

    We hope, this has brought about a better understanding of what's happening when someone runs for the President.

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - Me and Moose are blogging and there's a-lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 Vote: "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


    Today is:  Monday, September 30, 2024
    36 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,

    "Another quickie blog".  <UPDATE >  I've been cutting and pasting in the date, the last few blogs, and I forgot to update the day, and day of the month - although, I was happy to see the year was always correct.  The dates have all been corrected.  I'm sorry for any confusion this may have caused.  And a big "Thank You," goes out to the many viewers that emailed and texted messaged-us, letting us know the dates were wrong. 

    And Moose had nothing to do with this one - I can't point a paw at him:  all I can say is: "It was my fault."  Thank you for understanding - (maybe it's time I look for an editor?)


    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"


    Today is:  Sunday, September 29, 2024
    38 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,

    "Just a quickie blog" - Today, I chewed on "what is an Electoral College".  Then asked myself, what, is a "Electoral College"?  So, I did a little research and found an article, and thought, "Hay," let's share it, before another day passes-us-by.  On a side note have you noticed how fast the day's are passing-by us??? you could almost say flying-by.  But that's a topic for another day - 

    electoral college

    Electoral College in U.S. government, the body of electors that chooses the president and vice president. The Constitution, in Article 2, Section 1, provides: “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress.” However, no senator, representative, or officer of the U.S. government may be an elector. The electors are directed by the Constitution to vote in their respective states, and Congress is authorized to count their votes.

    To win, a presidential candidate must have a majority in the electoral college. Before adoption of the Twelfth Amendment (1804), in the event that no candidate had a majority, the House of Representatives (voting by states, with one vote for each state) was to choose the president from among the five candidates highest on the electoral list. Then, “after the choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Electors shall be the Vice President”; in case of a tie the Senate would choose the vice president. The Twelfth Amendment, however, resulting from the confused election of 1800 (see Jefferson, Thomas, and Burr, Aaron) provided that electors vote for president and vice president separately. It also reduced from five to three the number of candidates from among whom the House was to choose—in case no candidate had a majority (only two presidents, Jefferson and John Quincy Adams, have been elected by the House).

    Very interesting - what do you think?  If I recall correctly this is what some people want to abolish - I wonder why???
    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 Vote: "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."


    Today is:  Sunday, September 29, 2024
    38 Day's, "Till The General Election"

    Tank & Moose Here,

    It feels like 2022 all over - we're in the final stretch to the "General Election".  The race is on for everyone to get the message out: "VOTE," this November 5, 2024, in the Londonderry High School Gym - "It's a critical time for all of us." Remember to "Vote" for:  Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative.

    Here's the up-date on Moose's "Rock," he "Buried" it - yup, he did, he buried it - I'm at a lose for words, to explain why - only to say: "That's Moose". I know, I've said that before but, explain burying a "Rock".  That's Moose ya-got-to Love 'em.

    "The Campaign Trail," by Moose and Tank


    In my Bulldog opinion the word "Budget," says it all.  The Apple dictionary says: "Budget is: "an estimate of "Income" and "Expenditure" for a set period of time".  By tracking them for a period of time, it's called a budget. And that's what you need to do > "Track your "Income," "Expenses," and "Loses".   Loses and Expenses would be in the same column but "Loses" would be in "RED"and Expenses would be in black.  The reason for this is: say you purchased 10 Campaign signs at $10.00 each.  You take 5 signs and put them along-side the road, and the next day you find 4 signs are missing/stolen.  That's $40.00 taken/stolen from your "Total" allowable expenses. So, you replace those 4 signs - by replacing them it makes the expense a negative expense so you mark it in "RED" - Which means you're not out $40.00 but $80.00.  That's why when Ron had 42 Campaign signs taken/stolen, then replaced them, he's "Out of Pocket" $840.00.  I'll make a plea while we're here > To support Ron, simply click on the "Support" button on the "Home Page of this Web-Site - now back to the "Budget"

    When running for an Office, income will be the donations you receive (hopefully).  Your expenditures are everything you buy or loose/have stolen/etc. For example: missing "Campaign Signs" would be, considered an expense (see above Campaign Sign lose/stolen example).  I have to do this for Moose to keep track of his "Bones" - Now "Dog Cookies," are in a column by-themselves.  The reason is: there is really no need to track them, because Moose and me eat them"as soon as they come in "Headquarters".  We give a big "Woof" to the many people sending us "Dog Cookies".  "Thank You".  The only reason we track the "Cookies" is for tax purposes.  But, a simple way to make out a budget is to count the number of days, months, years, you need to budget for, then divide by the total amount of $$$'s you have available, or will receive, then mark that figure on a calendar, spread sheet, or Journal.  If you spend over, or don't spend the calculated amount for a day - you'll need to balance out the remaining "Day's vs $$$'s".  "Disclaimer" - before I go any further, let me say there are many ways to document and track expenses.  This is Tank's way - and keep in mind Tank, me, am a dog, budgeting bones and cookies.  More tomorrow on, Budget from Tank & Moose. Let's move on to "Part 2" of:  "The Campaign Trail" running for President.  (See: Yesterday's blog for Part 1)

    Part 2 of 3: Nominee for president is announced at national party conventions. (Continued)

    The main goal of a national party convention is to unify party members behind the party's platform and nominees. Thousands of delegates gather to rally support for the platform and to nominate candidates for president and vice-president.

    From the 1820s until the 1930s, party conventions were boisterous events in which determining a nominee could spark hot debate. By the mid-20th century, however, primary elections had become the main way of selecting a nominee.

    After the convention, the second stage of the presidential campaign begins: the election campaign. In this stage, presidential candidates from different parties compete against each other.

    Citizens cast their votes.

    Presidential elections are held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday of November. This was decided long ago, when many voters had to make a long, slow journey to the polling place. By early November crops were in but the weather was usually not too cold for travel. And because Sunday was a day of rest, voters would begin the trip on Monday.

    Many Americans think that when they cast their ballot, they are voting for their chosen candidate. In actuality they are selecting groups of electors in the electoral college.

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 Vote: "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative."
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.
    Today is:  Saturday, September 28, 2024
    39 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank & Moose Here,

    The other day I watched Moose in the backyard look at a "Rock."  "A-Rock".  Go-figure, but Moose is a little different - So I went over to him and asked, "What's the fascination with the "Rock"(you know "Big Man Talk").  After a long-pause (I almost walked back to the house) - we're talking a real long-pause, he says to me, "that's a Rock"?  I thought it was the bone I buried yesterday.  All I can say is: "That's Moose".  Ya-got-to-Love-em.

    The other night Ron gave us an update on what he and Cara have been doing while on the "Campaign Trail," and we thought we would pass-it along.  Ron, is attending Meetings, here  in Londonderry, as well as the New Hampshire State House.  He and Cara have been checking and maintaining their "Campaign" signs.  When they have a little time they take a much "Needed Break Together."  And they keep me and Moose entertained, fed, and watered - and the big one - "Wait for it" - all the while in an, "Air-Conditioned' Headquarters."  

    The "Campaign Trail" - have you read the Book?  Or, seen the Movie? Or the missing one, have you had training on what the "Campaign Trail," is all about, and how many hours goes into "Campaigning"?  Well Moose and Me thought we would put our heads together and provide some input.  If after reading this you have some "Campaign Trail" stories you would like to share - don't hesitate to write-us here at "Headquarters".  Now there is one article we found that we'll share over the next few blogs.  But, before we do that, here is what Moose and Me came up-with >

    The "Campaign Trail", by Moose and Tank

    Once you have decided to run for a political office, the next step is to ask your fiends and relatives if they will consider supporting you.  This is a must, because without family support - who will be there, to "Shout for Joy," when you win, or heaven for-bid, "Pat You on the Back" when you loose, and say "Nice Try", We know you worked hard."  The next item, is to fill out the paperwork for the Office you're running for at your Local Town Hall.  Then put together a "Budget," a "Schedule," and a "Over All Plan."  Many people do the first two, but for some strange reason, stop before "Planning."  Moose and Me will be breaking this out over the next couple of days.  But, we thought you might like to see what the "Campaign Trail" is when running for President.  This will be in 3 Parts, while Moose and My version of the "Campaign Trail," (which I think is more of the "Nuts & Bolts") will be mixed in over the next 3 Parts and may be longer - it depends how wordy I feel.

    Part 1 of 3: Step-by-Step on the Campaign Trail (Continued)

    Updated August 5, 2020 | Infoplease Staff 

    How the President Gets Elected

    —Holly Hartman

    Don't know the difference between a caucus and a convention? Unsure what the electoral college is? Check out our handy guide to the seven steps of the presidential election.

    Candidate announces plan to run for office.

    This announcement launches the candidate's official campaign. Speeches, debates, and baby-kissing begin in full force.

    Candidate campaigns to win delegate support.

    The first stage of a presidential campaign is the nomination campaign. At this time the candidate is competing with other candidates in the same party, hoping to get the party's nomination. The candidate works to win delegates—representatives who pledge to support the candidate's nomination at the national party convention—and to persuade potential voters in general.

    Caucuses and primary elections take place in the states.

    Caucuses and primaries are ways for the general public to take part in nominating presidential candidates. Before the 20th century , only the party leaders in each state could nominate presidential candidates.

    At a caucus, local party members gather to nominate a candidate. A caucus is a lively event at which party leaders and activists debate issues, consider candidates, choose delegates, and discuss the party platform, or statement of principles. The rules governing caucus procedures vary by party and b y state.

    A primary is more like a general election. Voters go to the polls to cast their votes for a presidential candidate (or delegates who will represent that candidate at the party convention). Primary elections are the main way for voters to choose a nominee.


    Personally, I prefer Moose and Me "Campaign Trail" - but we're just dogs.  Let us know which you prefer.  It will help us with our blog.

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 Vote: "Ron Dunn New Hampshire State Representative."
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or Me, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.



    Today is:  Tuesday, September 24, 2024
    42 Days, "Till The General Election"
    Tank and Moose Here,
    Moose and Me have been working long hours at "Headquarters".  This November 5th, "General Election Time", we'll be ready for the many emails, text messages, and phone calls we receive just prior to "Election" night.  Majority of the people, wanting to know who Ron is, and what does he stand for.  Our answer is to; ask them to go to "".  This is Ron's Web-Site, it holds a great deal of information on who Ron is, what he supports, and who endorses him.  Check-it-out.
    "This November 5th - 2024 Vote: Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative"
    Here is what 2020 version of "Mason's Manual" changed;

    The Current Edition—2020 Edition

    With the most up-to-date citations of case law and sources of authority, the 2020 Mason’s Manual is essential for the 2021 legislative session. For the first time ever, the 2020 edition of Mason’s Manual is available in both print and digital formats, allowing users to access it online anytime. Accessing parliamentary laws, rules and procedures has never been easier.

    Here's what's different in the 2020 edition of Mason’s Manual. 

    • The use of certain words was changed for consistency.
    • Sections about remote participation were added.
    • The section about legislative privilege and immunity was rewritten.
    • The section about the enrolled bill rule versus the journal entry rule was reorganized.
    • More internal cross references were added.
    • Parliamentary manual citations were reviewed and updated as needed.
    • Case law from 2009 to 2019 was reviewed, and case citations were updated as needed.
    • The index was updated.
    This is a "must-have-book", in your Library - if you're a NH State Representative - It's an out-of-pocket expense, costing +/- $120.00. 

    Ever wonder how a Bill is processed?  According to "Civics Education" where they say:

    "The Legislative Process"

    Is:  A Bill starts with an idea, it's then Drafted, it goes to the "First Chamber," where "Committee Meetings," and "Floor Debates" are held, from there it goes to the "Second Chamber," again there are "Committee Meetings," and "Floor Debates," from there it goes to the Governor to be passed or vetoed. "If vetoed it goes back to the chamber of origin.  If the veto is overridden, the bill moves to the second chamber for it's reconsideration.  If not, the bill dies."*  If the bill is signed by the Governor, it's made Law.  

    That's the process, what do you think???

    * quote from NCSL

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 Vote: "Ron Dunn New Hampshire State Representative."
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Moose of Tank, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


    Today is:  Sunday, September 22, 2024

    44 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank and Moose Here,
    Have you noticed the leaves changing color?  You know what that means, "SNOW" is on the way.  Moose and me are hoping the "General Election" will be done, and gone, by the time the first snow flake falls.  I remember back in 2022 when the snow was up to my knees and we had to walk all the way to the house from the car.  It was deep.

    Let's talk "General Election" for a few minutes.  Being it's 44 days away.  Are you ready?  Do you have a "Question," for Ron?  Have you read all of Ron's "Web-Site"?  You can gleam a-lot of information about Ron just by checking out his "Web-Site".  But, if you want to contact him here is his contact information:

    Call 781-640-1006


    Don't wait, call him now - or send him an email - If you want to know what Ron, as a New Hampshire State Representative is doing for us, or what he has been doing for us, or will be doing for us, ask him today > you can also go back to my August 4, 2024 blog, and read forward from there.  You'll get a real good idea of what Ron is doing for us, has been doing for us, and will be doing for us if elected this November 5th, "General Election".  

    Let's take a look at "Deliberative Assemblies"

    Voting methods in deliberative assemblies

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Deliberative assemblies – bodies that use parliamentary procedure to arrive at decisions – use several methods of voting on motions (formal proposal by members of a deliberative assembly that the assembly take certain action). The regular methods of voting in such bodies are a voice vote, a rising vote, and a show of hands. Additional forms of voting include a recorded vote and balloting.

    Regular methods

    Voice vote

    Main article: Voice vote

    Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR) states that a voice vote (viva voce) is the usual method of voting on any motion that does not require more than a majority vote for its adoption.[1] It is considered the simplest and quickest of voting methods used by deliberative assemblies. The chair of the assembly will put the question to the assembly, asking first for those in favor of the motion to indicate so verbally ("aye" or "yes"), and then ask those opposed to the motion to indicate so verbally ("no"). The chair will then estimate which side had more members.

    Rising vote

    A simple rising vote (in which the number of members voting on each side rise to their feet) is used principally in cases in which the chair believes a voice vote has been taken with an inconclusive result, or upon a motion to divide the assembly. A rising vote is also often the normal method of voting on motions requiring a two-thirds vote for adoption. It can also be used as the first method of voting when only a majority vote is required if the chair believes in advance that a voice vote will be inconclusive.[2] The chair can also order the rising vote to be counted.[3] Another use is on a resolution honoring or in memory of a notable person, when the assembly stands in honor or remembrance.[4]

    Show of hands

    A show of hands is a method of public voting, often used in small boards, committees or also informal gatherings, or some larger assemblies.[3] Members raise their hands to indicate support for the motion, then for opposition to it. The chairperson assesses which side had the most hands, sometimes by counting them individually. This method is more precise than a voice vote and ensures that each member's vote is counted equally (no advantage for shouting louder). However, it is not a full division of the assembly, and can produce a larger number of abstentions than a rising vote.[5]

    Recorded vote

    recorded vote is a vote in which the votes (for or against) of each member of the assembly are recorded (and often later published). RONR explains:[6]

    Taking a vote by roll call (or by yeas and nays, as it is also called) has the effect of placing on the record how each member, or sometimes each delegation, votes; therefore, it has exactly the opposite effect of a ballot vote. It is usually confined to representative bodies, where the proceeds are published, since it enables constituents to know how their representatives voted on certain measures. It should not be used in a mass meeting or in any assembly whose members are not responsible to a constituency.

    Recorded votes may either be taken by actually calling the roll (a task typically ordered by the chair and performed by the secretary) or, in some assemblies, by electronic device.[7]


    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 Vote: "Ron Dunn New Hampshire State Representative."
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Moose of Tank, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.
    Today is:  Wednesday, September 18, 2024

    48 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank and Moose Here,
    "Are You Feeling It?" (Moose needs to come-up with a new Woof-en word for "Are You Feeling It"?

    I don't believe the General Election is 48 days away - although we're ready for's still a "Ya-But-Wow"!  That's a good one "Ya-But-Wow".  We, have a keeper-here.

    Ron, is ready, he has many campaign signs out along the roadside - he's attending Meetings, and going to Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner meetings - not in one day - That would be a "Ya-But-Wow" for Moose and Me - think of the bones (you know the one's, with a just a little meat and a hint of BBQ sauce).

    In our last blog we forwarded an email with a list of "Why I Vote".  We received so many emails and text messages thanking us for it's message.  We, Moose and Me, put our heads together (when we do this it's easy to see who has the most brains.................Me, it's simple, my head is bigger) and came up with a list of: "Vote for Candidates who Support:    

    ·      First Amendment and Freedom of Speech versus being censored and attacked.

    ·      Secure National Borders and LEGAL immigration.

    ·      Election Integrity

    ·      Second Amendment -- Right to defend your life and family.

    ·      Local and State police and won't allow a national/global police force.

    ·      Law and Order versus trespassing, destruction and looting

    ·      Personal Responsibility for an individual actions and ending catch and release of established criminals

    ·      Court Justice(s) who will uphold the Law

    ·      The existing Electoral College system and for the Democratic Republic

    ·      Keeping jobs in our State and America

    ·      No Taxpayer Freebies to illegal entrants to our State and Nation

    ·      Quality of services for US military and veterans and their families

    ·      Science and biology as it has been since time began

    ·      Transgenders having their own competitive sport events and not be in gender specific events.

    ·      Eliminating human/child trafficking.

    ·      Freedom of Religion as stated in the US Constitution.

    This November 5, 2024 vote:  Ron Dunn, for New Hampshire State Representative
    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 Vote: "Ron Dunn New Hampshire State Representative."
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Moose of Tank, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.
    Today is:  Monday, September 16, 2024

    50 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank and Moose Here,

    So, while in "Headquarters," the other day Moose and Me were asking ourselves: "Why do people Vote"?  Ask yourself, "Why did/do, I Vote"?  Did my vote make a difference?  We received an email from a friend the other day, it moved us so much, we thought we would share it with you.  Our Friend said it came from a Marine who served in Vietnam................There's no title it simply starts with >

    That moment when someone says,

    "I can't believe you're voting for Trump". I simply reply, “I'm NOT voting for Trump.”

    I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech. I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored.

    I’m voting for secure borders and LEGAL immigration. I am voting for election integrity to include mandatory voter ID. (Why would anyone vote against this?)

    I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.

    I'm voting for the police to be respected once again.

    I am voting for law & order and an end to allowing protesters to trespass and burn our cities, destroying innocent small business. (Tim Walz)

    I am voting for personal responsibility and the end of the revolving door where criminals are being put back on the street. (Kamala Harris)

    I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

    I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.

    I'm voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.

    I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

    I’m voting for keeping our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over the world - to China, Mexico and other foreign countries.

    I am voting for doing away with all of the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens and homeless veterans. 

    I'm voting for the military & the veterans who fought for this country

    I'm voting to keep men out of women's sports.

    I’m voting for peace progress in the Middle East.

    I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.

    I'm voting for Freedom of Religion.

    I am voting for the return of teaching math, history, and science instead of the indoctrination of our children.

    I'm not just voting for one person.

    I'm voting for the future of my Country.

    I'm voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms

    America is the greatest country in the world, hence why everyone wants to immigrate here. So why do you want to change it?

    Why do politicians want to enact policies that have failed in other countries throughout history?

    I'm not voting for Trump.

    I'm voting for America.

    This General Election, coming November 5th, Vote: Ron Dunn New Hampshire State representative

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 Vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."

    Tomorrow we'll have more from Mason's Manual


    Today is:  Sunday, September 15, 2024

    51 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank and Moose Here,

    Remember the other day I had an "Epiphany" - and that, what, I saw was Cara bringing home bones (you know the one's) for Me and Moose.  Well it happened, and for no reason.  You, see Moose and Me are always good Dogs (except when Moose buries his bones in the couch).  So who needs a reason to bring home a bone - you know the ones, with just a little meat on them and not too much BBQ sauce.   

    Today, Ron and Cara, were out fixing campaign signs and talking with voters like You and Me - reminding everyone they met, this election is about "Our Liberty," "Our Freedom," and, "The American Dream" (Remember that one?).  For example: another attempt was made on Donald Trump's life.  Somebody does not want him in Office.  That's why we need Ron, working for us.  See the "Issue" page of this Web-Site for what Ron Supports.

    Today we'll look at:  "Quorum" and "Floor"

    A Quorum:

    quorum is the minimum number of members of a group necessary to constitute the group at a meeting.[2] In a deliberative assembly (a body that uses parliamentary procedure, such as a legislature), a quorum is necessary to conduct the business of that group. In contrast, a plenum is a meeting of the full (or rarely nearly full) body. A body, or a meeting or vote of it, is quorate if a quorum is present (or casts valid votes).

    Floor (Legislative)

    The floor of a legislature or chamber is the place where members sit and make speeches. When a person is speaking there formally, they are said to have the floor. The House of Commons and the House of Lords of the United Kingdom; the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate all have "floors" with established procedures and protocols.

    Activity on the floor of a council or legislature, such as debate, may be contrasted with meetings and discussion which takes place in committee, for which there are often separate committee rooms.[1] Some actions, such as the overturning of an executive veto, may only be taken on the floor.[2]

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 Vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Moose of Tank, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.
    Today is:  Sunday, September 15, 2024

    51 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank & Moose Here,
    "A SPECIAL PLEA,"  It's expensive to run for New Hampshire State Representative.  Campaign signs costing $10.00 each and an untold amount for door leave behinds (these are kind-a-like flyers but they have a hole on one end so they can be left on the door knob when no-one is home), flyers, and ads in the paper, and radio.  All of these are out of pocket expenses.  This time, it has been a bit more expensive due to the many signs stolen and/or taken - thus far 42 signs - that's another $420.00 to replace them.  Which means a total of $840.00 spent on campaign signs. 
    Would you please consider supporting "Ron's Run"?  It would mean a great deal to all of us.
    Ron, Cara, Moose, Me, & all the Chickens

    PS:  To make a donation, simply click-on the red "Contribute" at the top of this page on the right.

    Today is:  Saturday, September 14, 2024

    52 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank & Moose Here,

     Have you ever had one of those "Epiphanies"?  You know, you're talking with someone when they suddenly stop and say: "I just had a "Epiphany."  Well, I just had an "Epiphany."  Mine was that I saw Cara coming home with bones (you know the ones with just the right amount of meat on them, and not too much BBQ sauce) for Moose and Me.  We'll let you know if it comes to pass.

    Remember this November 5th vote:  Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative - 

    So, Moose did it again, in our last meeting he tried to "Table" a motion (first of all, he was out of turn) - you know stop something moving forward - I guess you could say: "and going backwards." But it didn't work.  The Motion was: do we clean "Headquarters" or not?  The issue is, if we had left those bones where they were and Cara found them "His "Pads"(dog - for feet) - not mine - would be outside in the backyard and not on the couch - which is Moose's favorite spot.  I know boring, but this is Moose and my day.

    What Moose was doing was reading about "Tables" from "Mason's Manual .  Here is what it tells us:

    Difference between American and British usage


    Both the American and the British dialects have the expression "to table a topic" as a short way of saying "to lay a topic on the table" and "to make a topic lie on the table", but these have opposite meanings in the different varieties of the languages. The British meaning is based on the idea of parliamentarians gathering around a table with the bill laid upon so that all may point to sections for discussion. The American sense draws on the image of taking a paper that one has been examining and laying it aside, ending any discussion about it. The phrase "put on the table" can have the same meaning of "making the issue available for debate" in both dialects.[1][2][3] According to the American Heritage Dictionary, on the table in American English always has the two opposite meanings up for discussion and put aside for consideration at a later date depending on the context.[4]

    The British meaning of to "table" is to begin consideration of a proposal.[1] This comes from the use of the term to describe physically laying legislation on the table in the British Parliament; once an item on the order paper has been laid on the table, it becomes the current subject for debate.[5]

    "Table" - Go-Figure......




    A motion is a formal proposal by a member to do something.[1] Motions are the basis of the group decision-making process.[2] They focus the group on what is being decided.

    Generally, a motion should be phrased in a way to take an action or express an opinion. A motion to not do something should not be offered if the same result can happen without anything being done.[3] Such a motion could result in confusion if the assembly does not want to not do it.[3]

    So, Moose was correct when he said he wants the Motion "Tabled" - that's ok - he was wrong, because one: he was out of turn (I had not called on him) and two: majority rules.  Being there is only him and me - one of us needs to have the last word............................Tank

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 Vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Moose of Tank, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.



    Today is:  Friday, September 13, 2024

    52 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank & Moose Here,
    We finally got "Headquarters" cleaned-up from our little party we threw for Ron.  Today, Ron gave us our new assignments, that, I'm sure will keep us busy, from now until "General Election Time," November 5th.  

    I've got to tell you, sometimes Moose is not the "Brightest Bulb," in the lamp.  Take for instance his bone hiding skills.  Now we've been told, no hiding bones in the "House" or "Headquarters."  But, during "Headquarters clean-out, I found 5 bones of Moose's.   Three under the couch cushion, one under the couch pillow, and one under the couch.  We're just glad, Cara did not find them.

    Have you heard of, "Mason's Manual of Legislative Procedure" or "Mason's Manual"?  It's kind a-like the book titled "Roberts Rules," the difference is this Manual is what is used in the New Hampshire State House.  This is also the "Manual" NH State Representative should know, you could say it's part of the job to know this "Manual."  This is also the "Stuff" we mentioned in our September 11th blog.  Moose came-up with it.  "Got to give credit where credit is due".  I have no idea how he knew about such a "Large" book.  Go-Figure - That's Moose - So, over the next few months, while covering Ron and his whereabouts of: e.g. attending "Meetings," "Knocking on Doors,"and the best one of all, the "Dinner Meeting" (this is when he brings treats home for Moose and Me) -  we'll be posting paws (dog for - some) of the information Legislators know and use at the State House.   Take for example: "Session"

    session is a meeting or series of connected meetings devoted to a single order of business, program, agenda, or announced purpose.[2][3] An organization's bylaws may define a specific meaning of the term "session." In most organizations, each session consists of only a single meeting (i.e. "session" and "meeting" are equivalent terms in this case).

    The significance of a session is that one session generally cannot make decisions that bind a group at a future session. A session has implications for the renewability of motions. The same or substantially the same question cannot be brought up twice in the same session except by means of the motions that bring a question again before the assembly.[4]

    Before you go, I wanted to show you a picture of my Girlfriend "BabyDog" waving congratulations to Ron, on receiving the highest number of votes from Londonderry, of all the State Representative's.  Isn't she cute - don't you think we look alike? 

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 Vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Moose of Tank, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


    Today is:  Wednesday, September 11, 2024

    54 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank & Moose Here,

    "We're Woof-en, We're Woof-en" - Wasn't that incredible???  What a ride!  Thank You, everyone for voting for Ron.  He won't tell you this, but Moose and Me will - Ron Loves doing NH State Representative stuff.  What that stuff is all about, will be the topic of our new discussion.  

    Again, "Thank YOU" for voting for Ron - he knows without your support, there would be no Ron Dunn NH State Representative.  It was a tough battle.  But, all in all his strategy held true - he kept Me and Moose running "Headquarters" while he and Cara, were out "Knocking on Doors," attending meetings locally and meetings in the State House. 

    Over the Summer we lost 40 + campaign signs, many were moved, many looked like they were stepped on - go-figure.  However, when the dust settled, we are "Still Standing".......remember if you have a question about what is happening in the NH State House, or what Bill, Ron is working-on or sponsoring - he's only a phone call or email away - 


    Phone:  781-640-1006

    After the count was given and all ready to go home - Ron, Cara Me, and Moose celebrated a little at "Headquarters."  We kept it low key, remembering the hour - 2:00 AM   

    Moose got a special award for creating "We're Woof-en", "We're Woof-en".

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This November 5, 2024 Vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Moose of Tank, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.



    Today is: Tuesday, September 10, 2024

    "I--t--'s Primary Time" - Go Vote

    56 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank & Moose Here,

    Today is the day, let's hear your voice, GO VOTE - "I-t-'s Primary Time".  Don't let this moment pass you by.  It's going on right now.  Moose and Me are with you all the way.   Let us know you voted and we'll send you a free "I Voted" button (pictured).   So, get up, off that chair, drive on-over to Londonderry High School, walk into the GYM, grab your Ballot and Vote - 

    Moose and Me are so "Dog-Gone" (what does that mean???) excited (in our bark "We're Woof-en" "We're Woof-en).  The other day Moose and Me were in Headquarters getting ready to do some "Door Knocking", when Cara came home.  In my "Woof-en", I barked and barked (Moose just looks at me when I do this) explaining to Cara the importance of what we're all doing.  And yes, "She Already Knew" the importance of what we're doing. She saw how excited we both were, so she gave Moose and Me a "Dog Cookie" (who came-up with "Dog Cookie"??? - more on this later).  When Ron came home we all jumped in the car and went "Door Knocking" for the last time before the "Primary". 

    Because the counting goes on, sometimes past midnight, the results may be delayed - but it's OK, Ron will let us know the results as soon as he hears.  We're "Bark-en" you voted: "Ron Dunn New Hampshire State Representative". 

    Don't let Ron know but Moose and Me are sprucing up "Headquarters" in anticipation of him getting a high number of votes so he can move onto the "General Election".  Remember he's not elected, just yet.  It's come this November 5th when we all get together once again, and vote one more time in the "General Election" - that's when, if he receives a high nmber of votes, he'll represent us as our New Hampshire Representative.

    Can you tell we're "Woof-en" (Excited) ?

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This September 10, 2024 Vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Moose of Tank, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


    Today is: Monday, September 9, 2024

    1 Day (that's "Tomorrow for most of us), "Till The Primary Election"

    57 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank & Moose Here,
    "We're Woof-en", "We're Woof-en" - Tomorrow is the day, but not the "Big", "Big," day, the "General Election," tomorrow is the "Primary Election".  Both important days in our lives - Politics maybe what drives the bus, but - it's not what keeps the bus on the road, it's....."Freedom"....."Liberty"......"We The People"....."You & Me".....and so much more.....that keeps America - America:  "Remember It's our "Liberty", "to Choose to Vote", or "Not to Vote" - it's our "Freedom" that gives us the "Right to Vote" or "Not to "Vote".  (Quote from: T&M chapter 1)

    Tomorrow you must vote -

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This September 10, 2024 Vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Moose of Tank, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.
    Today is: Sunday, September 8, 2024

    2 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    58 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank & Moose Here,
    Moose and me are "Woof-en" (a Moose word).  "Woof-en" by Moose go-figure.  Good job Moose, I like-it.  We're "Woof-in", we're "Woof-en".  We're so excited about this election - it's like going to a theme park, of your choice, and your in-line for the highest climb'n, steepest-fall'n, and, and, and....Roller Coster in the World - that's how much we're "Woof-en around here"...... 

    Two day's, can you believe it???  All we're talking about here in Headquarters is election this, and election that.  Remember to Vote this September 10th at Londonderry High School, in the Gym. Voting hours are between 6:00 AM and 8:00 PM.  And remember to vote for: "Ron Dunn" New Hampshire State Representative - - - You need do this....Have your voices heard.

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This Fall Vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Moose of Tank, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


    Today is: Saturday, September 7, 2024

    3 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    59 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,
    Moose and me hope you enjoyed the job description information we covered over the past few weeks on "New Hampshire State Representative". There was a great deal of very important information e.g. from campaigning, to the first few weeks after the "General" election. 

    Moose and me have been researching other topics, but we thought, wait, let's ask you - the voter - what would like us to cover???  Write us and provide a brief couple of sentences on your subject - Moose and me will read over everyone's comments and suggestions then we'll chose two and put them out for a vote.  Let's set Monday September 9th (the day before the "Primary") as the end - we should have some to chose from by then. 

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This Fall Vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Moose of Tank, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.

    Today is: Friday, September 6, 2024

    4 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    60 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,
    It's almost that time once again, and that time is, "V-o-t-i-n-g Time".  Y-a-h-o-o, Moose and me are having a difficult time toning down our enthusiasm.  If they would let Moose and me vote we would, and ya-all know, who we would vote for: "Ron Dunn, NH State Representative".  What a ride its been so far.  There is nothing like the feeling of believing in "Freedom", "Faith",  and "We the People" and seeing it all in action. Wow, what a ride - I know I said that, but it is so woofen right-on - See you at the polls, which are at: "The Londonderry High School Gym" this Tuesday September 10, 2024.

    Check out Ron's ad on the last page of this weeks Londonderry Times -

    Let's finish-up with Part III of three parts on: "Who Administers the General Court"

       The Majority House Leader is in charge of the chamber's daily legislative operations: schedules the daily legislative calendar, directs his/her party's strategy, assembles party members for important votes, serves as a party spokesperson.  The duties of the Minority House Leader are similar to the Majority House Leader duties but focuses on his/her party's desires on bills, resolutions, and actions. The Minority House Leader ensures party members are present in adequate numbers for votes and that they know the party's voting strategy.  The Minority House Leader is the party's spokesperson.

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This Fall Vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Moose of Tank, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.
    Today is: Wednesday, September 4, 2024

    6 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    62 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,

    Sorry, for the late blog.  Again, I've been a little under the weather.  I thought I was over whatever it is but, nope.  Oh well, I've got to move on.  A "Big Thank You," to everyone who wrote a get-well message.  And Yes, I'm better, and yes, I read and answered each one.  

    Moose and me are so excited, about, how close we are to the "Primary".  Can you believe it??? we're six days away.  We even cleaned-up and cleaned-out "Headquarters" in preparation of the big event.  In the process we found some old fireworks and thought we would shoot them off - but, nope - it would scare the chickens so I guess we'll end-up watching the show on the television.

    Part II of three parts on: "Who Administers the General Court"

    Note: because of the way this was written Part II is short and Part III is long, and the end.

    He/she designates an alternate if and when he/she needs to be absent, e.g., the Majority House Leader.  The other positions with General Court administrative responsibilities are Majority House Leader and Minority House Leader.  

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"
    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This Fall Vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."
    Tomorrow's blog topic is: Part III of: "Who Administers the General Court"
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Moose of Tank, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.
    Today is: Friday August 31, 2024

    10 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    66 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Moose Here,

    "Sorry", who came-up with that name and called it a "Board Game" for kids???  Tank and me were barking at each other, pawing at the board - and what about that "Eleven"card???  It says right on the card to either move 11 squares or trade places with one of your opponent's men....ridicules.  And the rules - who reads the rules wins the game - for sure.  Tank, said we would read the rules the next time we play - I bark about that.  "Sorry"!  It wore me out.

    Ron and Cara continue knocking on doors, attending meetings, and adjusting Ron's Campaign signs when they fall over.  All in all we're as ready as we can be for the "Primary" being held on September 10, 2024 in the Londonderry High School Gym.  If you need any help or have a question about the election process - give a shout back to us or you can find Ron's cell phone number and email address at the close of this message.

    Part I of three parts on: "Who Administers the General Court"

    The Speaker of the House is head administrator of the General Court.  The Speaker presides over the body when in session, preserves order, enforces and interprets parliamentary rules, makes committee appointments, refers bills to specific committees for review, and votes only in the case of a tie.

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This Fall Vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."
    Tomorrow's blog topic is: Part III of: "Who Administers the General Court"
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Moose of Tank, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


    Today is: Friday August 30, 2024

    11 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    67 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,

    Today, me and Moose took sometime for a little "Rest and Relaxation" better known as "R & R".  We played two games of the board game "Sorry".  I tried my best to get Moose to understand the game but nothing helped - that's Moose - even when I helped him by suggesting which man to move.  I ended-up winning both games.  But I promised him we would go over the rules before we played again.

    Let's look at: Part III and end, of: "Time Frame of Legislative Responsibilities"

    Some State Representatives with less flexible employment, personal health, and/or family obligations may be only able to devote one or two half-days a week not including car pool or independent commute time.  Sometimes other representatives who have the time and ability will agree to serve on more than one committee, etc., to fill the gap of representative who is not available.


    Our next and final topic is on: 

    "Who Administers the General Court", it looks like it will be in either three or four parts.

    TANKS CHEW:  Have you noticed how people have been nice lately?  Or, have you noticed they've been, or, are mean? I have noticed both but more so on the nice side of things.  Whether a person is acting or not - I can tell, either way, you see dogs can smell/sense it on someone if the person is polite/nice, or a mean unethical person, like the people taking Ron's Campaign signs.  If ever I came close to that person(s) I would know - I have more to say about this in my next blog.    

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This Fall Vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."
    Tomorrow's blog topic is: Part III of: "Time Frame of Legislative Responsibilities"
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Moose of Tank, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


    Today is August 29, 2024

    12 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    68 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,

    We found it!  (If you don't know what I'm talking about read August 27th blog.)  We found Moose's bone, in his dog house, buried under his blanket.  Actually, Moose found it, when he went to bed.  "Only Moose" - really glad it was not in the couch.  So, since finding Moose's bone - things are more normal.  Moose and me are in "Headquarters" organizing Ron's "Door Knocking" signs, "Leave-Behind's", "Palm-Cards", and "Campaign" signs.  If you've been reading my blogs - you know all these items are out of "Pocket Expense's.  Knowing that, would you consider supporting Ron's Campaign by donating $10.00?  You can do this by simply going to the "Home" page, click-on "Support", then, fill-out the form.

    With all that said, let's look at: Part II of III on: "Time Frame of Legislative Responsibilities"

    In 2022-2023 Sessions began to require close to full day attendance or more time in order to consider 1,400+/-  bills.  The Journal provides the basic background on the bills that are to be voted on in that week's Session.  The Legislative Session adjourns the last Friday in June.  However, depending on a State Representative's Committee assignment/s and or leadership responsibilities there may be responsibilities to be performed into parts of July or August. 


    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This Fall Vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."
    Tomorrow's blog topic is: Part III of: "Time Frame of Legislative Responsibilities"
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Moose of Tank, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.



    TANK's CHEW:  It costs a-lot of money to run a campaign.  And part of the, out of pocket expense, is signs. Costing at $10.00 each, it doesn't take many missing signs to be out a $100.00 here or there.  I say that because Ron has had thirty seven signs stolen, which amounts to $370.00 dollars.  Please consider supporting Ron by donating $10.00 right now???  It's real simple - go to the "Home" page of this site and click on "Support" - Thank you in advance,  The Campaign Crew.
    If you have a question(s) for Ron, his phone number is:  781-640-1006, and his email address is:  Or you can write us here using the "Contact" page.  We look forward to hearing from you.




    Today is August 27, 2024

    14 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    70 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,

    Today was a tough one, Me and Moose have been running all around Headquarters looking for a lost bone of Moose's.  He last saw it on the couch.  But, without chewing off the cushions (which I don't think Ron and Cara would appreciate).  I don't think we're going to find it.  The bone was one of the good ones - with just a little meat on it.  I'm sure we'll find it after it starts to smell.  Well enough about smells - onto a new subject:


    Part I of III on: "Time Frame of Legislative Responsibilities"

    The Legislature Session begins on the first Wednesday after the first Tuesday in January (usually a couple of days after the New Year).  During the first week in January, a Session Calendar and a Journal will be provided. It will be the first Calendar out of a total of 25 Session Calendars.  The Session Calendar provides the next week's Session information including the bills that are to be voted on.


    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This Fall Vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."
    Tomorrow's blog topic is: Part II of: "Time Frame of Legislative Responsibilities"
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Moose of Tank, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.



    Today is August 26, 2024

    15 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    71 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,

    We took a few days off from blogging in preparation for the "Primary" election this September 10th.  Which is fifteen days away.  Moose and me, thank the many people who wrote-in to find out how we're doing -  we're ok, we just needed to catch-up on some sleep.  We've been going non-stop for days - and you saw Moose he doesn't get off the couch (to see his picture scroll down to August 23rd).  So, now we're all charged-up once again and are ready to go.  

    Ron and Cara, have been knocking on doors, handing out flyers and palm cards, attending meetings, and the best part - going out to dinner meetings.  And yes, they remember Moose and me by bringing home some treats for us. 

    I've got to tell you about Moose, this is funny.  I watched Moose bury a bone the other day.  He dug a small hole, put the bone in it - then walked away - he didn't even  bury it - go figure - that's Moose.  Then he wonders how I find them.  "Woof" which in english means "Stupid".

    Where were we?  Oh, yea - "When and Where Does a Newly Elected State Representative Report for Duty?"

    See: August 23rd blog for first half of this

    If unable to attend the breakfast they will be contacted and given the needed information.  The two-day orientation training takes place in November and will provide the basic information on representatives' duties and responsibilities, on the code of conduct, and on who and how General Court is administered and functions through a State Representative's two-year term. State Representatives are sworn in the first Wednesday in December, one month and one day after the November General Election.

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This Fall Vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."
    Tomorrow's blog topic is: "Time Frame of Legislative Responsibilities"
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Moose of Tank, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you



    Today is August 23, 2024

    17 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    73 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Hello Everyone, Tank Here,

    Can you believe Moose yesterday???  After all the build-up I give him, he says I didn't ask him to Blog, and then to have the gall to bark at me saying in english - "I didn't ask him."  Go figure - "big dogs".  And then to say he can't fault me because I'm short.  Short!  "I'M NOT SHORT"- maybe to some but to others I'm large.  I'll have to look into "short dogs".  In my personal opinion I'm larger than big dogs - for one thing I'm in charge of the blogs.  Short! "WOOF" here woof means in english: "I can't believe he said that."

    Ever wonder where an elected State Representative reports for duty?  Our next topic is answering that question.  Below is the first half of the information on that subject:

    When and Where Does a Newly Elected State Representative Report for Duty

    Immediately after being elected your responsibilities to the position begin. Candidates who win in the general election will be contacted and invited to a Republican unification breakfast typically the day after the election.  This breakfast is usually held in Concord.  At that breakfast candidates will learn when they need to start going to Concord, be sworn in, and attend orientation training.

    Remember this is only the first half.  We'll have more tomorrow -


    TANK's NOTE:  It costs a-lot of money to run a campaign.  And part of the, out of pocket, expense is signs. Costing at $10.00 each, it doesn't take many missing signs to be out a $100.00 here or there.  Now I say that because Ron has had thirty plus signs stolen which amounts to $300.00 dollars.  Would you please consider supporting Ron by donating $10.00 right now???  It's real simple - go to the "Home" page of this site and click on "Support" - Thank you in advance,  The Campaign Crew.

    If you have a question(s) for Ron, his phone number is:  781-640-1006, and his email address is:  Or you can write us here using the "Contact" page.  We look forward to hearing from you.

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This Fall Vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."
    PS: For more information on Ron, check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Moose of Tank, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you



    Today is August 23, 2024

    18 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    74 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Moose Here,

    I can't get over it - Tank says he asked me yesterday to do today's Blog.  I've been barking at him for day's to do the "Blog of the Day".  But I can not fault him, you see he's short.  Not as short as some but there are a-lot of us taller than Tank.  Anyhow, that's about us.  I'm here to bring you up-to-date on what's going on with Ron, Cara, Tank, and of course me.  Well, Ron and Cara have been knocking on doors, reminding everyone this September 10th, is the "Primary," voting time in the Londonderry High School Gym, they've been going to dinner and social meetings.  They are keeping Tank and me in "Headquarters" where there is air-conditioning.  I did hear Cara say she plans to pick-up some bones for Tank and me.  You know the ones - "bones with just a little meat."  

    Now let's move over to "Election Parameters"

    The successful candidate for State Representative must first receive the greatest number of votes in the Primary Election (Second Tuesday in September of even numbered years) against all other same political party candidates for the number of positions available.  Secondly, the successful candidate must win the greatest number of votes in the General Election (the second Tuesday (weather permitting)  in November of even numbered years) against all party candidates for the number of positions available.  All 400 State Representatives seats are up for election every even numbered year.  (However, there are usually Special Elections held to replace State Representatives, who must resign, who pass away, and/or who are removed from office.)   

    Bet you didn't know all that???

    We need to give a "Shout-Out for Support" - with the campaign signs at $10.00 each, and with Ron missing 30 +, it means $300.00 or more, out of pocket expenses - would you please consider "Supporting Ron" by donating $10.00 right now? To do this it's real simple - go to the "Home" page of this site and click on "Support" - Thank you in advance,  The Campaign Crew

    If you have a question(s) for Ron, his phone number is:  781-640-1006, and his email address is:  Or you can write us here using the "Contact" page.  We look forward to hearing from you.

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This Fall vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."
    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Moose of Tank, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you



    Today is August 22, 2024

    19 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    75 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Well do you feel it???  we're into the teens - 19 days till the "Primary", WOW!  With each passing day the air becomes more electric.  Moose almost got off the couch - I love him but, he's a-sleeper.  I don't fault him for choosing the couch - the couch gives him an arm rest to lay his head on.  What he needs is a nice bone - you know the kind - the one's with just a little meat on them.  I've asked Moose to do Tomorrow's blog - so get ready - he may have a surprise for us.

    So, where were we??? Oh yea, "Election Parameters"

    "There are 400 elected State Representatives who are elected by registered voters within a specified District out of 204 Districts.   Districts are a division of the state's counties and are determined by the legislature at set timeframes.  Districts are to be "contiguous, and maintain the boundaries of towns, wards, or unincorporated places."  Each district comprises about 3,000 residents for every one state legislative position.  Depending on the population of the towns within the district, a district may have one or a couple dozen State Representatives positions."

    Tomorrow's blog will have more information on: "Election Parameters" 

    Did you know there are Four hundred State Representative???  - now don't get into a tussle with yourself because you didn't know that, because I know Ron already knew all of this - that's why we need him in Office.  This Fall vote:  Ron Dunn for State Representative

    We need to give a "Shout-Out for Support" - with the campaign signs at $10.00 each, and with Ron missing 30 +, it means $300.00 or more, out of pocket expenses - would you please consider "Supporting Ron" by donating $10.00 right now? To do this it's real simple - go to the "Home" page of this site and click on "Support" - Thank you in advance,  The Campaign Crew

    If you have a question(s) for Ron, his phone number is:  781-640-1006, and his email address is:  Or you can write us here using the "Contact" page.  We look forward to hearing from you.

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This Fall vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."
    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Tank, or Moose, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you



    Today is August 20, 2024

    21 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    77 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,
    Twenty one days, or three weeks till the "Primary" -  that's got us here, pretty much buzzing around the office "Headquarters".  Where we've been wrapping up some things in the hope of adding new things.  It's the exciting part of election time - the knocking on doors to remind people the need to vote this September 10th in the Londonderry High School Gym.  Ron's been attending meetings - some about election integrity, some with the Police, about campaign signs being stolen/taken, and others about the Republican Party.  All in all it's just an exciting time.  You can help Ron, by reminding your friends and neighbors to vote this September 10th.  And to vote for Ron Dunn New Hampshire State Representative.  All of us here in "Headquarters" do appreciate your support for Ron.  Thank you 

    Here are the last three bullet points on: "Desirable Candidate Qualifications"

    ·       Ensure any and all fiscal and political campaigning requirements and reports are properly filed;

    ·       Ensure political signs and advertising have legally required wording;

    ·       Able to perform the full scope of the campaign activities and immediately transition into elected office;

    Our next topic is:  "Election Parameters"
    "One Last Thought" before you leave - being Ron is the incumbent, he's already performed all of these duties, and is ready to once again, with your support.  If you have a question(s) for Ron, his phone number is:  781-640-1006, and his email address is:  Or you can write us here using the "Contact" page.  We look forward to hearing from you.

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    And one last "Shout-Out for Support" - with the campaign signs at $10.00 each, and with Ron missing 30, it means $300.00 out of pocket expenses - would you please consider "Supporting Ron" by donating $10.00 right now? To do this it's real simple - go to the "Home" page of this site and click on "Support" - Thank you in advance,

    Best Wishes from me, Tank, and Moose

    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This Fall vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."
    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Tank, or Moose, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.
    Today is August 18, 2024

    23 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    79 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,

    Moose and me almost went door knocking with Ron and Cara the other day.  I say almost, because Ron asked both of us to stay in the Office Headquarters and come up with a plan to find his missing campaign signs.  And we did!  We wanted to keep this quite but, have you heard of "Poison Oak""Poison Ivy"?  That's all we'll say about that matter.  Now, have a pleasant day. 


    Where were we?  Oh, yes:  "Desirable Candidate Qualifications"

    ·       Have enthusiastic support of your family, friends, and employer regarding seeking elected office and performing the required duties, if and when elected;

    ·       Willingly expend your personal funds and/or raise funds for campaign efforts ($700-$5,000+ depending on the political demographics and size of the town/district your are running in;)

    ·       Willingly accept mentorship regarding campaign activities, e.g., marketing and fundraising from the staff of the RNC and State GOP;

    What do you say to spending, out of your own pocket, expenses between $700.00 to $5,000.00 for a job that pays you $100.00 a year.  I don't understand the math.  I keep scratching my head, asking myself why??? But Ron knows why he does it, it's not for the money, or the prestige, it's to help others.  You see, he really cares (See August 11th blog).  If you don't believe me, Tank, ask Ron.

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    Best Wishes from me, Tank, and Moose

    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This Fall vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."
    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Tank, or Moose, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.
    PS: One last shout-out for support - with the campaign signs at $10.00 each, and with Ron missing 30 so far, it means $300.00 out of pocket expenses - would you please consider supporting Ron by donating $10.00 right now? To do this it's real simple - go to the "Home" page of this site and click on "Support" - Thank you in advance,


    Today is August 17, 2024

    24 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    80 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,

    Twenty four days till the "Primary Election" and Eighty days till the "General Election" - wasn't there a movie about 80 days?  I think it was "80 Days Around the World." 

    Anyhow, Welcome Everyone to Ron Dunn's "TANK" blog, here Moose and me unload our "Campaign" thoughts and strategy.  We have been sharing information recently on what a NH State Representative does when not campaigning.  We hope the information has been helpful.  I've got to stop for a moment and mention "I passed my annual physical" -  I know I said this in the precious blog - but this is exciting stuff.  Moose will be going in for his annual next week.  No worries though, Moose has been taking care of himself - he hasn't fallen down any stairs like me - now that's something you don't forget.  

    Tonight, we're continuing with "Desirable Candidate Qualifications" 6 of 14 bullet points 

    ·       Have a record of voting Republican for the past several years, being involved with the Local/Town  Republication Committee, and being supportive of the State Republican Party and upholding its platform;

    ·       Experience in community/public organizations as well as holding positions of leadership;

    ·       Have higher education degree/training/certificates and or honorable military service;

    ·       Well-known in your community as a person of viability and integrity;

    ·       Have a history of gainful employment experience/s;

    ·       Have history of respectful social media posts and working with individuals and people groups who do not share your politician party affiliation and opinions;

    That about does it for tonight, "Dinner" is on it's way - if someone would get Moose out of my way for me.  I love him, but he is so tall I sometimes wonder if he knows I below him eating his food -

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    Best Wishes from me, Tank, and Moose

    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This Fall vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."

    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Tank, or Moose, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


    Today is August 15b, 2024

    26 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    82 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,

    Hello Everyone, I forgot to let everyone know, the other day I went to my favorite place, the Veterinary.  Not sure why but, I really like them.  It could be the treats they hand out or maybe it's the special attention I so deserve.  No ego here.  Anyhow it was my annual check-up - the results are I'm doing great.  Thank you to all my fans who wished me well.  Now Moose, on on the other hand, is the opposite of me about going to the Vet.  You got it!  He's the dog sitting on the floor being drug across the room to the examination room.  The Vet offers him treats but he refuses them.  Go figure!  He's a dog.

    There are fourteen bullet points in this topic and because some of you suggested the information is a bit long, we broke it down to two points per Blog. 

     "Desirable Candidate Qualifications"

    ·       A desire to serve, i.e., giving of your time, resources, and abilities to benefit the quality of life and living in NH by the constituents in your district and in NH.

    ·       Have issues that you care about that are in compliance with National and State Republican Platform (education, commerce, transportation, state taxes, property rights, state and local fees and services, governmental laws, rules, and policies, agriculture, health and welfare, immigration, water quality, state's rights, election integrity, state natural resources and management, state and local fiscal management, housing and development, US military and its veterans; welfare and special aid programs, family and health);

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    Best Wishes from me, Tank, and Moose

    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This Fall vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."

    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Tank, or Moose, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


    Today is August 15a, 2024

    26 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    82 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,

    The Primary is in 26 days - seems like yesterday we were knocking on our neighborhood door.  I don't know about you but this is the exciting time of the "Race for the State House".  Moose and me are keeping an eye on Ron's signs - Yup, you got it, someone has not stopped taking/stealing Ron's signs.  It's now into the hundreds of dollars of campaign signs missing.  If you have not already donated to Ron's campaign we encourage you to donate.  All costs e.g. signs, banners, T-Shirts, etc. are out of pocket expenses for the candidate - I believe this was mentioned in the beginning of NH State Representative "Position Description".  


    Let's continue with: "Desirable Candidate Qualifications"

    While no formal education and or experiences are required to be a NH state legislator, there are character qualities, personal circumstances, and experiences that optimize the candidate's potential to be elected and effectively serve as a State Representative for the full two-year term with a sense of gratitude for the opportunity and perhaps a willingness to run for office again.  The legislative body needs to retain a reasonable number of experienced State Representatives in the body to sustain its effectiveness and have able, experienced leadership.  All 400 NH State Representatives positions from 204 legislative districts are up for election every even-numbered year.  A State Representatives' compensation for serving is $100 a year with per diem.  Position duties require weekly partial-day or full-day attendance at Sessions.  Depending circumstances and/or committee demands additional partial and full days may be required to assure the Republicans vote is not overturned by the Democrats.  Thus, a citizen desiring to serve as a State Representative has to have life circumstances and income resources to fulfill the duties of the office without needing compensation for his/her service to cover personal and family living expenses.

    That about sums it all up for me and Moose - tell us what you think.  We'll next look at the bullet points associated with "Optimal desirable qualifications."  

    And as Ron always says; "Let's Get It Dunn" - This Fall vote: "Ron Dunn NH State Representative."

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    Best Wishes from me, Tank, and Moose

    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Tank, or Moose, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


    Today is August 13, 2024

    28 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    84 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,

    Boy, was I sleepy last night.  Not sure why, normally Moose keeps me awake with his gun-shot type snoring but, last night I slept through it all.  Wow, it was wonderful to open my eyes this morning, I feel great.  Maybe, I should look into putting Moose's snoring to music?

    The clock is ticking, the days are going by, and with each passing day we are closer to the Primary.  Moose and me are excited, we have our Strategizing Meetings all scheduled till then - but right now let's see more of: "Desirable State Representative On-the-Job Skills and Abilities"

    ·       Able to study complex topics, to analytically think through issues, to articulate orally and in writing on complex/controversial topics and situations, and to identify and reach common sense solutions;

    ·       Able to respectively work with diverse thinking individuals, people, and political party groups;

    ·       Able to communicate effectively in various venue-types;

    ·       Knowledge of the State Republican Party's principles;

    ·       Able to respectfully disagree without being arguably disagreeable

    The last one we all need a little more of.  Me and Moose could use this we disagree about food, treats, where to sleep, where to bury our bones, when to hold a meeting etc, etc,....of course, I'm always right - - - I write the Blogs.

    We're not done with this topic,"Desirable Candidate Qualifications," next time well fill-in a little more information.  From these you'll see, Ron is out front getting the job Dunn - like he says "Let's Get It Dunn"

    And with that said remember Ron works till the job is Dunn and Dunn right, This Fall Vote:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative"  

    Cara is coming with our dinner dishes, which means dinner is on the way so, we got-to-go we don't want to miss out on "Dinner".  We're hoping for beef-from-a-can, along with a bone with just a little meat on it.

    "ALERT"         "ALERT"          "ALERT"

    Ron's signs are still being stolen/taken.  And because of this loss, we need to ask for a one time donation of $10.00.  About the cost of one sign, when ordered in quantities.  We sure can use it.  Thank you in advance.  Tank 

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    Best Wishes from me, Tank, and Moose

    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Tank, or Moose, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


    Today is August 12, 2024

    29 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    85 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,

    Thank you, for your patience with me and Moose yesterday.  We hope the information we shared on Ron, helped you decide to vote for Ron Dunn this "Primary" September 10th and the "General" election November 5th.  He is the candidate that has worked hard for us these past two years and with your vote this September 10th it will help him move to the General election November 5th, and with a win in November, Ron will be once again working for us in the State House of New Hampshire as a State Representative.  "Let's Get It Dunn"

    Well let's get right into it - "Job Skills".  What skills are needed and what do you bring to the table?  This is Part 1 of 2 Parts.  Enjoy.........

    Desirable State Representative On-the-Job Skills and Abilities

    From election results and attrition the number of members from each party varies through the two-year term of office. This greatly matters when one party has only a slim majority and thus Committees can have almost 50-50 party membership with the Chair and Vice Chair representing the majority party.   Legislative votes go the way of the party whose members show-up and vote, until the session is closed.  Thus, when a State Representative assumes his/her duties, there are certain skills and abilities that improve the voting outcomes if known and employed, i.e.,

    ·       Able to be present at the State House on Session meeting days and hours (Wednesdays and/or Thursdays);

    ·       Able to plan family/personal vacations during the months of July and August when the General Court is not in Session;

    ·       Knowing Robert's Rules of Order for Legislative bodies and specifically learning the General Courts rules of order.

    ·       As needed, able to be a team member, a leader, and/or follower within a hierarchical organization;

    ·       Able to use today's technologies for communications;

    These are the first of 10 bullet points.  These are straight forward - Robert's Rules is a well established set of rules to run a meeting by.  A book can be purchased through the internet.  In fact Moose and me own and reference one copy we purchased last year.  

    Sorry, everyone tonight I'm a little sleepy so my plan tonight is to have dinner and go to bed early.

    Before we go remember Ron works till the job is Dunn and Dunn right, This Fall Vote:  "Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative"  

    Cara is coming with our dinner dishes, which means dinner is on the way so, I - got-to-go we don't want to miss out on "Dinner".  We're hoping for beef-from-a-can.

    "ALERT"         "ALERT"          "ALERT"

    Ron's signs are still being stolen/taken.  And because of this loss, we need to ask for a one time donation of $10.00.  About the cost of one sign, when ordered in quantities.  We sure can use it.  Thank you in advance.  Tank 

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    Best Wishes from me, Tank, and Moose

    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Tank, or Moose, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.



    Today is August 11, 2024

    30 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    86 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,

    Wow!  Thirty days till September 10th the "Primary".  Do you feel it???  Do you feel the electricity in the air?  It's almost keeping Moose awake.  We're all set to go - we'll be moving to two Strategizing Meetings this week and both will be held at Headquarters (under the air-conditioning vents).

    Ask, and you respond, "Thank You."  We received so many emails that even Moose is having trouble keeping up with them.  For those asking questions we'll be answering them.   And for those wanting a T-Shirt with my or Moose's picture we have them coming.  If you missed out on this T-Shirt run and want a T-Shirt let us know which of us you want on the shirt and well get it Dunn.   At this time the T-Shirts are $20.00 each - your choice of color.

    So before we get into "Job Skills", we need to make a "Republican Right Hand Turn" or RRHT, to give you some more information on Ron Dunn and who he is.  It seems appropriate and fits here with all the information on what a State Representative does, let's begin.  If you read the material in our previous Blogs you'll see that Ron is on top of all this information.  If this is your first time here please read the previous Blogs.  It will help you understand what we're talking about.  Now, let's look at "Duties and Responsibilities" - the 13th one is, "Fulfill all duties responsibly, and reliably."  This statement is all about who Ron is - you see from Moose and me's point of view Ron fulfills all the duties of a State Representative - and reliable?  Ron is so reliable, if he says we'll have bones tonight for snacks - we get them.  We trust Ron and Cara for our food, water, walks, and pets, without them Moose and Me would go hungry.  We know Ron is: 





    and he is; 


    He works till the job is Dunn and Dunn right, "This Fall Vote":  Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative  

    Ok!  I heard Cara coming with our dinner dishes, which means dinner is on the way so, I - got-to-go we don't want to miss out on "Dinner".  We're hoping for beef-from-a-can.

    "ALERT"         "ALERT"          "ALERT"

    Ron's signs are still being stolen/taken.  And because of this loss, we need to ask for a one time donation of $10.00.  About the cost of one sign, when ordered in quantities.  We sure can use it.  Thank you in advance.  Tank 

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    Best Wishes from me, Tank, and Moose

    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Tank, or Moose, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.



    Today is August 10, 2024

    31 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    87 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,
    Have you ever, "had to share your favorite ice cream"???  Say, with someone other than a family member, or with your dog?  Think of that, you're all set to clean-up on you're "just handed to" favorite ice cream, when someone asks for a lick.  It could be a family member, friend, spouse, dog etc..  Would you share???  I could understand it if it were my girlfriend "Babydog."  But in my case, share my favorite cookie with "Moose"?  "Never!"  But, I did share with Moose (not by choice) I know, I know, I have to forgive and forget - especially forget.  I guess it's ok, seeing as how I find most of his bones he bury's in the backyard.  He doesn't hide things to well - I think his breed has fewer brain cells than my breed, "Bulldog."

    Enough on sharing my treats with Moose.  Let's get right into it, what are the legal requirements to become a State Representative.

    Legal Requirements to be a Candidate for State Representative

    ·       18 years of age by the date of the primary election**;

    ·       Citizen of the United States;

    ·       Legally domiciled in NH for two consecutive years by the date of the general election**;

    ·       Living in town or ward where you are a candidate;

    ·       Voter registered to the Political Party you are filing candidacy for.

    ·       Complete the State Representative Candidate's application form at Town Hall of residence and pay the required fee within the set timeframe (Deadline is about mid June of an even numbered year; fee usually only a few dollars);

    ** In the case of a Special Election, candidate must meet the stated age and domicile requirements

       by the date of the Special Election.

    That's straight forward - the first one, even I got - I passed 18 many, many moons (if you happen to be new to old jargon, moons, means, years - in this case) ago.  Can you think of one that was missed......let us know.   We'll next look at "On the Job Skills."  You don't want to miss out on that one.  The question here is, what "skills" do you bring to the table?

    "ALERT"         "ALERT"          "ALERT"

    Ron's signs are still being stolen/taken.  And because of this loss, we need to ask for a one time donation of $10.00.  About the cost of one sign, when ordered in quantities.  We sure can use it.  Thank you in advance.  Tank 

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    Best Wishes from me, Tank, and Moose

    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for me, Tank, or Moose, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.



    Today is August 9, 2024

    32 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    88 Days, "Till The General Election"


    Tank Here,

    Moose and me held our strategizing meeting and came away with more great information to share.  In fact, so much information it will carry us through the Primary.  And staying with our same verified author, we hope everyone will have a better understanding to what a NH State Representative does.  Here are ten bullet points on "Optional Committees" they can participate in.  

    Other Optional Duties including Republican Party Duties

    ·       Attend, participate in, and fiscally support political campaign events;

    ·       Attend and participate in Annual State GOP Party Conventions;

    ·       Attend and speak at Republican Town Committee events;

    ·       Seek to be elected to and serve in State GOP Committee positions;

    ·       Accept invitations and attend constituents' events;

    ·       As appropriate, attend lobbyists events;

    ·       Meet with officials of relational organizations to your Committee assignment;

    ·       Take educational trips related to issue interests and Committee assignments;

    ·       Serve as a mentor and educator in areas of expertise to colleagues;

    ·       Campaign and raise funds for campaign if you decide to run for re-election;

    Write us and tell us what you think?  Reading over these, and speaking for Moose and me, Ron, does these naturally.   And that's why we support Ron.  We encourage you, this Fall, vote:  Ron Dunn New Hampshire State Representative.  Our next blog well cover the legal requirements to become a NH State Representative. 
    Tells us what you think by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site.  Direct it, to Tank & Moose.  Also, with Ron's signs being stolen/taken our campaign funds are getting low.  With that, I'll ask for a one time donation of $10.00.  About the cost of one sign, when ordered in quantities.  We sure can use it.  Thank you in advance.  Tank 

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    Best Wishes from me, Tank, and Moose

    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question to Tank or me, Moose, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.

    Today is August 8, 2024

    33 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    89 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,

    Well, I had to do it - insert another picture of my girlfriend "Babydog."  I can't wait to meet her and let her know how much I've missed her.

    Moose and me have had very little time lately developing our strategy on this years "Old Home Days"- do we wear a tie or just a flag scarf?  And, I've been receiving many pictures of New Hampshire Moose.  I appreciate them but the answer to the question is, "no" my nose is not as large as a Moose's.  See picture below of a NH Moose.    

    Again, we're receiving a-lot of emails thanking us for the information on just what a Sate Representative does.  If your reading this and have an idea on an addition to what we have been sharing please write us - Use the "Contact" form and mark it Tank & Moose.  We'll be glad to pass it along.

    Now let's look at what Committee's a State Representative may seek to sit on. 

    - Children and Family Law

    - Commerce and Consumer Affairs

    - Criminal Justice and Public Safety

    - Election Law

    - Environment and Agriculture

    - Finance Division I   )  These

    - Finance Division II  )  Relate to

    - Finance Division III )  State Budget

    - Fish and Game and Marine Resources

    - Health, Human Services, and Elderly Affairs

    - House Education

    - House Executive Departments and


    - House Finance

    - House Judiciary

    - House Transportation

    - House Ways and Means

    - Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Service

    - Legislative Administration

    - Municipal and County Government

    - Public Works and Highways

    - Resources, Recreation, and Development

    - Rules

    - Science, Technology, and Energy

    - State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs

    - Redistricting (when applicable)

          The Speaker of the House determines who sits on committees as well as who will be Chair and Vice Chair.  Each committee typically has 20  Republican and Democrat members. The number of members from each party reflects the political party affiliation within the General Court.

    Tells us what you think by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site.  Direct it, to Tank & Moose.  Also, with Ron's signs being stolen/taken our campaign funds are getting low.  With that, I'll ask for a one time donation of $10.00.  About the cost of one sign, when ordered in quantities.  We sure can use it.  Thank you in advance.  Tank 

    See my nose is not as large as a Moose's. But, it does look almost...........






    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    Best Wishes from me, Tank, and Moose

    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question to Tank or me, Moose, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


    Today is August 7, 2024

    34 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    90 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,
    Now, I love to go with Ron when he goes knocking on doors to spread the message asking people to vote this September 10th.  But on this particular day, boy was it hot.  You can see by the expression on my face I'm saying "hot, hot, hot," with each step.  No worries Ron took care of me.  All the while Moose was at Headquarters - under an air-conditioner vent - preparing for our next meeting. 

    Today we want to begin by saying: "Thank You," to the many people who sent messages and/or emails requesting more information on how/what/when, and where, about a New Hampshire State Representative.   So let's begin, because we know everyone is excited about the Duties and Responsibilities of a NH State Representative and how Ron stacks-up to it.   But I got to tell you Ron, is on the money with each bullet point.  That's why me and Moose throw all our support behind Ron Dunn for NH State Representative.   He works until it's Dunn and Dunn right.  So with no further a-due;

    Duties and Responsibilities - Part 2

    ·       Serve as liaison to a local and or county commissions and departments;

    ·       Recommend appointments to special commissions, e.g., West Point, NASA aeronautical service;

    ·       Prepare and recommend resolutions;

    ·       Make public press releases, presentations as necessary;

    ·       Respond to constituents communications, e.g., immigration, justice, discrimination, government grants, legislation, business regulations, position appointments, attend events, and speaking engagements;

    ·       Fulfill all duties responsibly, and reliably;

    In our next blog we'll look at what Committee's a State Representative may seek to sit on.  

    *Correction: there are 13 not 14 Duties and Responsibilities bullet points.

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    Best Wishes from me, Tank, and Moose

    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question to Tank or me, Moose, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.

    Today is August 6, 2024

    35 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    91 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,

    In today's blog, we'll continue our conversation into the "Duties and Responsibilities" of a New Hampshire State Representative.  But, before we dive into it, we want to say: "Thank You", to the many people who responded to our previous blog on the "Position Description".  We have sent along your comments and suggestion to the author. 

    Now, Moose and me had a tough time with this one.  There are so many duties and responsibilities - that maybe it should have been in the Job Description - "Other".  And because there are so many, we'll break it into 3 blogs (keeping in mind the blogs are written around Moose and my dinner time, and we really don't, want to miss out on anything).  Getting our information from the same good source that gave us "Position Description".   Here is a copy of the first, 7 of 13 bullet points on the subject of:  "What are the Duties and Responsibilities" of a New Hampshire State Representative?

    Duties and Responsibilities - Part 1

    A State Representative works with his colleagues within both legislative branches (General Court [House] and Senate).  A State Representative is to:

    ·       Uphold the State Constitution and State laws in performance of all duties and responsibilities;

    ·       Respectfully comply with the rules of the house and Code of Conduct for a State Representative

    ·       Form and pass proposed laws for the Governor to consider, approve into law or veto (1,400 are annually considered in 25 Sessions);

    ·       Form and pass a State budget;

    ·       Amend State Constitution (once every 10 years: 2032 next opportunity);

    ·       Address and present issues to the US legislative or other bodies regarding their proposed or actual acts that affect the citizens/residents of NH, local, and county governance and businesses and individuals, state operations and financial well being;

    ·       Serve on one or more Standing, Select, and/or Joint committees.  These committees* consider by studying, amending, or voting on proposed legislation;

    So, what do you think?  And how is Ron doing with just the first 7?  Use the "Contact form to give your ideas and suggestions.  

    In the Next blog we'll complete the list of "Duties and Responsibilities".

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    Best Wishes from me, Tank, and Moose

    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question to Tank or me, Moose, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.



    Today is August 4, 2024

    37 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    93 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank Here,

     We've been receiving a lot of mail requesting information about the job of a  State Representative.  In fact the timing could not be better, because during our strategy meeting this was bullet point number two.  We did some research and found some good information.  So, over the next week or so, we'll be providing/defining/and filling in the blanks on: " Just what does a State Representative do?" 

    I was planning on summarizing the information but it's better if it's copied and pasted so here is part one:   Contact me or Moose for publishing information.

    "NH State Representative Position Description"

    "A NH State Representative, as one member of the State General Court and as part of a bicameral legislative body, determines the type, scope, and content of proposed laws (bills) that affect the people of NH.  A State Representative is the voting voice for the constituents within his/her district and addresses constituents' concerns, needs, and questions to governmental bodies and others as appropriate.  He/she is to be informed and engaged with his/her constituents so as to suitably represent them and all of NH."

    Yup, that about sums it up - What do you think?  Use the "Contact" button to submit your question.

    Our next subject is:  What are the "Duties and Responsibilities" that a State Representative handles?  Come back again to find out.

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    Best Wishes from me, Tank, and Moose

    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Tank or me, Moose, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.

    Today is August 3, 2024

    38 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    94 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank here, I hope all is well with everyone?  I'm healing-up really well.  Thank you to the many people who wrote and wished me well and speedy recovery.  Some of you asked about Moose.  He's doing fine, "boy does he stand tall".  I know he's tall compared to me but when he stands on his hind feet I figure he's 4 feet 5 inches.  "Tall." 

    Moose and me held a meeting the other night to go over Ron's campaign strategy, making sure we're keeping on track.  Anyway, we thought we would share with you, a little-bit more about who Ron Dunn is?  You know from a Dog's perspective (this because we're dogs, not people).  Ron, has many attributes but for us, trust is the number one.  We trust Ron and Cara for our food (and bones, with just a little meat), we trust they give us clean water - water without PFAS, and we trust they will let us outside for a walk etc., etc..    

    You can trust Ron Dunn to research each Bill before he signs it.  You can trust Ron Dunn to vote on Bills to keep taxes low and to keep our energy bills low.  You can trust Ron Dunn, to do the job right, and do it right, the first time.  This Fall, vote Ron Dunn, New Hampshire State Representative.

    Well, once again it's that happy-time of the day, "Dinner Time".

    I trust it's "Bone" night - (even a leather one would be fine)

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    Best Wishes from me, Tank, and Moose

    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Tank or me, Moose, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.

    Today is August 1, 2024

    40 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    96 Days, "Till The General Election"

    Tank here, sorry for the late blog, but I've been a bit under the weather the past few days.  The reason is the other day while walking around Headquarters, I happen to miss a step up-stairs and tumbled down the stairs.  Wow, what a ride - I really don't want to do that again.  Falling down stairs is something Moose would do not me.  I'm Tank, you know inches off the floor.  So, I'm in the recovery mode, and no I did not count the many stairs I touched while rumbling down them.  I think I'll stay on the main floor for awhile.  I hear Cara's footsteps, which means food is coming - got to go.  More next time.

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    Best Wishes from me, Tank, and Moose

    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Tank or me, Moose, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you. 


    Today is July 29, 2024

    43 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    98 Days, "Till The General Election"

    R U READY TO VOTE    ? ? ?

    This is Ron Dunn, along with Tank our Bull dog.  I want to stop for a moment and say "thank you", for your support.  I am humbled and honored you are considering me worthy of your vote.  If elected, I promise to represent you and will not forget who I work for, "you".   If you have any questions about the Bills I've signed, or currently working on, or what I'm doing while at the State House, please don't hesitate to call me.  My phone number is, 781-640-1006.  Or you can contact me by using the "Contact" form from this Web-Site.  Our plan over the next few months is to get our message out by meeting with you, at meetings, door knocking, or while I'm out and about the town.  

    Again Thank You,

    Ron Dunn

    PS:  I hope you're enjoying Tank and Moose blogs.  I know the boys love blogging.

    Today is 27, 2024

    45 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    101 Days, "Till The General Election"

    R U READY TO VOTE    ? ? ?

    Hello Everyone, Tank here.  We had such a response from you about the Bills Ron has and is sponsoring, we thought we would mention, he's sponsored/co-sponsored over 50 Bills in the past two years.  Now, I don't know about you but that tells me Ron is an active player in the State House, and when he's out talking to you the voter.  Remember, as Moose and me have mentioned in previous blogs, before Ron puts his signature to a Bill he researches it, talks to you the voter, and listens to his peers.  There is more that he does when he's researching a Bill, but again this is a blog and not a book.    

    Today, let's look at House Bill HB 1524, "briefly" Bill information from LegiScan

    AN ACT relative to authorizing parents of special education children to observe in the classroom setting.


    This bill requires school districts to put in place policies allowing parents of children with individualized education programs to observe in the classroom setting.

    Sounds ok to me, what about you?  Do you agree, or disagree, use the "Contact" form and mark it to:  Tank and Moose HB1524.

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    Best Wishes from me, Tank, and Moose

    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Tank or me, Moose, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you. 


    Today is July 25, 2024

    47 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    103 Days, "Till The General Election"

    R U READY TO VOTE ? ? ?

    Tank here, today has been another one of those concerning day's, besides being "hot and humid".  Just look at my face, concern is written all over it.  My concern is, Ron's been extra busy e.g. putting out his campaign signs, replacing stolen signs, and working at work and the State House.  Tonight, me and Moose, will be meeting with Ron to go over PFAS.  PFAS, is why Ron ran for NH State Representative.  In fact, Ron Sponsored Bill's HB1649, HB1114, HB242, and HB1415.  All four Bill's are related to PFAS.  You can check out all the Bill's Ron sponsored at:

    And if you're concerned about PFAS in your area, I suggest contacting Ron - either by the using the Contact form on this web-site or call him at, 781-640-1006.  Here is a link to an article from Live Science that explains more about PFAS, check it out:

    Well, I got-to-go, I hear Ron and Cara pulling into the driveway.  Moose and me are hoping it's Bone Night - you know the bones that have just the right amount of meat on them.

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Tank are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    Best Wishes from me, Tank, and Moose

    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Tank or me, Moose, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.  


    July 23, 2024 

    49 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    106 Days, "Till The General Election"

    R U READY TO VOTE ? ? ?

    Hello Everyone, Tank Here, Blogging from Headquarters, I'm in my serious mode.  I think it looks good on me.  Don't you?  I thought I would follow-up on my message below talking about, "Out of Pocket Expenses".  These are expenses incurred while running for NH State Representative and while being a State Representative.  Now, I don't know them all.  The point is there are expenses.  To start with, a State Rep receives (income) a hundred dollars a year but after taxes it comes to around  seventy six dollars, plus or minus a couple of $$'s.  Now the expenses;  there's the license plate for each car (average 2 cars), gas, political signs, ads e.g. newspaper and/or radio, and TV, and personal time (this is the big one).  There are more but this is a blog, not a book, and it's just before my dinner time (I'm hoping it's beef stew a-la can tonight).  Like I said, the biggest expense of all these is personal time.  Yes, time is an expense - it's time away from the family, time away from the job, time away from school, vacations, and and just plain living.  The next biggest expense is political signs and ads.  Many people think these expenses are deductible but, nope, they're not.  And don't forget the expense for replacement signs.  You know the one's, I mentioned before in previous blogs.  Signs taken/stolen.  One person went as far as taping her Garage Sale signs to one of Ron's Political signs - (we know where you live) these are the signs with the candidates phone number, name, and address on them.  

    Ron tells me it's about $3,000.00 to $5,000.00 in expenses just to campaign.  I don't know about you but ten dollars is a-lot of money.  I would need Moose's toes to count-up and see what these figures are in Dog.  But, for me and Moose, we don't use money.  We use our charm and tail wagging good looks when we're hungry or thirsty.  Now Ron; he loves the long hours, the late night or even during the day meetings.  Cara (Ron's wife) supports him through it all.  So, for Ron, these expenses are needed expenses to help get the job DUNN so he does it.  

    Remember vote Ron Dunn this September 10th - "Ron, Will and Does, Get the Job Dunn, and Dunn Right." 

    Thank you for reading today's Blog - come back anytime - me and Tank are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    Best Wishes from me, Tank, and Moose

    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Tank or me, Moose, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.  


    Hello everyone,

    Tank here, we're doing something a little different, because so many of you have been writing in, requesting pictures of my girlfriend, I felt compelled to respond.  My girlfriend, Babydog is a little shy.  She lives with Governor Jim Justice of Virginia.  You can read all about her escapades by looking up the Governor of Virginia or simply copying and pasting the link below.  And although we have never met (but maybe???) she's the one for me.  We have a-lot in common.  We both love politics, meetings, knocking on doors, eating, chewing on bones and the "Spot Light".  I know I said she's shy but if you turn on the "Spot Light", she's there.   Now I have to get back to the meeting me and Moose are having on expenses incurred (that are out of pocket) to be a New Hampshire State Representative.  More on this subject next time. 

    My Babydog (her real name)





    To see more pictures copy and paste this link;

    Best Wishes,



     July 19, 2024 - - -   53 Days, "Till The Primary Election"

    - - - 109 Days, "Till The General Election"

     - - - R U READY TO VOTE ? ? ?

    Hello Everyone this is Moose, once again blogging along with my Boss and Manager, Tank.  We are so excited Ron is once again running for New Hampshire State Representative we almost stopped chewing (that just doesn't happen - we're dogs, and chewing is our way of expressing ourselves).  Tank and I agree Ron is the only choice for NH State Representative.  We say this with all our heart.  You would agree if you knew Ron.  Over the next several months both Tank and I will share some insights into what makes-up Ron Dunn and why we know he's the one for the job.  I've heard it said, "character is tested when you're up against it".  Well for me just to vote on a Bill at the State House would mean being tested - (and of course, I know they do not allow regular dogs like me into the State House.  Let alone to vote - I have much to say about that - but I'll save it for another time) getting back to what I was saying about voting at the State House:  the research involved, the long days, the meetings, the dinners (bones are the best part of long days.  You know the bones that have a little meat WOW).   Sorry, where was I?  Oh Yea, "character," that Ron Dunn has.   He shows Tank and me by his willingness to attend meetings, work long hours, research Bills before he signs them.  And there's more his wife Cara supports it all, together they make a great  team.  Lastly, I want to say he loves all of it, the long hours, the research, the meetings, and the many phone calls he receives from you.  So, from Me and Tank, to you the voter, we say; VOTE, RON DUNN NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE REPRESENTATIVE. 

    Thank you for reading todays Blog - come back anytime - me and Tank are blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon,"

    Best Wishes from me, Moose and Tank

    PS: Before you go please do check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Tank or me, Moose, contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.  


      July 10, 2024 - - 61 "Days Till The Primary Election"

                    117 "Days Till The General Election"

    Hello, everyone, this is Tank.  Once again on the campaign trail along with my brother, assistant manager and strategizer, Moose.  Together along with Ron and Cara, of course, we will be out knocking on doors, attending meetings, and speaking at Town Halls letting people know Ron Dunn is running for New Hampshire State Representative.  Yes, it feels like only yesterday Ron was voted into Office.  But, nope, it's been two years past since then.  Everyone here in Headquarters is so excited Ron is campaigning we are so looking forward to - the meetings, the greetings, the food, the knocking on doors, and of course the bones - if you would care to show your support by ether donating to Ron's campaign or placing a "Vote for Ron Dunn" sign in your yard - contact Ron by clicking on "Contact" - the "Contribute" button is to the right of the "Contact", button.   

    Remember; Ron votes on Bills at the State House.  Bills, that affect you and me - when he votes he represents you the voter, not Ron, nor some special interest group.  In 2024 vote; Ron Dunn - "He gets it Dunn".

    On a serious note and one that always makes me want to chew on something, why is someone taking Ron's yard signs?

    "ALERT", be on the lookout for a person(s) taking/stealing Ron's yard signs. The other night 10 signs were taken.  This always happens in the night under the cover of darkness.  This tells us a lot about the person doing this - they lack integrity and are not a person that would represent "We The People".  To the person(s) doing this, be it known, you are breaking the law (see below).   

    The New Hampshire Department of Justice

    Removing, defacing, or destroy political advertising without consent is a crime, and individuals also may be subject to a civil penalty of up to $1,000. See RSA 664:17 and 664:21.

    So if you see Ron's signs being moved or removed call the police; 603-432-1118. 

    Thank you for reading todays Blog - come back anytime - me and Moose are Blogging and there's a lot more to come....."see ya soon, Blessings Tank"

    PS: Before you go please check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or me contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.  



    Below are the Blogs from "Campaign 2022" - Enjoy 

    November 10, 2022......2 days after

    Wasn't this election electric?  The hair on my back was standing up all by itself.  Ron won!  I agree with Tank, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  Ron, knows he would not be a New Hampshire State Representative if you did not support him. Ron received 5,544 votes.  You made your voice heard.  Thank You! 

    When we finally did get home from the polls it was past midnight.  I was so sleepy I was walla-being (that's a new word, it's a Moose word, it means bouncing off the walls when I am sleepy) down the hall until somebody mentioned food.  Wasn't me, and I wasn't dreaming.  By the time I turned around and got to our food dishes Tank had finished eating.  I didn't know he could eat so fast. 

    I read Tanks blog below and see where he thinks I can drive.  Nope!  I don't drive - I'm a dog like him.  Although my feet touch the floor while sitting on the car seat..  Tank can't do that.   

    Did you know over 12,069 Londonderry people voted?  Goes to show you knocking on doors and waving signs works.  When we first moved here the vote count was around 4000 people.  Oops, got-to-go Foods here.  

    Best Wishes,


     PS: Before you go please check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News". and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or me contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.  


    November 9, 2022.......the day after

    Wasn't yesterday a rush?  "Wow", what a day.  But before we get into it - "Thank You", for your support.  Ron knows without "You", there would be no Ron Dunn, NH State Representative. 

     I'm sorry for the late blog.  But we were at the LHS Gym most of the day yesterday meeting with people before and after they voted.  Today, November 9th, we were out most of the day gathering-up by-the-roadside campaign signs.  That's me in the drivers seat of Ron's Pick-up.  And no, I don't drive - I'm a dog.  The only time my feet hit the floor is when I'm climbing-in or jumping-out of the truck.  Now, Moose's feet hit the floor he might be able to drive.  I don't know.  

    Ron is hustling about in preparation for next week, when he'll be in the NH State House meeting other New Hampsire State Representative.  I'm shaking just thinking about it.  More details to follow.

    Moose?  Moose is sleeping.  Yesterday was too much for him.   It was past midnight when we got home.  It was almost to late to eat?  Did I say that?  It's never too late to eat.  So, before Moose and me hit the hay, we ate our "In-A-Can Beef-Chunk-like food.  It has a bit of a wild oats taste.   But very tasty.

    Lastly, Ron is considering keeping this Web-Site going - so if you have any questions for Ron, Cara, Me, Tank, or Moose you can use the "Contacts" page to ask your question(s) or simply to get in touch with us.  If he does keep this Site, we'll be keeping the "News" page and my page "Tank" and now "Tank & Moose" current, we will also be posting a "Tank & Moose" blog schedule.  Unless Ron wants to do something different such as a page for an;  Inside-look of the inner workings of the State House".  Ron has scheduled a meeting next week with Moose and me to discuss any changes.  We'll keep you posted.  So, for the latest information and/or questions, we suggest "Bookmarking" this site into your "Favorite" folder.

    Take Care and,

    "Let's Get It Dunn"


    Again, we are all humbled, and honored, you voted for Ron.  Thank you,  Ron, Cara, Tank and Moose



    Today is the day - go VOTE 


    November 7, 2022.......hours before the election

    This is Ron Dunn, Tank said it was ok for me to go first today.  I want stop and say "thank you", for your support.  I am humbled and honored you are considering me worthy of your vote.  If elected, I promise to represent you and will not forget who I work for, "you". 

    These past few months have flown by and win, lose, or draw have meant a great deal to me and my family.  They've been filled with meeting thousands of you, attending Budget and Public Service meetings, and Town Hall gatherings that I'll never forget.  

     We hope you've enjoyed our dogs Tank and Moose blogs?  Cara, and I know if they actually could talk, write, strategize, or do any number of the things Tank and Moose said they do, we would be grateful.  And, yes, they do like their bones.   

    Tomorrow November 8th I'll be in the candidates "Pen".  It's the area to the right of the Gym entrance and will probably be filled with many people.  If you see me please stop-by.  Lastly, I want to encourage you to vote.  This election is about our freedom, the freedom our forefather's fought for.   

    I look forward in seeing you tomorrow. 

    Best Wishes, 

    Ron, Cara, Tank & Moose 


    November 7, 2022.......... *Rejoicing in the hours to the election

    We hope you enjoyed the picture of Moose and me?  We had fun figuring-out how to do it.  But enough on that, the election is less than 18 hours away and we're so excited.  Everyone is running around as if they're 12 years old and Christmas is tomorrow.  "I mean excited".  Moose is so excited he forgot to take a nap today and he left his food-bowl before he had eaten all his dinner.  But don't worry no food gets left in a bowl.  I eat it.  It's part of the Bulldog motto, which is "don't leave a food-bowl with food in it". 

    Now "Back to the Campaign";  Ron is continuing door knocking, attending training seminars, and so much more.  Moose and me have a hard time knowing all he does because he's out meeting with people all the time.  Like I said the other day he's like the energizer bunny he's going all the time.  And, yes, he will be knocking on doors November 7th, today.  If you open your door and find Ron - ask him why he's running for New Hampshire State Representative?  Don't be fooled by those who say they'll do this or that - "Ron, say's what he means, and means what he says".  I think I've said that before.  But it's true We can trust Ron to do our bidding.  If you're on the fence about Ron, stop and consider his experience (Click on the red Ron Dunn for more info), his dedication (again, see Meet Ron Dunn), 28 years with one company speaks volumes to me about trust, work ethic, loyal employee.  If you have a/other question(s) for Ron use the "Contact" page to get in touch with Ron, Cara, Me or Moose.  Ok, got-to-go dinner is on the way.  Lastly, please vote.  Your vote is so critical.  Vote, this election it's about our Freedom. 

    *Rejoicing: exuberance, celebration 

    Take care, and remember November 8th, "Let's get-it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative. 

    Best Wishes,


     PS: Before you go please check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News". and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or me contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.  


     Moose and Tank 





    November 6, 2022.........2 *Rapturous days to the election

    Hello everyone, you asked for it, a side by side picture of and me-Tank, and Moose.  We hope you like it?  It's been a work in progress for sometime.  To create it we used special software that removed just us from our pictures, then we uploaded them to our blog.  This is to show Me and Moose really do get along great - except when it comes to the natural necessities that a dog requires e.g. food, water, BONES, and the great outdoors (if you know what I mean).  A big "Woof" goes out to the person who submitted this suggestion.  Lastly, we wanted to invite all the dogs in the neighborhood over for an after the election celebration, but Ron has another idea?  Maybe he didn't want 30 dogs over at one time? 

     *Rapturous:  overjoyed, blissful

    Now "Back to the Campaign"  Ron is doing more door knocking and sign waving.  Yes, even with today being so close to the election.  Remember he works until the Job is "Dunn" and "Dunn right".  Many people say they do this and that, Ron, says what he means, and means what he says.  We can trust him with our vote - this November 8th vote Ron Dunn for New Hampshire State Representative.

    Take care, and remember November 8th, "Let's get-it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative. 

    Best Wishes,


     PS: Before you go please check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News". and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or me contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you. 


    November 5, 2022......3 *Elated days to the election

     I'll keep it short tonight.  Everyone is so excited about this election both me and Tank are having a difficult time sleeping.  No problem eating - you bring food we'll eat-it.  We especially like beef-in-the-can-stew - "wow" it's good.  And just so you know - I find Tanks choice bones - maybe not all of them but the ones I do find are really choice.  The funny thing is he doesn't notice me chewing them.  

    The reason I joined you tonight was to remind everyone to vote November 8th at the Londonderry High School Gym.  I know we remind you when we sign-off each night but we don't say how important it is everyone's voice is heard.  This election is very important it's about yours and my freedom.  Please vote.

    *Elated: happy, delighted  

    Best Wishes,



    November 5, 2022......3 *Jubilant days to the election

    I've been chewing on this for sometime now and have yet to come up with an answer, "Does Moose really remember hiding his bones?  I don't think so.  He can sniff out the bones I set-up as a trap for him to find.  I do that to keep him from finding my really choice ones.  I wait 'till he's asleep to bury them.  But, all I see him chewing on are the not so secret bones.  Go-figure.  What do you think?  Should I help find his buried bones?  Let me know using the contact form and mark it "Tank".  That way Moose want read it.

    Now, "Back to the Campaign";  Ron is still knocking on doors, attending "Town Hall" meetings and doing sign-waving.  He plans on doing this through Monday November 7th.  Moose and me told you about him - he does what he says, and says what he does.  He works until the job is "Dunn" and "Dunn right. And he really does stand with the Issues he's posted on the "Issues" page and much more.  Moose and me humbly ask you to support Ron by voting for him this Tuesday November 8th.  

    Yesterday, Moose made mention about us hoping you've enjoyed the "Tank" blog.  I trust you have.  I did want say again, I agree with Moose this has been fun.  My first blog was June 7th.  It's still posted, just scroll down and you can read all the blogs.  Time goes by so fast. 

    We're counting on you, the voter, to prove Ron's efforts and expenses was worth it.  We believe it was, win, lose, or draw, Ron will continue to stand true to his message.  We also hope our tail wagging helped you understand how important this election is?  It's about yours and my freedom - Please Vote.  

    *Jubilant:  feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph.

    Take care, and remember November 8th, "Let's get-it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative. 

    Best Wishes,

    Tank & Moose

     PS: Before you go please check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News". and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or me contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you. 


    November 4, 2022......4 *Triumphal days to the election

    With the election so close Tank and me thought we would double up tonight and each blog.  

    Take a look at the "News" page.  It has a picture of LRC's sign wave.  So when we say Ron is doing a sign wave you'll know what we mean.  If you happen to drive by one (if it's a Republican sign wave) show your support by honking your horn.  The next sign wave is November 5, 2022, at the corner of 42 Nashua Road (Convenient MD) at Michaels Way near Market Basket. It will start at 11:00 a.m. and will go to 12:30 p.m..

    Tank and me hope you're enjoying "Tank" blogs.  We've both had fun writing them.  See: Tanks message for tonight below.

    * Triumphal: used in a celebration of a great victory 

    Take care, and remember November 8th, "Let's get-it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative. 

    Best Wishes,



    November 4, 2022.......4 *Blissful days to the election

    I apologize for not blogging yesterday the 3rd of November.  We were at a Republican meeting.  Actually me and Moose were at home going over our campaign notes, while Ron and Cara went to a Republican meeting.  Now, I remember I'm a dog, but it was nice hearing about being around like minded people.  Everyone was in sync, and agreed on who to vote for, and most importantly why.  Remember, "it's free to vote, but you'll pay if you don't vote.  So, please vote.  See Moose's November 2nd blog below about free voting.

    Now "Back to the Campaign";  Ron was again out door knocking and sign waving.  And as l mentioned above, Ron and Cara went to a Republican meeting.  When they got home Moose and me overheard them saying they had a nice time.  Ron met a couple at the meeting that remembered talking with him about the election, when he knocked on their door.  It really is a small world after-all. 

    Got-to-go, yes it's that wonderful time of the day, it's "Dinner Time".  Moose and me are extra hungry tonight after taking so many notes.   

    *Blissful: extremely happy

    Take care, and remember November 8th, "Let's get-it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative. 

    Best Wishes,


     PS: Before you go please check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News". and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or me contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you. 


    November 2, 2022.........6 "Yahoo" days to the election

    Tank, says I'm sleeping all the time.  That's not true.  Yes,  I sleep, but look who's counting the time, Tank.  Tank, being a heavy sleeper himself, really has no clue how long I sleep.  Just because my eyelids cover my eyes does not mean I'm sleeping.  Many times I'm awake.  During these times I get my best ideas.  So, when I get up I know what I'm going to do, go, or fix.  My day is planned.  I've been doing this for years.  I should tell Tank?  Naw.  Let him figure it out.

    Now "Back to the Campaign";  Ron is knocking on doors, doing sign waving's, and attending training seminars.  He's like the "Energizer Bunny".  Ron is doing everything he knows to do to let you the voter know November 8th is election day at the Londonderry High School Gym - 6:00 am to 8:00 pm.  Have your voice heard, vote.  And like Tank said a couple of days ago voting is free.  Yes, you read that right it's free to vote.  If we don't make our voices heard by voting now, we'll pay later, when someone who does not represent our morals and values gets into office.

    Take care, and remember November 8th, "Let's get-it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative.  Ron does represent our morals and values.

    Best Wishes,


     PS: Before you go please check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News". and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or me contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.


    November 1, 2022.........7 "Jumping for Joy," days to the election

    What do you think of Moose's picture?  I think it's a great representation of Moose, because that's Moose.  He's, always sleeping.  And, I'm sure you noticed, he's taken over the most comfortable spot in the house, the "couch".  I really don't mind because I'm too short to jump that high.  And besides Bulldogs don't jump they "strut."  

    Ok "Back to the Campaign".  With the election only 8 days away we're doing everything we can to help you, the voter, know to vote November 8th at the Londonderry High School Gym.  We're working at a fever pitch.  Ron is knocking on doors and plans to continue knocking and notifying everyone he meets that there is an Election November 8th.  If you know someone who is on the fence about whether to vote or not, talk with them about the important's of this election.  It's about our Freedom.  This election is so important we're counted.  Vote, and let's keep our Liberty.  From the bottom of our hearts Ron, Cara, Me, Tank, and Moose thank you for making your voice heard.

    Dinner is here and it's b-e-e-e-e-f.  Moose and me really prefer beef canine chow mix - it's great.  Got-to-go.... 

    Take care, and remember November 8th, "Let's get-it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative. 

    Best Wishes,


     PS: Before you go please check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News". and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or me contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you. 


    October 31, 2022...........8 exciting days to the election

    Moose here, you can see I'm very excited about election day being 8 days away.  I truly am.  This picture was taken when I was preparing for my photo-shoot.  I was sleeping, dreaming about digging up Tank's bones when "FLASH," my picture was taken.  And I had just found a good one.  But the couch won, it was so comfortable I slept some more and missed the shoot.  So, this is it - the new picture of me, Moose.  Let me know what you think by filling out a contact form from the "Contacts" page. 

    Now "Back to the Campaign";  Ron is knocking on doors.  I overheard him talking about the Londonderry neighborhoods they have notified about the up coming November 8th election, and it's extensive.   It sounds like the whole town is being notified.  They're planning on a great turnout of voters this election.  Remember the poles are open at 6 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m..  Voting will be at 295 Mammoth in the Londonderry High School Gym.  If you're looking for voter information click on the "News" tab of this Web-Site and you'll find links to Sample Ballots, Registration, and Absentee Ballots and more.

    Note: Rons Political signs continue to be taken.  I say that to humbly ask for your support.  Please consider donating - it's easy, just click on the red "Ron Dunn" at the top of this page, then scroll down to "Donations".  From Ron, Cara, Tank and Me, Moose, "Thank You"

    With that said, I'm hungry and either I'm dreaming again or I smell b-e-e-e-e-e-f "Yahoo".  It's beef.  Got-to-go. 

    Take care, and remember November 8th, "Let's get-it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative. 

    Best Wishes,


     PS: Before you go please check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News". and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or me contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you. 


    October 30, 2022............9 days to the election

    I don't know about you but I like this picture.  It tells the whole story.  I was out knocking on doors with Ron when he snapped this picture.  For me it says "Vote for Ron Dunn" plain and simple.  Me, I'm just photo dressing - which is like window dressing without the window.  If you get what I mean? 

    We apologize for not having Moose talk tonight but with the election so close we both thought it necessary to have a political sign in our blog and this is our only picture that works. 

    Ok "Back to the Campaign";   Ron was again out knocking on doors telling everyone about the free election coming up November 8th.  That's right no charge to vote.   How exciting it that?  I got-to-go dinner is in the dishes and ready for us to eat.     

    Take care, and remember November 8th, "Let's get-it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative. 

    Best Wishes,


     PS: Before you go please check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News". and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or me contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you. 


    October 29, 2022............10 days to the election

    Moose said he was ok with me blogging again, because during his photo-shoot the camera stopped working.  Go figure, Moose and me do not depend on technology things like cameras.  We depend on Ron and Cara for our needs.  And although I was excited about my picture being taken it was cold outside.  I thought photo-shoots were done inside.  What do you think of my new picture?  I'm really happy with it.  Although I may look a little cranky, I was excited to have a new picture for you. 

    Now "Back to the Campaign";  Today Ron was out knocking on doors in the morning.  He tries to knock on 70 to 100 doors per day.  Don't worry if you missed him, he'll be out again soon knocking on doors.  Ron was also at the sign waving today on 102 and Mammoth.  If you missed him don't worry, because they plan to have one more sign wave before the election.  To see who's endorsing Ron click on "Endorsements" page.

    It's that special time of the day once again where Moose and me are fed.  Tonights dish smells like chicken cordon bleu. Take care, and remember November 8th, "Let's get-it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative. 

    Best Wishes,


     PS: Before you go please check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News". and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or me contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you. 


    October 28, 2022...........11 days to the election

    Moose and me thank everyone who voted for Moose.  Moose is my friend, I'm happy he will be speaking every other blog.  Today we've been laying around pampering ourselves  in preparation for our photo-shoot tomorrow.  We don't want to look like dogs.  I need to quit early tonight because I need my rest. 

    So with that said it's "Back to the Campaign".  If the weather holds out Ron will be at the conner of 102 and Mammoth tomorrow between 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m..  If you're out and about show your support and give him a honk.  He also plans to do some door knocking.  So don't be surprised if you answer your door tomorrow and it's Ron.  That's all for me tonight, it's late.  Take care and remember November 8th, "Let's get-it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative. 

    Best Wishes,


     PS: Before you go please check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", and "News" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or me contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.    


    October 27, 2022............12 days to the election

    Moose here!  We heard you loud and clear the vote was 51 in-favor and 49 apposed.  Thank you everyone who filled out a contact form voting for me.  I'm humbled.  And yes, Tank was ok with the vote.  We pawed counted the ballots.  Don't forget we're dogs (we found my feet smaller than Tanks).  To celebrate Tank shared one of his bones with me.  And again, I am humbled.  It's been an exciting day. 

    Now "Back to the Campaign";  Ron is doing everything that we know of to notify everyone how important November 8th election is.  If you have not donated to Ron's campaign please do.  It's easy, simply click on the red Ron Dunn on the top left of this page.  Then scroll down until you see donate.  Then click on the amount you choose to donate.  We humbly ask because the money spent so far is into the mega amount.  Much more than Tank and me anticipated.  Please show your support, donate.  From Ron, Cara, me and Tank, thank you.  It looks like we're going for a ride, I love rides - windows down with my head out smelling the air "yahoo" let's go.  

    Take care and remember November 8th, "Let's get-it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative. 

    Best Wishes,


     PS: Before you go please check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", "News", and "Photos" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Tank or me contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.   


    October 26, 2022............13 days to the election

    Well Moose misses writing his blog.  It looks like we'll need to get him back.  But before he comes back let's take a vote.  Just like November 8th.  What do you think?  Should Moose come back so he's writing every other blog.  Use the "Contact" page to let us know.   Thank you.  

    It looks like winter is coming, it's cold outside.  We may have fur coats on but when it gets really cold we shiver and shake. 

    Ok, "Back to the Campaign".  Ron is out knocking on doors.  Yes, he's out reminding as many Londonderry residents as possible to vote November 8th election day.  I told you about him - when he starts something he see's it through to the end and it's "Dunn" right.  You would have thought by-now he would have knocked on every neighbors door in Londonderry.  But not yet!  I mean he's even out knocking on doors when it's raining.  Wait, I heard them, our food bowls.  I got-to-go "Food's Here", I don't want Moose nibbling on my food.  It smells like we're having beef tonight.  "Yeehaw beef".  So take care and remember November 8th, "Let's get-it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative. 

    Best Wishes,


     PS: Before you go please check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", and "News" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or me contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.   


    October 25, 2022..............14 days to the election

    We have a change in our blogs. Moose and me agreed to having me write the blogs.  Moose said he's ok with my face being the main face for the blogs for awhile.  Until we get more pictures of him.  We're both excited, our photo-shoot is in a couple of days.  So Moose and me relaxed today in preparation for the photo-shoot.  We want them to snap our best side. 

    Ok, "Back to the Campaign":  We hope you're enjoying the quiz's?  I'm sure you understand why they're all about Ron's life, what he stands for and what he believes.  He truly is a good person and he really does stand for each issue plus many more.  Moose, me and Cara can attest to Ron's work ethic.  He works until the job is finished and "Dunn" right.  And you can see he's loyal being he's worked for the same company for 28 plus years.  Got-to-go it's that special time of the day for me and Moose it's "Dinner Time".  So take care and remember November 8th, "Let's get-it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative. 

    Best Wishes,


     PS: Before you go please check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", and "News" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or me contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.   


    October 24, 2022...............15 days and counting

    Well tonight I begin with "I'm hungry".  I'm looking forward to tonights dinner.  I wonder what we'll be having.  Canned beef stew (my favorite) or chicken from a can?  Either would be nice right now.  Sorry, but my stomach is growling.  Like when Tank gets mad at me for eating bits of his dinner. 

    So, tonight we have another five question quiz.  Answers can be found on this Web-Site.  Here we go;

    1) Does Ron support "Parents Rights"?   Yes

     2) Where did Ron grow-up?  New Hampshire

    3) From what University did Ron get his BS degree?  New Hampshire University

    4)  What water issue concerns Ron the most?  PFAS

    5)   What is the 5th "Issue" Ron supports?  New Hampshire Constitution 

    Thank your for participating.  The answer will be available in this blog, 10/25/22.

    That's all from me tonight.  Dinner is on the way it smells like beef.  Yahoo!

    Take care and remember November 8th, "Let's get-it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative. 

    Best Wishes,


     PS: Before you go please check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", and "News" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Tank or me contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.   



    October 23, 2022.............16 days and counting

    The answers to yesterdays quiz are posted - they're in Moose's blog below in red.  We've heard from many people they enjoyed the quiz, so we'll do another.   Moose and me took the quiz a couple of hours after posting it and Moose missed them all.  What's up with that? He helped me write-it.  And miss "what is Ron's wife's name? - a big red flag.  But like I've said Moose has a short memory. 

    Ok, "Back to the Campaign"; Did you see Ron when he was out sign waving Saturday?  He was at the conner of 102 and Mammoth.  It's ok if you missed him there are plans for another sign wave.  To read a brief clip about Ron and Cara and why he joined the race to be a NH State Representative click on "Meet Ron".

    Take care and remember November 8th, "Let's get-it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative. 

    Best Wishes,


     PS: Before you go please check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", and "News" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or me contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.   


    October 22, 2022.........17 days and counting down

    It's getting closer.  November the 8th is two weeks and 3 days away.  Anybody nervous?  Tank and me are.  Tonight we have two quiz's for you.  The title of the first is "Columbus Meets the New World".  And can be found on the "News" page of this Web-Site.  It comes from the NH Journal.  Let us know how you scored.  The answers are at the bottom of the quiz. Tank and me took it - we both did not score well - we're dogs after-all. 

    Now "Back to the Campaign":  Our second quiz is called "How well do you know Ron?"  The answers can be found on this Web-Site.  Here we go: the first one is easy

    1.  What public position is Ron campaigning for?  NH State Representative

    2.  Will Ron vote for or against raising taxes?  Ron will vote against raising taxes

    3.  How many  committees is Ron currently on?  5

    4.  How many years has he been a pharmaceutical retail store manager". 28 years

    5.  What's his wife's name?  Tank wanted me to ask this one.  Cara

    Answers will be given in Tanks blog.

    That's all from me tonight.  You got-it, dinner is on the way.

    Take care and remember November 8th, "Let's get-it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative. 

    Best Wishes,


     PS: Before you go please check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", and "News" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Tank or me contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.   


    October 21, 2022............18 days and counting down

    I was choosing which picture of me to post tonight and came across this one where I'm wearing my first place ribbon.  And yes, I'm humbled by-it.  It was given to me for being a Canine Good Citizen along with a diploma.  Moose doesn't have one.  I don't rub it in.  Did Moose tell you?  Last night Moose ate a couple of bites of food from my bowl. "From my bowl".  I was flabergasted (surprised).  How could he do that?  I didn't know what do to.  Bite him, or growl and give him "the look".  I ended up giving the "the look".  I have not taken any food from his bowl.  As yet! 

    Ok, "Back to the Campaign" :  I got to say Ron is doing great.  He is continuing to knock on doors, replacing stolen signs, adjusting signs that have fallen over and lastly doing sign waves.  Remember he will be participating in a sign wave Saturday 22, 2022 between 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m..  If you see them at 102 and Mammoth give them a honk.  Got-to-go dinner is on the way and tonight I'll be guarding my food.  Take care and remember November 8th, "Let's get it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative. 

    Best Wishes,


     PS: Before you go please check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", and "News" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Moose or me contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it, for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.   


    October 21, 2022............18 days and counting

    I'm getting to like these public appearances (I know it's only a picture of me and I'm not live, but it's nice to imagine).  Last night Tank left his food dish alone for only a minute, he went to get a drink of water.  When he came back his dish was empty.  What does it mean when a Bulldog just stares at you and doesn't say a word?  I was baffled - but his food did taste better than mine. 

    Ok, "Back to the Campaign":  Ron and Cara are driving around replacing the stolen "Vote for Ron" signs.  At $7.00 each, the out of pocket expense can add up quickly.  I heard him say to Cara he had spent $175.00 to replace 25 signs.  So if you haven't donated please, please consider donating to Ron's campaign.  He is worthy of your trust.  I know Tank and me trust both Ron and Cara.  And did you know there's a $1000.00 penalty for stealing political signs.  You can read more about this in the "News" page of this Web-Site.  Also, if you have not met Ron and want to know about him click on the "Meet Ron" button at the top of this page.  On the "Issue" page you can read what Ron stands behind. 

    Well once again it's that special time of the day when Tank and me are fed.  So, I got-to-go for now.  Take care and remember November 8th, "Let's get it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative. 

    Best Wishes,


     PS: Before you go please check out "Meet Ron", "Issues", and "News" pages for the latest..............lastly, if you have a question for Tank or me contact us by using the "Contact" page on this Web-Site and mark it, for Tank & Moose.  We look forward to hearing from you.   


    October 20, 2022...........19 days and counting

    We've heard from some of you about switching me and Moose blogging.  And the results are a 50/50 split.  Some of you like to see and hear from Moose and some like to see and hear from me.  I don't know I'll chew on this awhile.  However, this is helping Moose be more out-going.  And between you and me Moose needs it.  We're planning on having a photo-shoot - so we'll have many more pictures of Moose and me to share. 

    Ok, enough "Back to the Campaign":  Have you read Ron's Bio?  If you haven't click on "Meet Ron" at the top of this page.  Ron is doing great.  We need to make a correction about the sign waving.  Ron will be at the conner of Mammoth and 102, Saturday not Friday between the hours of 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m..  If you're driving around Saturday and you go by show your support by honking.  I got-to-go I smell our dinner dishes coming.  I wonder what we're having for dinner.   Take care and remember November 8th, "Let's get it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative. 

    Best Wishes,


      PS: Before you go please check out "Meet Ron," "Issues," and the "News" page for the latest.........


    October 19, 2022.........20 days and counting ( So you know, Tank and me count election day as one some people do not count election day and say they're 19 days to the election).  We think we're right after all it's our blog.

    I'm back, Tank and me came up with another idea, he would do one blog then I would do the next blog.  Let us know what you think by filling out the contact form titling it to "Tank and Moose".   Looking forward to hearing from you. 

    Now Back to "The Campaign Trail:"  So, we heard from some people about using the phone to contact them about voting, and the result is 50/50 some want and like it others don't like it.   Tank and me are trying to work this one out e.g. emails, text messages, mailers.  Personally when I see a Political mailer I chew-it up.  But Tank he likes to read them.  He says he gets ideas from them.  Who knows besides he's so short.  And he thinks I forget where he hides his bones or don't see him outside hiding them when I'm inside - I see him because I'm looking out the window and taking notes on bone location.  Ok, got-to-go I see dinner coming.    

    Remember November 8th, "Let's get it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative.

    Best Wishes,


     PS: Before you go please check out the "News" page for the latest.........


    October 18, 2022...........21 days and counting

    Moose and me are still working from home, we're continuing our strategizing.  We came up with an idea what about phone calling?  Would you answer a Political call?  Moose says he would pick-up the phone and answer their questions.  I'm a little more security conscious than Moose.  Take our bones, I bury them only when Moose is in the house.  With Moose having a short memory I could bury my bones even when he's looking.  I just don't want to test that theory. 

     Back to the Campaign:  Ron has a sign waving at the corner of 102 and Mammoth on October 21st between 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.   If you're traveling around this Friday during those hours go-by and show your support by honking your horn.  Got-to-go I hear the dinner dishes coming.  Remember November 8th, "Let's get it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative.

    Best Wishes,


     PS: Before you go please check out the "News" page for the latest.........


    October 17, 2022...........22 days and counting

    Ron is getting the message out "Vote" this November 8th at the Londonderry High School Gym.  Especially vote for Ron - happy Ron and Cara makes happy Moose and me.  We get fresh bones.  Today Moose and me are at home strategizing.  We're working on "leave behinds" better know as door knocker flyers.   We want to get Ron's picture on the flyer.  We're also working on a 10 point - "why vote for Ron?"  What do you think?  Why would you vote for Ron?  Would it be for his standing with the US Constitution, or the Police and Fire Departments, or Election Integrity or pick another from the "Issues" page.  But remember if you don't vote this November 8th someone else might get into office that does not support these Issues.  "Let's get-it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative. 

    Best Wishes,


    PS: Before you go please check out the "News" page for the latest..........


    October 16, 2022...........23 days and counting

    Moose and me went to my favorite place the "Doggie Doctor" better known as the Veterinarian.  All went well.  It was our annual check up.  She sure is nice, I like her.  I love Ron, Cara and Moose but she sure is nice.  l got more pets from her than Moose did.  But who's counting?  Me.  Enough, the Campaign is going well.  Ron is knocking on doors and doing sign waves.  If you go by one of the sign waves, stop-by and meet Ron.  Ron is in need of "$" support.  There were 24 signs stolen from him.  He replaced them but that's $168.00 out of his pocket.  Please now is the time to support Ron we only have 23 days.  You can donate by clicking on the red "Ron Dunn", scroll down to donations.  We thank you in advance.   And remember November 8th, "Let's get it Dunn" vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative.

    Best Wishes,



    October 15, 2022......24 days and counting

    Thank you for asking to hear more from me.   Where-as Tank has the gift-of-gab, I don't.  That's why he does all the talking for us.  But I'm a deep thinker, I like to mull things over before I speak.  Today me and Tank went to our favorite place, the "Doggie Doctor", better know as the Veterinarian.  Don't worry nothing is wrong with us, it was just a routine check-up and Rabies update.  I don't get it when people say animals don't feel pain, we do.  We just know how too tough our way through some things.  Tank didn't even know he was given a shot because he's in love with the Vet.  Funny Ron and Cara love us both and provide food and water, Tank sees something in the Vet that I don't.  Well that's it for me, I hear our dinner on the way.  Take care and remember "Let's get-it Dunn" November 8th vote-Ron Dunn for NH State Representative.

    Signing off for Tank and Me.

    Best Wishes,


    PS: Please check out the "News" page it has information on "Ballot Overloading" a must read.........


    October 14, 2022..........25 days and counting

    Isn't it exciting, 25 days before the General Election - although I'm excited I'm wondering what I'm going to do after the election.  If you've enjoyed my blog let us know by using the "Contact" page. 

    We have one last memorization of the US Constitution.  Do you know Amendment II?  Here it is..........

    Amendment II

    "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

    This is the most known Amendment......

    Take care and remember "Let's get it Dunn" vote, Ron Dunn for NH State Representative.

    Best Wishes,



    October 13, 2022..........26 days and counting

    Although this has nothing to do with the coming elections and Rons campaign. I have some very serious news to pass along.  After reading several papers that had in them the state of affairs the World is in.  I need to share what I read.  It's about the possibility of Nuclear war.  Per "Hal Turner", the Russians have a Nuclear bomber in the air right now.  There is no need to panic - in the happen-stance something did happen do you have Potassium Iodide pills to take in a "Radiation Emergency".   From my perspective the next time me and Moose are outside we'll bury our bones deeper in the ground.  Take care and remember "Lets get-it Dunn" with Ron Dunn for NH State Representative.

    Best Wishes,



    October 12, 2022..........27 days and counting

    I'm so excited about todays blog I could kiss Moose.   Moose liked the memorization of the Preamble so much he came up with another Constitutional, "did you know" memorization e.g. Amendment IV

    "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

    I like it so much because no-one can come over and dig-up and take Moose's and my bones.

    Take care and remember "Let's get it Dunn" vote, Ron Dunn for NH State Representative.


    Best Wishes,



    October 11, 2022.......28 days and counting

    Me and Moose were out back the other day and came up with what we thought was a brilliant idea.  Ask people Ron meets to recite the Preamble.  What do you think?  Here it is:

    "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

    It kind a' tells the whole story, follow these steps to "Freedom".

    Can you recite the Preamble?

    Keep in touch - we love to hear from you and remember to vote November 8th - "Let's get it Dunn" vote, Ron Dunn for NH State Representative.


    Best Wishes,



    October 8, 2022...........29 days and counting

    How did you like hearing and seeing Moose?  He's really ok, a little to big for my taste but he has four paws like me.  The campaign: Ron is doing everything me and Moose ask him to do.  He's notifying people about the November 8th, election which will be held in the Gym of the Londonderry High School.  And did you notice during the Primary there was only one Cage? (I'm talking about where the candidates stand behind the chain link fence on election day). Republicans and Democrats were in the same caged area.  I don't know about you but something smells fishy.  Well got-to go.  Take care and remember "Let's get it Dunn" vote, Ron Dunn for NH State Representative.


    Best Wishes,



    October 7, 2022........30 days and counting

    Hi!  I'm Moose I'm filling in for Tank today.  Tank is fine we just thought you might want to see and hear from me today.  Tank and I have been studying the weather maps for the up-coming months and it's going to be another cold winter.  We have also been studying the energy prices and see they are way up.  We found out the Town of Londonderry has a "Emergency Energy Assistance Program"?  Check out the "News" page it has the full article.  It looks like the Town will pay some of your electric bill if you meet their qualifications.  This is why we need Ron Dunn in office he will fight to bring down energy costs.  Remember "Let's get-it Dunn" vote, Ron Dunn for NH State Representative.


    Best Wishes, 



    October 6, 2022.........31 days and counting

    Have you ever felt lack-luster?  Like you're missing something but don't know what you're missing?  I've been feeling that the past two days.  I hope it passes soon.  Well 33 days before the big day, I'm referring to November 8th, voting day.  We're really looking forward to it.  And yes, Ron's signs are still being stolen.  Why would anyone do that?  It's dumb.  Got-to-go my food dish is coming. 

    Best Wishes,







    October 3, 2022........32 days and counting

    Yahoo! The sample ballot is now available to download and print.  Simply copy and past the following link into your search engine.

    There're several clicks you'll need to do once you're on the SOS web-site.  The first is to click on General Election, the second is to click on "Please select town"  then lastly click on "show sample ballot".  And remember "Lets get it Dunn", vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative.  

    Best Wishes,



    October 2, 2022......33 days and counting

    I got to tell you when voting day November 8th is past, I'm going to miss all our run n' around.  It's been great.  Moose and me have even met others like us.  But I have yet to meet another dog that can read and write.  I have been doing some reading and I found out tonight Ron is the 3rd NH State Representative on the November ballot of 7 candidates.  That's a good placement - but that means nothing if you don't vote, and vote for Ron Dunn NH State Representative.  And remember people are stealing Ron's signs which means he needs to replace them at $7.00 each.  If you have not donated to Ron's campaign now is a good time.  To donate simply click on the red Ron Dunn at the top left corner then scroll down to donate on the secure Web-Site.   Thank you in advance.

    Best Wishes,



    Friday September 30. 2022......34 and counting

    I'm back to chewing and stewing.  Me and Moose are working long hours, on the details of the Ron Dunn Campaign.  We love the slogan, "lets get-it Dunn with Ron Dunn."  Cool!

    Vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative

    Best Wishes,



    September 27, 2022..........35 days and counting

    The clock is ticking and days are quickly passing.  It seems like the Primary was yesterday not two weeks ago.  With 36 days to go to November the 8th the General election we have no time to waste.  Ron is out knocking on doors notifying voters the General election is almost upon us.  He is leaving flyers where voters are not at home and he is asking everyone he meets for a vote of support.  So please let others know to vote for Ron Dunn because "he will get it Dunn".

    I have a question???  Why would you steal a political sign?  Just thinking about it makes me so mad I want to growl.  But I'm a nice Bulldog.  If you see someone messing with Ron's signs other than to adjust them please notify the police.

    Best Wishes,



    September 25, 2022...........36 days and counting

    Sorry, but I've needed some rest.   I'm doing better but I still need some down time.  I tried working a little today to help get Ron and Cara on the road but found I'm too weak.  I read about the crud and found it takes 14 days to pass - thank you for all that have sent get-well wishes.  Enough on me - Ron is telling me he's losing signs, yes, people are stealing his signs.  It's enough to get a Bulldog mad.  I understand it's a federal offense to steal or tamper with political signs.  At the beginning of the run for NH State Representative Ron purchased 100 signs costing $700.00 or $7.00 each.  That money came from Ron's pocket not donations.  (More on donations later.)  This is why we need strong men and women in the State House.  We need Ron Dunn, he stands-up for the needs and well being of others.   Now, donations.  Donations are down and with signs being stolen Ron really needs your support.  You can show your support by clicking on the red "Ron Dunn" in the top left corner, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on donate.  From all of us "Thank You" in advance.

    Best Wishes,



    September 20, 2022......5 weeks and some

    So sorry for the delay in my blog.  I'm not feeling the best.  Ron and Cara are doing great and on the trail to victory.  Not sure about Moose, remember he's a Great Dane, I love him but he is so Great Dane.  Lately we've been brainstorming, taking notes, and watching videos.  All to help Ron become a NH State Representative.   Remember November 3rd is the General Election and voting will be at the Londonderry High School Gym.  We'll got-to-go I need some sleep.  Take care...

    Best Wishes,





    September 17, 2022......6 1/2 weeks counting

    I think I got that stuff that's been going round?  You know the kind of stuff that makes your nose run (in my case that means a-lot of running), itchy-eyes, raspy throat, and tired.  I've been trying to Bulldog it through but it's taxing.   I think Moose has it as well, he just doesn't know he has it, remember he's a Great Dane.   Ok, enough on me and Moose and being sick we have a job to do - we're up every morning with Ron and Cara getting ready for the day.  Making sure Ron's signs and flyers are in the car before he sets out for the day.  Don't forget Ron is working hard to become your NH State Representative this November 3, 2022 - he knows he can not do it alone he needs your support - that's about it for now......




    September 15,'s 49 days and counting

     So just what is a Town Moderator you might ask?  Well I found on The Town of Londonderry New Hampshire site a short clip on just what one does.

    "Town Moderator

    Welcome to the Londonderry Town Moderator’s Web Page


    The citizens of Londonderry elect the Town Moderator every two years. New Hampshire law requires the Town Moderator to preside over the Town Deliberative Session and to oversee the conduct of voting in all elections held in Londonderry." End quote

    Ok, so he's the spokesman for the town meetings - in a manner of speaking.  In Londonderry the Town Moderator is Jonathan Kipp.   An important position.....we'll look at the Town Council next.

    Back to the campaign; Ron is gearing up - he's back knocking on doors, attending meetings, and trainings in preparations for November 3rd.   Me and Moose are gathering together discussing strategy.  Cara is busy working and taking care of us all.   Got-to-go I heard my food bowl move....

    Best Wishes,



    September 14, 2022......1 day after voting day 

    Hello, this is Ron, Tank said I could go first:  Thank you for your vote.  I know without your support I would not have made it.  I'm humbled and excited for this opportunity.  I'll work hard for you to bring down taxes, energy efficiency and dependability, fight for clean water and Community and Family First and so much more.  I depend on you, I can not do this alone, if you have something to say or have a question please contact me using the "Contact" page.  Now for the next 6 weeks we need to remember the battle is not over, November 3rd is the General Election.  I need to ask you to hang in there with me.   We've come so far, now is the time to stand together, let's get this Dunn. 

    Thank you, 


    This is Tank, 

    All I can say is what a day we had.  All 24 hours of it.  We were up so early, and stayed up so late, I don't remember if we went to sleep.  I apologies for the delay in my message.  To start with me and Moose thank you for voting for Ron.  We know you had others to chose from.  Ron will work hard for all of us and keep his promises.  But like Ron said, the real battle is now - we've passed the primaries test, thank you, it's now time to shift gears so we are focused on winning the November General Election.  That's the important one, he wins that race, Ron is officially a State Representative. Over the next six weeks look for new and fresh information on what we're doing.  Me and Moose are behind Ron 100% - and as someone once said "it ain't over 'till it over" and it's not over.  Please stick with us..........

    Best Wishes,



    September 12, 2022 @ 8:26 P.M.......9 hours +/- a few minutes to go "Yahoo"

    It took me all day to decide what to say today, being so close to voting day.  All day I kept hearing vote, vote, so I thought I would keep on point and wrote the following.  

    You might ask yourself "why am I chewing", and you're right, I normally chew on my bones for meditation, but I need a message therapist with all the buzz happening, will Ron win or will it be a ???  So I'm chewing on things asking myself did me and Moose do everything we could so he will win???  Well, whether we did do, or not do, the clock is ticking and we're hours away from knowing the outcome of the election.  If you're reading this and have yet to decided on who to vote for or have questions about voting here is the link to the Republican sample  ballot:

    You can also find voting information on Ron's "News" page check it out.

    Here's another site on NH voting  here you'll find answers to all your voting questions.  But if you still don't find what you're looking for contact Ron direct via email simply go to the "Contacts" page.  And Remember vote for Ron Dunn for NH State Representative.

    So, tomorrow morning take off your slippers, get dressed, grab your coffee and let's go vote.  See you there.......

    Best Wishes,



    September 11, 2022......2 days and counting

    Two days and counting "wow".  Voting day is so close I'm getting shocked when I get close to Moose.  Although he tells me he isn't getting shocked.  I question his senses because after all he's a just a Great Dane, I'm a Bulldog.  With that I must look at the definition of humility to check whether I'm floating off or standing on the ground.  So I went to "Positive Psychology".  Here is a clip of their article:

    "At first sight, the ancient virtue of humility is not a particularly appealing one.

    Deriving from the word humus (earth), it appears to clash with our current valuation of self-worth and self-realization.

    But humility has nothing to do with meekness or weakness. And neither does it mean being self-effacing or submissive. Humility is an attitude of spiritual modesty that comes from understanding our place in the larger order of things. It entails not taking our desires, successes, or failings too seriously." End quote 

    You might ask yourself; why think about humility today 2 days away from voting?  I reflect on Moose and me to illustrate, you see it's easy to pull-one-over on Moose.  Like the the other day we were out in the backyard hiding our bones.  Moose gets so secretive about hiding his bones - what he does after he finds a place he thinks, "Tank isn't looking I'll bury it here."  But it doesn't matter if I'm looking or not because he always forgets where he buried them.   And if I don't tell him where they are, his bones are mine.  It's only my humility and love for Moose that I tell him where some of his bones are.  If you get my drift.......

     Best Wishes,



    September 10, 2022....3 days and counting

    Not to take any attention away from Ron but I've been studying the Republican sample ballot for September 13th.  Did you know there are 16 people running for Delegate to the State Convention, and only seven positions.  I figure that's 2.29 people running per position.  In the "Granite Gork" there is an article entitled "A Primer on the Difference Between NHGOP Delegates and State Committee Members".  In it I found this clip:

    Delegates have only two duties:

    1. Elect members of the State Committee by attending their county or city GOP caucus. This happens in December of the year in which the Delegates were elected.
    2. Vote on potential changes to the NH GOP Party Platform at the state GOP Convention. This happens every 2 years, in the spring of each election year." End quote 

     And did you know each State Representative when elected is also a Delegate?  They are.  That makes a total of 14 Delegates.  Cool, Ron will be a NH Sate Representative and a Delegate when elected - Moose and me know he can do work, we have all our trust in him to deliver the goods (for me and Moose this is all about our next meal).  I wonder if he reads my blog?  Take care and remember vote Ron Dunn NH State Representative September 13, 2022.  Voting will be at the Londonderry High School Gym........Before you go take a look at the "News" page it has some very interesting articles and links......

    Best Wishes,



    September 9, 2022......4 days and counting

    With the elections only 4 days away I'm finding reading reduces the stress.  This morning I thought I would look up what a State Representative does.  I found an article in "Career Trend" entitled "Job description of a State Representative".   Here's a clip from the article; 

    "State representatives introduce and vote on bills that represent the interests of their constituents (people who live in their voting district). They create new laws, modify or update old laws and serve on research committees within the legislative branch. These representatives uphold the state's Constitution, and vote on changes to the Constitution when amendments are needed. They may address issues such as education, transportation, commerce, state taxes and any other items that are a concern to local residents. Representatives may also assist constituents with personal legal issues such as immigration or justice problems."  End quote.  So, there is a lot to being a State Representative.  I thought it was just about door knocking, attending parties, and spending personal money on signs and flyers.  But, what do I know I'm just a Bulldog?  Me and Moose know who will work for us and you, that's Ron Dunn for NH State Representative, this September 13th, vote for Ron at Londonderry High School Gym which is four days away.  See you there.

    Best Wishes, 



    September 7, 2022.......6 days and counting

    After finding that wonderful article on me yesterday I looked up my brother Moose to see how he faired and here is what American Kennel Club said about a Great Dane....."As tall as 32 inches at the shoulder, Danes tower over most other dogs and when standing on their hind legs, they are taller than most people. These powerful giants are the picture of elegance and balance, with the smooth and easy stride of born noblemen. The coat comes in different colors and patterns, perhaps the best-known being the black-and-white patchwork pattern known as "harlequin." Despite their sweet nature, Danes are alert home guardians. Just the sight of these gentle giants is usually enough to make intruders think twice." End quote. 

    Here is a picture of me showing how I look at Moose - I stand roughly 15 inches tall +/- an inch.  Moose is another 18 inches to 2 feet taller.  An although he's tall he knows I run the show.  Because you know it's not quantity that counts its quality that matters.  If you don't believe it read my September 6, 2022.  Just some fun stuff about me and Moose I thought you would enjoy reading.  Now back to reality, we're still in campaign mode around here.  Saturday September 3rd, Ron met the team from Londonderry Republican Committee at the Crossroads Mall to sign wave - this is where each candidate holds there own sign and hopefully energize people passing by to remember to vote this September 13th and to vote for them.  They had a good time and a good turn out plus many people passing-by honked their horns.  Keep in touch by dropping us an email.




    September 6, 2022....7 days and counting

    I've been doing some reading lately and ran across an article from the American Kennel Club on Bulldogs.  Here is what AKC said and I quote a Bulldog is "kind but courageous, friendly but dignified, the Bulldog is a thick-set, low-slung, well-muscled bruiser whose 'sourmug' face is the universal symbol of courage and tenacity."  End quote.  Now doesn't that fit me exactly?  I think so.  They didn't say Bulldogs have a high regard of themself but don't let that fool you, we do.  Now, I have not forgotten Ron is campaigning for NH State Representative.  I just wanted to share something about me.  Back to the campaign did you know Ron supports:  "The Constitution", The "Bill of Rights", "The Declaration of Independence", clean drinking water, the Police and Fire Departments, and many more issues just take a look at the "Issue's" page and see for yourself.  He does the research, he digs for the truth.  He talks with people, not to them.  He listens to what people have to say.  Ron will stand up for us and with us.  VOTE Ron Dunn, NH State Representative September 13, 2022.  Voting will be held in the Londonderry High School Gym.  See you there.....

    Best Wishes,



    September 5, 2022......8 days and counting

    "Donations," is what I am pondering. I am saddened to report no-one has donated to Ron's campaign using this site.  Even after all my pleas.  If you're reading this I ask you from the bottom of my heart, donate to Ron's campaign.  He's so kind, I know he will not ask, so I'm asking.  Even if its $1.00 it helps. I would donate but I don't have any money - after me and Moose chew on our bones we donate them to Ron.  (See August 30th, Tank)






    September 4, 2022.....9 days and counting

    Ok, Ok, I'm a little nervous September 13th is only 9 days away.  The excitement in the house is high and I keep repeating myself.  Me and Moose have talked it over and decided we're ready for voting day 2022.  We've done just about everything we could do and besides we are running out of bones.  Ron is out knocking on doors, making speeches, meeting people everywhere he and Cara go.  Reminding everyone voting day is September 13th at the Londonderry High School.

    Have you taken a look at the "Endorsement" page?  Ron is being endorsed by author and Dr. Mary Maxwell, the "NRA-PVF" and the "Granite State Taxpayers 2022".  The Granite State Taxpayers 2022 candidate survey rates Ron Dunn, Candidate for NH State Representative at 92%, District 16”.  The NRA rated Ron AQ.  An AQ rating is the highest rating a candidate can receive.  It means Ron strongly supports the 2nd Amendment. 

    The "Endorsement" page can be found by scrolling to the bottom of this page then click on "Endorsement".  And if you know Ron like me and Moose know him, then share your comments drop him an email using the contacts page.  I know he would love to hear from you.  If you have a question for Cara, me or Moose, please write us.  Lastly, please consider donating to Ron's campaign - as I mentioned in my previous messages - it's expensive to run a campaign for State Representative and the pay is only $100.00 a year.  So, please consider supporting Ron.  

    Best Wishes,



    September 2, 2022.....11 days and counting

    I don't know about you but with 11 days 'till the Primary I'm having trouble sleeping.  Eleven, days "wow".  I wonder if they'll let me and Moose vote - now, that would be a first.  I know who we would vote for, Ron Dunn for NH State Representative.  Here is the latest on the trail to NH State Representative.  We're still knocking on doors, attending training sessions, and waving signs.  What ever we can do to notify people to vote this September 13, 2022 at the Londonderry High School.   By the way there is a sign waving this Saturday the 3rd of September, 11:00 a.m. 'till 12:30 p.m..   If you're not doing anything come out and join us we'll be on the corner of Mammoth and 102.  If the weather permits I'll be there - hope to see you.  Well got-to-go.....




    August 30, 2022

    Hello everyone, what do you think of my new picture? - I like it - it shows my best side.  But enough on me - it's getting crunch time and we're running low on snacks.  What I'm talking about is donations - donations pay for the signs you see along the roadways, gas to drive me and moose around town to see the signs, flyers, mailers and so much more.   So please consider donating to the Ron Dunn for NH State Representative campaign.  I've heard it said it takes between $3,000 to $5,000 to run a State Representative campaign and a State Representative is paid $100.00 a year - that's it.   So please help.  To donate click on the "Ron Dunn for NH State Representative" in the top left corner then once your there scroll down to the donation and select your support level. 

    We, Ron, Cara, Moose and me thank you




    August 29, 2022 - 15 days and counting

    I'm so excited as you can see by this picture.  There is spring in my step and "Bulldog" determination in me to get the news out, Ron Dunn, my best friend, is asking for your vote this September 13th (voting day) for NH State Representative.  He's one of the kindest people I know, he feeds Moose and me on time, makes sure we have water and he has an open door policy - when we got-to-go he opens the door.  He works harder and longer than anyone we know all the while with a positive attitude. 


    We also heard from Ron and Cara that the "Meet the Candidates" on the Commons went great - Ron and Cara set-up a tent and greeted everyone with a smile and hand shake.  Ron, answered many questions on the issues (see the Issues page for more info) he is strongly supporting.  Ron spoke with author and Dr. Mary W Maxwell on the issue of clean water see her article (it's a must read) at:

    Best Wishes,


    PS:  I have new pictures of me coming soon 


    August 25, 2022 - 19 days and counting.......

    Moose and me missed the "Old Home Day" parade.  We were home under the a/c vent.  However we did hear from Ron and Cara that the parade and events were well attended and there were lots of people - personally, I would liked to have gone - too bad it was so hot.   I like being around lots of people - especially when they're eating - if you catch my snack - we hope everyone had a good time.  Moose and me had a good time chewing on ideas and strategizing.  With voting day September 13, 2022, being teen's away - 19 days to be exact - it reminds us we can not just sit around we need to get out and notify you about it's closeness.  The Town has made voting really simple because once again voting will be at the Londonderry High School Gym.  I've heard rumors the cages (where the candidates stand behind chain link fence) might change - ask Ron about this either using the contact page on this web-site or when you see him in person.  And remember if you would like to support Ron's run for NH State Representative, go to the "Home" page scroll down the page 'till you see "Donate".   Thank you in advance for your support. 

    Fun Fact: Did you know there are 17,000 registered voters in Londonderry?  But voter turn-out is around 3,000 in non-presidential elections and that there are 67 candidates competing for 18 elected positions. This means your vote counts - see you at the Polls.

    *Fun Fact statistics come from page 20 of the "Londonderry Times" August 25,2022 edition.

    Best Wishes,



    August 19, 2022

    Tomorrow is "Londonderry's Old Home Days" parade.   "Yahoo" a parade, food, family and fun.  Me and Moose hope everyone has fun - but with the weather being projected to be around 91 it's a little too hot for us fury ones.   So, we'll be at home under the air-conditioner vents.  However, I don't want to lose focus, Ron is running for NH State Representative and needs your support.  For me and Moose He works very hard to keep food in our bowls, I personally know he will not let you down.   So this September 13th when you go to the Polls at the Londonderry High School vote for Ron Dunn, NH State Representative. 

    Now getting back to OHD's: Ron told me he will be walking in the parade along with the "Londonderry Republican Committee" and after the parade he will be at the LRC booth to answer your questions.  So, stop by, shake hands and say hello.  Lastly, if you would care to donate to Ron's campaign go to the "Home" page and scroll down to "Make a Donation".  We thank you in advance.


    Tank & Moose 


    August 17, 2022

    The other day me and Moose were chewing on the idea of marching in the "Old Home Day" parade.   It makes me hungry just thinking about it.  But, we believe we could make it, even given my legs are shorter than Moose's.  The parade is something like 1 mile, +/- a fraction long and mostly down hill.  Let us know what you think - can we do it or not???   Drop us a note using the contact page from this Web-Site.

    Now how is the race to September 13th going?   We are still knocking on doors, attending training sessions and going to meetings.  With Ron working his regular job as well, sometimes me and Moose miss our pets and scratches from Cara and Ron.  But we know things will slow down a little after the General election.  

    Best wishes,



    August 12, 2022 

    Can you believe it - 32 days left before the Primary Voting day - September 13, 2022 .  And, remember, voting will be at the same place, Londonderry High School and to vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative.  Time seems to be flying-by.  But what-a-ride!  We've met hundreds of wonderful people - some have provided water on the hot days - and cookies (that's my kind of cookies).  Thank you everyone.  So, let's get right to it, some of you have asked; "how do we make all the events", and "will I be attending Old Home Days"?  Well I won't beat around the bushes - it's difficult to attend all the events going on and get my beauty rest - sometimes it's too hot for me to go - Ron seems to be energized all the time and is ready to discuss the issues with a smile and a hand-shake.  Now, will I be attending "Old Home Days"?  If it's hot, I'll probably be at home under the air-conditioner vent.  But, if weather permits I'll be at the Republican booth on the Commons.  Please stop-by I would love to meet you.  Bye for now.  

    Best Wishes,



    August 8, 2022

    It's with a heavy heart I announce the passing of our brother Slate.  He was a beautiful all black German Shepard with a kind heart.  He loved all of us and even let me eat some of his food.  Ron and Cara adopted him when he was young.  It was funny Slate and me got along with each other although he was much taller.  Can you imagine a German Shepard and a Bulldog getting along with each other?  Go heart is hurting so....I'll stop for now but to say We all loved and will miss him....

    It's with tears in my eyes I write; "I will miss you my brother." 

    Just so you know we will be in mourning for awhile.  

    Ron, Cara, Tank & Moose








     August 7, 2022

     Can you believe it, only 37 days left.  On September 13th it's voting day - Yahoo!  I'm so excited you can even see it in my step.  I'm bouncing along here to catch-up with Ron as we're out spreading the word, vote for "Ron Dunn for NH State Representative".  Ron knows he can not do it alone that's why he's doing everything he can to notify you he's running for NH State Representative he needs YOU, me, and the boys.  I might be a Bulldog but I know what side of the bread you butter.  If you want to see where Ron stands on the issues read the "Issues" page on this Web-Site.   Ron is a strong conservative and believes in the USA Constitution.  I'll have more to say about that later.   If you would like to meet Ron and me mark your calendar on Sunday August 28th for the "Meet the Primary Candidates" - Noon to 2:00 P.M on the Londonderry Commons.  There will be hot dogs and ice cream available for purchase.   

    Best Wishes,



    July 29, 2022

    Here is the latest on our path to September 13, 2022, "voting day".  We've been on the road visiting with people.  Here I am out door knocking with Ron and many others (see pictures on the "News" page.  In this picture you can see we placed a "Vote For Ron Dunn" sign on a neighbors yard.  If you would like one just let us know using the "Contact" page and we'll stop-by.  You can see by my face I'm a little cranky it's because my pads are hot.  I know better than to walk on pavement, but it was necessary to keep up with Ron and the others.  Otherwise I try to always stay on the lawn.  Remember this Fall vote Ron Dunn, NH State Representative.  If you care to contribute to the campaign click on the "Home" page scroll down to the bottom of the page where you can contribute using our secure web-site.   Yes, there are expenses e.g. campaign signs, flyers, door hangers, gas, food, and many more -  Thank you in advance. 

    Best Wishes,



    July, 29 2022

    I want to stop and take a minute to "Thank You" for visiting the Web-Site and hope you're enjoying our dog Tank and the Boy's side of the Journey.  We know the battle is only just begun but with your help we can succeed.  From all of us Cara, myself, Tank, Slate & Moose 

    Thank You,

     Ron, Cara & and the Boy's





    July 21, 2022

    I know I've been saying this a lot but it's true we have been all over, it's been quite a ride.  Me and the boy's were not able to go to each event because it's been so hot outside.   It's so hot that when Ron or Cara open the door for us guy's to go outside, we hesitate.  But no issue, Ron and Cara make sure the air conditioner is on in the house before they leave.    We did hear that one of the fun events Ron was at was the Machine Gun Shoot - almost every one running for a public office was there.  It became a meet and greet.  Got-to-go they just drove up, we are hoping they brought left overs.   Remember to Vote this Fall, and to vote Ron Dunn NH State Representative.  If you would like to contribute to the campaign click on the "Home" page scroll down to the bottom of the page where you can contribute using our secure web-site.  Thank you in advance. 

    Best Wishes,


    July 16, 2022

    Maybe this is just me, but have you noticed Web-Sites changing?  Some sites when you scroll down the page, windows pop-up, while other windows fly away.  Pretty fancy.  I like a Web-Site that is not moving when you read it and when you scroll down or click on a different page.  It just feels sturdy, strong - like Ron and Cara I trust them to bring food and water for us boy's and let us outside every once and awhile.  Remember this at the voting polls Ron will work for you - this Fall vote Ron Dunn, NH State Representative.   And if you would like to donate to the campaign, we would sure appreciate it.  You can use the easy and secure payment method on the "Home Page" - scroll to the bottom of the page to find "Donate".  No windows will fly away or move.  Thank you for your support.

    Best Wishes,




    July 15, 2022

    It's been a busy few weeks - we've been all over visiting with people, making speeches, supporting the issues (see Issues Page) and going to dinners.  The last one I really like because me and boy's get left-overs.  Remember to vote Ron Dunn for NH State Representative this Fall.

    Best Wishes,








    July 3, 2022

    I was thinking the other day about what makes for a happy home.  And I came up with three areas that make me happy.  Dog bones, stepping outside every-so-often, and hugs from Ron and Cara.  Now me and the boys work hard at getting the last one; but it takes team work.  Did you know you're part of our team?  Yup, without you it's "I" did this and that" and not a "T" as in Team.  Ron and Cara are Team people.  Show your support and encourage us by dropping us a note. 


     Best Wishes,





    July 3, 2022

    What a week it's been.  We've been meeting voters through knocking on doors, attending meetings, Town Halls, and even in line at Dunkin' Donuts.   Wow, it's been exciting.  We were even at Manchester Firing Line giving our support for the 2nd Amendment.  Ron is doing his best to get out and about so you get to know him, why he is running for NH State Representative, and how effective he will be for you.  He is not only giving of his time but of his resources.  If you would like to donate to the campaign, we would sure appreciate it. 

    Happy Fourth Of July

    Best Wishes,





    July 1, 2022

    So, there  I was chewing over in my mind what makes the best connection with you, the voter e.g. should Ron and I knock on your door to introduce him or send you a post card.  Let me know what you think which you would prefer to receive by filling out the contact form.  Bye for now - much more later - we've been visiting with many famous people and going to many meetings I'll tell you about. HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! 

    Best Wishes,



    July 1, 2022

    Hello, my name is Moose.  I'm a Great Dane.  My brother Tank is a Bull Dog.  I'm always stumbling over him.  Can you tell the difference between us?  Let me know.  I'm working with Tank and our other brother, Slate, to get Ron elected this Fall as a NH State Representative.  Oh, wait my food dish is being moved.  I've got to go.  Check back with us often.  Tank will surely have more to say.   Happy Fourth Of July!   Stay Safe.

    Best Wishes,





    June 25, 2022

    If you were wondering what that noise was today it came from the many motorcycles driving through Londonderry.  The riders all support the "We Ride So They Can Fly".  See the "News" page for more information.   They rode through Londonderry on their way to Manchester to Deerhead Sportsmen Club, Hooksett NH.  I was not able to go with Ron and Cara this time because it was too hot outside.  Ron and Cara are great parents they keep an eye on the temperature outside so when it's a hot day my brothers and I stay home.  Where we have air conditioning.  It's great, especially when wearing a fur coat.  But I did hear all about the many motorcycles after Cara and Ron came home.  


    Best Wishes,



    June 23, 2022

    Just a quick note; Did you see the News Ron met Don Bolduc at a Londonderry Town Hall style meeting.  I told you we were going to meet famous people.  More later..... 

    Best Wishes,







    June 21, 2022

    It's official, Ron is running for NH State Representative.  That's Republican NH State Representative.  I was with him when he signed the paperwork.  It's very exciting, we're out talking with people about important issues like having clean water, supporting the Police and Fire Departments, dog bones, reducing taxes and more.  If you want to talk with Ron or me, I'm Tank, go to the Contact Page and send us an email. Bye for now.  But check back with us next week - I'll have exciting stories of where we've been and the famous people we met.  

    Best Wishes, 



    June 7, 2022

    Hello, my name is Tank.  I'm a five year old Bulldog.   I joined Ron's run for office because I believe in him.  He is trust worthy, loyal and feeds me on time which is important to me.  My life with Ron and Cara, who I love so much, has been wonderful, I get treats on time, drives around town and walks.  All of this and I don't do much but ask for a few pets from time to time.  Ron and Cara have supported me for sometime now so I believe it's my turn to help him.  

    Check back often because I have a lot to tell you.  Bye for now I hear my dish coming.  But remember to vote Ron Dunn, NH State Representative this Fall 2022.


    Best Wishes,



    HOUSE BILL 1524


    AN ACT relative to authorizing parents of special education children to observe in the classroom setting.







    Committee to Elect Ron Dunn
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